Robert Johns | 03 Sep, 2024
Fact checked by Jim Markus

10 Best JavaScript IDE & Code Editors [2024 Update]

In this article, I share my picks for the best JavaScript IDE in 2024.

In the fast-changing world of JavaScript, it’s fair to say that the best IDE for JavaScript can have a huge impact on your coding experience.

Whether you're experienced in JavaScript or a total beginner, JavaScript IDEs can boost your productivity, streamline your workflow, and make your coding more enjoyable.

What’s not to like?

But where do you start? Well, don’t worry, that’s why I’ve written this article.

Whether you want to prioritize a seamless debugging experience, advanced code completion, or extensive plugin support, there's a JavaScript IDE to meet your needs.

Let’s dive in.

What Are IDEs & Code Editors?

Whether you’re a college freshman taking your first JavaScript course or a principal developer at a major tech company, you need an IDE or a code editor to efficiently edit, read, and debug code, whether you're on Linux, Windows, or Mac.

But what is an IDE?

Great question. An Integrated Development Environment is a software package that facilitates code writing, testing, and debugging, all within a single application. For web developers, an IDE is a crucial tool to streamline the coding process and it's where you build your JavaScript projects!

To my mind, the most important thing to know about an IDE is that it increases your productivity by combining common developer tools such as software editing, building, testing, debugging, and packaging in one easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI).

And that's not to mention other helpful features, like code refactoring, code search, code auto-completion, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).

Moving on to the IDE's cousin, the code editor.

Sometimes mistaken for IDEs, the main difference is that IDEs provide more powerful tools to simplify the coding process. That said, popular code editors like Visual Studio Code have become so fully featured that it's hard to differentiate between the two!

So, to keep things simple, I'll be including both types of coding environments in this article.

The Role of AI in Modern IDEs

You've likely noticed that AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in the development world, whether that's JavaScript development or any other type of software development.

The best proof of this is the increasing inclusion and support for AI coding assistants in modern IDEs. This allows you to use the AI assistant as a pair programmer, whether that's with AI tools like GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, or TabNine.

If you're not yet familiar with these tools, they are insanely powerful, with the ability to auto-complete code or even generate entire functions based on natural language comments.

But why am I bringing this up?

Simple, when it comes to selecting your preferred web development IDE, I'd highly encourage you to consider not just your current needs but also future trends, and this means choosing an IDE that supports AI features that can set you up for long-term success.

Many of the options in my list offer this, with my top three picks, VSCode, WebStorm, and IntelliJ IDEA all offering support for a range of AI assistants.

Free Online JavaScript IDE

If you're just looking to test some code, you can use this online JavaScript compiler.

Try It Yourself »

Enter your code, then click "run" to see how it works. This can be especially helpful for web development projects with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, as it immediately shows your changes without having to install an IDE on your computer.

The 10 Best JavaScript IDEs In 2024

1. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio CodeDeveloped by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS, Visual Studio Code, commonly known as VS Code, it's without a doubt my personal favorite IDE, as not only is it well suited to JavaScript development, but it's also versatile enough to let me code in a range of languages for various projects.

And before you say anything, yes, you're right; it's actually a code editor, not an IDE! But for most web developers, this distinction is probably not very important in 2024, as it's so richly featured that you likely wouldn't notice the difference.

As a free and open-source editor licensed under the MIT License, VS Code supports a broad spectrum of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular JS frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

I also like that VSCode strikes a balance between functionality and performance, offering a suite of features tailored for web developers, including a range of VSCode themes to add your own personality to your coding environment.

These include real-time HTML and CSS editing, JavaScript debugging, responsive design testing tools, and built-in Git support for version control.

For those seeking a versatile, efficient, and customizable web development environment, VS Code stands out. Its popularity among developers is bolstered by its compatibility with AI coding assistants like GitHub Copilot, enhancing coding efficiency and accuracy.

The heart of VS Code lies in its extension-based architecture. The editor is inherently lightweight, with the flexibility to expand its capabilities through an extensive library of over 30,000 VSCode extensions. This modularity allows for a highly personalized development environment.


  • Seamless integration with a wide array of web development tools and languages.
  • Extensive library of extensions, enabling customization to suit individual workflow needs.
  • Integrated terminal and debugging tools streamline the development process.


  • The sheer volume of available extensions can make initial setup and customization daunting for new users.
  • Some users might find the need to rely on multiple extensions for comprehensive functionality cumbersome.

2. WebStorm

WebStormI'll point it out now, but there are going to be a few products from JetBrains on this list of JavaScript IDEs! But what can I say? They make great IDEs! And WebStorm is one that firmly deserves the second position on my list, particularly for developers who focus on JavaScript and its ecosystem.

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, Webstorm was designed specifically for modern JavaScript development, with support for frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, and Node.js.

This makes it an ideal cross-platform IDE to use if you're thinking of taking a JavaScript course or you're just starting out with JS.

One of the standout features of WebStorm for me is its deep code understanding, with intelligent code completion, navigation, and refactoring for JavaScript. It also covers TypeScript, stylesheet languages, and the most popular JS frameworks.

Trust me, this level of code intelligence can significantly enhance your productivity and code quality.

WebStorm also excels in debugging, as the built-in tools make it simple to diagnose and fix issues in my code. This can be great if you need to debug Node.js apps and client-side code.

Something else I really like is the seamless integration with tools like Git, GitHub, and test runners, as it makes it much easier for me to take care of version control and testing with large-scale projects.

If you're a developer who's invested in the JavaScript ecosystem, WebStorm is an excellent choice whether you're working on front-end projects, server-side applications, or full-stack development.


  • Tailored for JavaScript development, providing optimized support for the language and its frameworks.
  • Intelligent code assistance and analysis tools enhance coding efficiency and maintainability.
  • Powerful built-in tools for debugging, version control, and testing offer a comprehensive development experience.


  • As a specialized IDE for JavaScript, it requires a paid subscription for continued use.
  • The focus on JavaScript and related technologies might limit its appeal for developers looking for broader language support.
  • Some users may find the interface and plethora of features overwhelming, especially those new to development or preferring simpler setups.

3. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEAThe next entry on my list from JetBrains is IntelliJ IDEA. Sure, you might be most familiar with this as a Java IDE, but hear me out, as it's also a strong choice for JavaScript development.

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, IDEA is renowned for its effectiveness in handling many programming languages, including crucial choices for web development like Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Offering both a Community version and an Ultimate edition, IntelliJ IDEA is a great choice whatever your development needs.

The Ultimate Edition, in particular, is a powerhouse with advanced support for web frameworks, application servers, and database tools, making it an excellent choice for full-stack web development.

One of the things I particularly like about IntelliJ IDEA is its intelligent coding assistance. It goes beyond basic code completion by understanding the nuances of code structures and offering relevant suggestions that improve both the speed and quality of my coding.

Trust me, this is a significant time-saver, especially when working with complex Java projects and web development projects.

Of course, you also get built-in tools for debugging, testing, and version control to help simplify the process of developing, maintaining, and deploying web applications. Plus, IntelliJ IDEA's seamless integration with popular automation tools and CI/CD pipelines further enhances its appeal to professional developers.

Finally, IDEA's integration with front-end technologies and frameworks means you can efficiently work on server-side and client-side code within a single environment. This is really handy.


  • Robust support for a wide range of programming languages and web technologies.
  • Advanced coding assistance and refactoring capabilities streamline the development process.
  • Integrated debugging, testing, and version control tools offer a comprehensive development experience.


  1. The Ultimate Edition, offering the most extensive features, is a paid product.
  2. There are reports that it can be resource-hungry, which might slow down performance on older machines.
  3. The abundance of features and options might be overwhelming for beginners or those who prefer a simpler development environment.

4. Sublime Text

Sublime TextSublime Text Editor is one of those tools that I always keep in my development toolkit, which is why it's earned its place as the fifth entry on my list.

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, Sublime Text is a sophisticated source code editor renowned for its speed and efficiency. It also supports a wide range of web technologies, which is great for HTML projects, CSS, and JavaScript.

What I particularly appreciate about Sublime Text is its user-centric design. It's incredibly lightweight and fast, reducing the time spent waiting for the editor to respond, which is a significant advantage when working on larger projects.

The interface is clean and uncluttered, providing a distraction-free environment that enhances focus and productivity.

Sublime Text's features, such as the "Goto Anything" function, multiple selections, and powerful search capabilities, greatly streamline the coding process. These tools allow quick navigation and editing, making the workflow more efficient.

Moreover, while it doesn’t have an extensive built-in library like VS Code, Sublime Text’s functionality can be extended through a variety of plugins.

And by using Package Control, the package manager for Sublime Text, you get access to thousands of plugins, themes, and color schemes, which can significantly enhance the development experience.


  • Exceptional performance, with a focus on speed and efficiency.
  • Clean, minimalist interface that reduces distractions and enhances focus.
  • Highly customizable through plugins, allowing for a tailored development environment.


  • The necessity of purchasing a license for continuous, uninterrupted use.
  • Limited built-in features compared to some other editors, relying more on plugins for extended functionality.
  • The initial learning curve involved in setting up and customizing with plugins.

6. Brackets

BracketsDeveloped by Adobe, Brackets is another excellent tool for front-end developers and web designers, as it's a lightweight yet powerful, open-source text editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Brackets is particularly well-known for its focus on visual tools and preprocessor support, making it great if you prioritize design and visual elements in web development.

One of my favorite features of Brackets is the live preview functionality. This is great for seeing changes in your browser in real-time as you code. It's also really beneficial for CSS editing, as you can see how your styles affect the layout without leaving the editor or refreshing the page.

Another plus point for Brackets is its focus on modern web development since it comes with built-in support for popular preprocessors like SCSS and LESS for modern web development workflows.

Plus, if you're heavily invested in the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem, Brackets' integration with these services can be a huge bonus.

I also appreciate Brackets' clean and intuitive user interface, which makes it accessible for beginners yet robust enough for advanced users thanks to support for extensions that allow you to expand its functionality to suit your development needs.

If you're a web developer or designer who tends to focus on front-end development and value real-time visual feedback, Brackets is a great choice.


  • Live preview feature enables real-time browser view, which is highly beneficial for CSS and HTML development.
  • Strong preprocessor support, catering well to modern web development practices.
  • Intuitive interface, suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.


  • While powerful for front-end development, it might lack some features needed for more complex or back-end focused tasks.
  • The range of extensions is somewhat limited compared to other editors like Visual Studio Code.
  • As a product from Adobe, there may be concerns about long-term support and updates, especially after Adobe's decision to sunset other products.


6. AWS Cloud9

AWS Cloud9For my fellow AWS cloud users and developers who prefer working in a cloud environment, I had to include Cloud9 as the sixth choice on my list.

If you're new to AWS Cloud9, it's a cloud-based IDE provided by Amazon Web Services, and it supports a wide range of programming languages, including the usual suspects for web development like JavaScript, Python, PHP, and more.

And, of course, being an AWS product, it also has built-in integration for its AI coding assistant, Amazon CodeWhisperer, which is the AWS alternative to GitHub Copilot.

Naturally, the defining feature of AWS Cloud9 is that it's cloud-based. This means you can write, run, and debug your code directly in the cloud, which can be a game-changer for collaboration and remote work.

Yep, you don’t need to worry about setting up and maintaining a local development environment, as Cloud9 provides a ready-to-use coding platform that can be accessed from anywhere. I guess this is an analog for the benefits of cloud technology in general, but still, it's very cool.

I find the built-in terminal in AWS Cloud9 particularly useful, as it allows direct access to AWS services and resources. This seamless integration with the AWS ecosystem makes it an ideal choice for projects that are deployed on AWS infrastructure.

Another advantage of Cloud9 is its collaborative capabilities. It allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, seeing each other's inputs in real-time.

I really like this feature, as it enhances teamwork and makes pair programming or mentoring much more efficient.

Overall, if you're a developer who's deeply integrated into the AWS ecosystem or you prefer the flexibility of a cloud-based development environment, AWS Cloud9 is a great option that I highly recommend!


  • Fully cloud-based, offering flexibility and ease of access from any location.
  • Direct integration with AWS services, streamlining the development and deployment process for AWS-based projects.
  • Real-time collaboration features enhance team productivity and remote work capabilities.


  • Being cloud-based, it requires a consistent internet connection, which could be a limitation in areas with poor connectivity.
  • It may not offer as deep an integration with non-AWS services or tools, which could be a limitation for projects not hosted on AWS.
  • The interface and functionalities might feel different from traditional desktop IDEs, which could require an adjustment period for some developers.

7. NetBeans

NetBeansOccupying the seventh slot on my list of JavaScript IDEs is NetBeans.

Also available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, NetBeans supports a wide array of programming languages, including JavaScript (of course!), Java, PHP,  HTML, CSS, and others, making it a solid choice for web development.

One of the things I like the most about NetBeans is its comprehensive support for Java, which includes convenient features like code templates, refactoring, and a robust debugger. That's why it's one of my top 3 Java IDEs after all!

But still, these features make it an excellent option for Java-based web applications, especially when working with JavaServer Pages (JSP) and servlets.

NetBeans also stands out for its ease of use and intuitive interface, which is great for beginners and experienced developers alike. It also offers a smooth experience from the jump, as it's simple to set up projects and deploy applications.

You also get the added benefits of project management tools and integrated Git support to streamline your development process. What's not to like?

Another plus point in my book is the built-in support for frameworks like AngularJS, Node.js, and jQuery for front-end development, as well as PHP frameworks for server-side development.

This versatility is a significant advantage for full-stack developers who work across various technologies.

Overall, if you're a web developer who's looking for a free, open-source IDE with broad language support and a focus on Java, NetBeans is an excellent choice.


  • Broad language support caters to a wide range of web development projects.
  • User-friendly interface and project management tools make it accessible to developers of all skill levels.
  • Integrated tools for coding, debugging, and version control provide a comprehensive development environment.


  • While versatile, it might not offer as deep integration with certain languages or frameworks as more specialized IDEs.
  • The interface and features might feel a bit dated compared to other modern IDEs.
  • It can be resource-intensive, which might affect performance on older or less powerful machines.

9. Eclipse

EclipseOriginally known for its strong Java support, Eclipse has evolved through a wide range of plugins to become a formidable tool for web development, supporting languages such as JavaScript, PHP, and HTML/CSS.

It's also another versatile and open-source IDE that's available for Windows, Linux, and macOS,

One of my favorite features of Eclipse is its extensibility. With a vast ecosystem of plugins available for Eclipse, it's easy to customize it to suit almost all of my development needs, including various web technologies and frameworks.

It's also really nice that Eclipse has such strong community support. Being one of the older and more established IDEs, the large and active community contributes to a wealth of resources, guides, and third-party plugins.


  • Highly customizable with a vast ecosystem of plugins for different web technologies.
  • Large and active community, providing extensive resources and support.


  • The interface and usability might feel less modern compared to newer IDEs.
  • Setting up and configuring Eclipse with the necessary plugins for web development can be complex and time-consuming.
  • The abundance of features and options, along with the need for plugin management, can be overwhelming for new users or those seeking a more streamlined experience.

9. Atom by GitHub (Now Sunsetted)

AtomNow, before we get started with Atom, I have to point out that it's now been officially sunsetted by GitHub. For me personally, this was sad news, as I've spent many hours happily coding inside the Atom editor.

But, despite this, I think it's only fair to include this open-source text editor from GitHub at the ninth spot on my list, as it's still widely used, even if it's no longer being actively developed or maintained.

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, Atom is well-liked for its customizable nature and user-friendly interface., not to mention its support for a wide range of programming languages for web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

One of the features I appreciated most about Atom was its modularity. This allowed extensive customization through add-ons and themes, which could transform the editor to suit a wide variety of development needs. I think many other developers also appreciated this flexibility as it lets them tailor their coding environment.

Another notable aspect of Atom is the built-in package manager, as this made it easy to find and install new packages directly within the editor.

Of course, with the sunset having already occurred, your experience with Atom may vary, and I'd probably encourage you to explore alternatives like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text, as these offer similar features and are actively maintained.


  • Highly customizable with a wide range of packages and themes.
  • User-friendly interface that was accessible to developers at all skill levels.
  • Strong community support, with a vast array of community-developed packages enhancing its functionality.


  • With the sunset of Atom, there are no further updates or official support, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues over time.
  • It could be resource-intensive, especially with multiple packages installed.
  • As a sunsetted product, new users might find limited utility in adopting it for long-term projects.

10. Komodo Edit

Komodo EditDeveloped by ActiveState, Komodo Edit is a versatile and user-friendly code editor that's also suitable for web development.

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, Komodo Edit supports various programming languages for web development, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

One of the features I really like about Komodo Edit is its simplicity combined with essential functionalities.

For sure, it's much less complex than a full-fledged IDE like some of the others on my list, but this also makes it a great choice for beginners or developers who prefer a more straightforward, lightweight editor.

But don't be fooled; despite its simplicity, it also offers key features like syntax highlighting, code folding, and auto-completion, which are all essential for efficient coding.

Another strong point of Komodo Edit is its extensibility, as it supports add-ons and macros, which allow you to enhance its functionality based on your development needs. I find that this customization can be particularly useful for tailoring the editor to specific web development workflows.

Overall, Komodo Edit is a solid choice for web developers who want a straightforward, efficient, and customizable code editor.


  • Lightweight and easy to use, making it accessible for beginners and efficient for experienced developers.
  • Extensible with add-ons, allowing for customization to fit specific development needs.
  • Support for multiple programming languages, catering to a wide range of web development tasks.


  • While powerful, it lacks some of the advanced features and integrations found in more robust IDEs.
  • The community and plugin ecosystem might not be as extensive as more popular editors like Visual Studio Code or Sublime.
  • Some advanced features may require upgrading to Komodo IDE, which is a paid version with more extensive functionalities.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it! The 10 best JavaScript IDEs available in 2024, including JavaScript IDEs for experienced developers and total beginners.

Whether you’re looking for professional JavaScript IDEs, lightweight code editors, or simple JavaScript IDEs to help you learn, there’s something for you on our list.

What do you think? What's your favorite JavaScript IDE? Let us know in the comments, and as always, happy coding!

Are you excited to try out a new JavaScript IDE but not sure if you have the JS skills? Check out:

Udemy's Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert


By Robert Johns

Technical Editor for | 15+ Years in Python, Java, SQL, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, .NET, MATLAB, HTML & CSS, and more... 10+ Years in Networking, Cloud, APIs, Linux | 5+ Years in Data Science | 2x PhDs in Structural & Blast Engineering

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