Robert Johns | 18 Feb, 2025
Fact checked by Jim Markus

Build a Python Password Strength Checker (Step-by-Step)

Want to create a robust Python password strength checker to analyze password security? This project will guide you through building a command-line tool that evaluates the strength of a password based on entropy, length, and character diversity.

What You Will Learn:

- Understanding password strength evaluation
- Using entropy for password security analysis
- Implementing getpass for secure password input
- Validating user input and character diversity
- Creating a loop for multiple checks

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

Before we start coding, let’s set up our Python project:

1. Make sure Python is installed on your computer. If not, download it from the official Python website.
2. Open your favorite code editor or IDE.
3. Create a new Python file, for example,

Great, now, let's dive head first into our Python editor to get this build started.

Step 2: Understanding How the Password Strength Checker Works

Our program will:

  • Prompt the user to enter a password securely using getpass.
  • Evaluate the password’s strength based on length, character variety, and entropy.
  • Provide feedback on password quality and improvements.
  • Allow the user to check multiple passwords in a loop until they decide to exit.

Step 3: Importing Required Modules

We need three Python modules:

import random  # For generating random numbers
import os  # To clear the screen

Why Do We Use These Modules?

  • string → Provides predefined character sets (lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters).

  • getpass → Allows secure password entry without displaying it on the screen.

  • math → Used to calculate password entropy for strength evaluation.

Now that we have our required modules, let's move on to defining our functions.

Step 4: Implementing Password Entropy Calculation

Let's start by writing the core password evaluation functions.

MIN_LENGTH = 8  # Minimum recommended password length

def calculate_entropy(password):
    """Calculates entropy based on character diversity and length."""
    charset_size = 0
    if any(c in string.ascii_lowercase for c in password):
        charset_size += 26
    if any(c in string.ascii_uppercase for c in password):
        charset_size += 26
    if any(c in string.digits for c in password):
        charset_size += 10
    if any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):
        charset_size += len(string.punctuation)
    if any(c.isspace() for c in password):
        charset_size += 1
    return len(password) * math.log2(charset_size) if charset_size else 0

How It Works:

  • Identifies character diversity by checking if the password contains lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters, or spaces.

  • Uses entropy calculation to determine password strength using the formula entropy = length * log2(character_set_size).

  • Higher entropy = stronger password, making it harder for attackers to guess.

Why Do We Use Entropy?

Entropy is a scientific measure of password strength. Instead of just checking if a password contains numbers or symbols, entropy estimates how unpredictable a password is:

  • Higher entropy → More combinations → Harder to crack.

  • Lower entropy → Easier to guess → Weaker security.

By using entropy-based evaluation, we provide a better security analysis rather than just counting characters.

Now that we have password entropy in place, let’s proceed to evaluating password strength and user feedback.

Step 5: Checking Password Strength

Now, let's implement the function that analyzes password strength and provides feedback:

def check_password_strength():
    """Evaluates password strength based on entropy and diversity."""
    password = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
    if len(password) < MIN_LENGTH:
        print(f"⚠️ Your password is too short! It must be at least {MIN_LENGTH} characters.")

    lower_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_lowercase)
    upper_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_uppercase)
    num_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.digits)
    special_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.punctuation)
    wspace_count = sum(1 for c in password if c.isspace())
    entropy = calculate_entropy(password)
    # Classifying password strength
    if entropy < 28:
        remarks = "⚠️ Very Weak: Easily guessable! Change it immediately."
    elif entropy < 36:
        remarks = "⚠️ Weak: Can be cracked quickly. Use a stronger password."
    elif entropy < 60:
        remarks = "✅ Moderate: Decent password, but can still be improved."
    elif entropy < 80:
        remarks = "✅ Strong: Hard to guess, but consider making it longer."
        remarks = "✅ Very Strong: Excellent password! Highly secure."
    # Display password analysis
    print("\n🔎 Password Analysis:")
    print(f"🔹 {lower_count} lowercase letters")
    print(f"🔹 {upper_count} uppercase letters")
    print(f"🔹 {num_count} digits")
    print(f"🔹 {special_count} special characters")
    print(f"🔹 {wspace_count} whitespace characters")
    print(f"🔹 Entropy Score: {entropy:.2f} bits")
    print(f"🔹 Remarks: {remarks}\n")

How It Works:

  • Analyzes password diversity by counting lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters, and whitespace.

  • Uses entropy score to classify the strength of the password.

  • Provides clear feedback on how secure the password is via various Python f-strings.

By implementing this analysis, users get a comprehensive breakdown of their password’s security level.

Now that we can evaluate password strength, let’s move on to looping the process for multiple checks.

Step 6: Looping for Multiple Checks

To allow users to check multiple passwords, we add a while loop:

def check_another_password():
    """Asks the user if they want to check another password."""
    while True:
        choice = input("🔄 Do you want to check another password? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
        if choice == 'y':
            return True
        elif choice == 'n':
            print("👋 Exiting... Stay secure!")
            return False
            print("⚠️ Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")

How It Works:

  • Continuously prompts users to check another password.

  • Ensures only valid responses (y for yes, n for no) are accepted.

  • Provides a smooth user experience by keeping the program interactive.

By implementing this, users can evaluate multiple passwords in a single session.

Now that we have an interactive password checker, let’s move on to finalizing the program execution.

Step 7: Running the Program

Finally, we ensure the script runs correctly when executed:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("===== 🔑 Welcome to Password Strength Checker 🔑 =====")
    while check_another_password():

Why Is This Needed?

  • Ensures the script runs only when executed directly.

  • Prevents unintended execution when imported as a module.

  • Creates a structured workflow that loops through password checks.

By using this structure, we keep the program organized, user-friendly, and maintainable. Now, your password strength checker is fully functional and ready to use.

Final Code: Password Strength Checker

import string  # For checking character diversity
import getpass  # For secure password input
import math  # For entropy calculation

# Minimum recommended password length

def calculate_entropy(password):
    """Calculates entropy based on character diversity and length."""
    charset_size = 0
    if any(c in string.ascii_lowercase for c in password):
        charset_size += 26
    if any(c in string.ascii_uppercase for c in password):
        charset_size += 26
    if any(c in string.digits for c in password):
        charset_size += 10
    if any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):
        charset_size += len(string.punctuation)
    if any(c.isspace() for c in password):
        charset_size += 1
    return len(password) * math.log2(charset_size) if charset_size else 0

def check_password_strength():
    """Evaluates password strength based on entropy and diversity."""
    password = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
    if len(password) < MIN_LENGTH:
        print(f"⚠️ Your password is too short! It must be at least {MIN_LENGTH} characters.")

    lower_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_lowercase)
    upper_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_uppercase)
    num_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.digits)
    special_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.punctuation)
    wspace_count = sum(1 for c in password if c.isspace())
    entropy = calculate_entropy(password)
    # Classifying password strength
    if entropy < 28:
        remarks = "⚠️ Very Weak: Easily guessable! Change it immediately."
    elif entropy < 36:
        remarks = "⚠️ Weak: Can be cracked quickly. Use a stronger password."
    elif entropy < 60:
        remarks = "✅ Moderate: Decent password, but can still be improved."
    elif entropy < 80:
        remarks = "✅ Strong: Hard to guess, but consider making it longer."
        remarks = "✅ Very Strong: Excellent password! Highly secure."
    # Display password analysis
    print("\n🔎 Password Analysis:")
    print(f"🔹 {lower_count} lowercase letters")
    print(f"🔹 {upper_count} uppercase letters")
    print(f"🔹 {num_count} digits")
    print(f"🔹 {special_count} special characters")
    print(f"🔹 {wspace_count} whitespace characters")
    print(f"🔹 Entropy Score: {entropy:.2f} bits")
    print(f"🔹 Remarks: {remarks}\n")

def check_another_password():
    """Asks the user if they want to check another password."""
    while True:
        choice = input("🔄 Do you want to check another password? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
        if choice == 'y':
            return True
        elif choice == 'n':
            print("👋 Exiting... Stay secure!")
            return False
            print("⚠️ Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("===== 🔑 Welcome to Password Strength Checker 🔑 =====")
    while check_another_password():

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! You’ve built a fully functional Password Strength Checker in Python.

What You Learned:

- Password entropy calculation
- Validating password length and diversity
- Secure password input using getpass
- Continuous password checks with a loop

Next Steps:

- Add a password breach check using HaveIBeenPwned API.
- Suggest stronger passphrase alternatives if a password is weak.
- Build a GUI version using Tkinter or PyQt.

The best way to learn is by building projects, so keep coding!

By Robert Johns

Technical Editor for | 15+ Years in Python, Java, SQL, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, .NET, MATLAB, HTML & CSS, and more... 10+ Years in Networking, Cloud, APIs, Linux | 5+ Years in Data Science | 2x PhDs in Structural & Blast Engineering

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