Want to create a robust Python password strength checker to analyze password security? This project will guide you through building a command-line tool that evaluates the strength of a password based on entropy, length, and character diversity.
What You Will Learn:
- Understanding password strength evaluation
- Using entropy for password security analysis
- Implementing getpass for secure password input
- Validating user input and character diversity
- Creating a loop for multiple checks
Step 1: Setting Up the Project
Before we start coding, let’s set up our Python project:
1. Make sure Python is installed on your computer. If not, download it from the official Python website.
2. Open your favorite code editor or IDE.
3. Create a new Python file, for example, password_checker.py
Great, now, let's dive head first into our Python editor to get this build started.
Step 2: Understanding How the Password Strength Checker Works
Our program will:
- Prompt the user to enter a password securely using
. - Evaluate the password’s strength based on length, character variety, and entropy.
- Provide feedback on password quality and improvements.
- Allow the user to check multiple passwords in a loop until they decide to exit.
Step 3: Importing Required Modules
We need three Python modules:
import random # For generating random numbers
import os # To clear the screen
Why Do We Use These Modules?
string → Provides predefined character sets (lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters).
getpass → Allows secure password entry without displaying it on the screen.
math → Used to calculate password entropy for strength evaluation.
Now that we have our required modules, let's move on to defining our functions.
Step 4: Implementing Password Entropy Calculation
Let's start by writing the core password evaluation functions.
MIN_LENGTH = 8 # Minimum recommended password length
def calculate_entropy(password):
"""Calculates entropy based on character diversity and length."""
charset_size = 0
if any(c in string.ascii_lowercase for c in password):
charset_size += 26
if any(c in string.ascii_uppercase for c in password):
charset_size += 26
if any(c in string.digits for c in password):
charset_size += 10
if any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):
charset_size += len(string.punctuation)
if any(c.isspace() for c in password):
charset_size += 1
return len(password) * math.log2(charset_size) if charset_size else 0
How It Works:
Identifies character diversity by checking if the password contains lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters, or spaces.
Uses entropy calculation to determine password strength using the formula
entropy = length * log2(character_set_size)
. -
Higher entropy = stronger password, making it harder for attackers to guess.
Why Do We Use Entropy?
Entropy is a scientific measure of password strength. Instead of just checking if a password contains numbers or symbols, entropy estimates how unpredictable a password is:
Higher entropy → More combinations → Harder to crack.
Lower entropy → Easier to guess → Weaker security.
By using entropy-based evaluation, we provide a better security analysis rather than just counting characters.
Now that we have password entropy in place, let’s proceed to evaluating password strength and user feedback.
Step 5: Checking Password Strength
Now, let's implement the function that analyzes password strength and provides feedback:
def check_password_strength():
"""Evaluates password strength based on entropy and diversity."""
password = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
if len(password) < MIN_LENGTH:
print(f"⚠️ Your password is too short! It must be at least {MIN_LENGTH} characters.")
lower_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_lowercase)
upper_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_uppercase)
num_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.digits)
special_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.punctuation)
wspace_count = sum(1 for c in password if c.isspace())
entropy = calculate_entropy(password)
# Classifying password strength
if entropy < 28:
remarks = "⚠️ Very Weak: Easily guessable! Change it immediately."
elif entropy < 36:
remarks = "⚠️ Weak: Can be cracked quickly. Use a stronger password."
elif entropy < 60:
remarks = "✅ Moderate: Decent password, but can still be improved."
elif entropy < 80:
remarks = "✅ Strong: Hard to guess, but consider making it longer."
remarks = "✅ Very Strong: Excellent password! Highly secure."
# Display password analysis
print("\n🔎 Password Analysis:")
print(f"🔹 {lower_count} lowercase letters")
print(f"🔹 {upper_count} uppercase letters")
print(f"🔹 {num_count} digits")
print(f"🔹 {special_count} special characters")
print(f"🔹 {wspace_count} whitespace characters")
print(f"🔹 Entropy Score: {entropy:.2f} bits")
print(f"🔹 Remarks: {remarks}\n")
How It Works:
Analyzes password diversity by counting lowercase, uppercase, digits, special characters, and whitespace.
Uses entropy score to classify the strength of the password.
Provides clear feedback on how secure the password is via various Python f-strings.
By implementing this analysis, users get a comprehensive breakdown of their password’s security level.
Now that we can evaluate password strength, let’s move on to looping the process for multiple checks.
Step 6: Looping for Multiple Checks
To allow users to check multiple passwords, we add a while loop:
def check_another_password():
"""Asks the user if they want to check another password."""
while True:
choice = input("🔄 Do you want to check another password? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if choice == 'y':
return True
elif choice == 'n':
print("👋 Exiting... Stay secure!")
return False
print("⚠️ Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")
How It Works:
Continuously prompts users to check another password.
Ensures only valid responses (
for yes,n
for no) are accepted. -
Provides a smooth user experience by keeping the program interactive.
By implementing this, users can evaluate multiple passwords in a single session.
Now that we have an interactive password checker, let’s move on to finalizing the program execution.
Step 7: Running the Program
Finally, we ensure the script runs correctly when executed:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("===== 🔑 Welcome to Password Strength Checker 🔑 =====")
while check_another_password():
Why Is This Needed?
Ensures the script runs only when executed directly.
Prevents unintended execution when imported as a module.
Creates a structured workflow that loops through password checks.
By using this structure, we keep the program organized, user-friendly, and maintainable. Now, your password strength checker is fully functional and ready to use.
Final Code: Password Strength Checker
import string # For checking character diversity
import getpass # For secure password input
import math # For entropy calculation
# Minimum recommended password length
def calculate_entropy(password):
"""Calculates entropy based on character diversity and length."""
charset_size = 0
if any(c in string.ascii_lowercase for c in password):
charset_size += 26
if any(c in string.ascii_uppercase for c in password):
charset_size += 26
if any(c in string.digits for c in password):
charset_size += 10
if any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):
charset_size += len(string.punctuation)
if any(c.isspace() for c in password):
charset_size += 1
return len(password) * math.log2(charset_size) if charset_size else 0
def check_password_strength():
"""Evaluates password strength based on entropy and diversity."""
password = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
if len(password) < MIN_LENGTH:
print(f"⚠️ Your password is too short! It must be at least {MIN_LENGTH} characters.")
lower_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_lowercase)
upper_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.ascii_uppercase)
num_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.digits)
special_count = sum(1 for c in password if c in string.punctuation)
wspace_count = sum(1 for c in password if c.isspace())
entropy = calculate_entropy(password)
# Classifying password strength
if entropy < 28:
remarks = "⚠️ Very Weak: Easily guessable! Change it immediately."
elif entropy < 36:
remarks = "⚠️ Weak: Can be cracked quickly. Use a stronger password."
elif entropy < 60:
remarks = "✅ Moderate: Decent password, but can still be improved."
elif entropy < 80:
remarks = "✅ Strong: Hard to guess, but consider making it longer."
remarks = "✅ Very Strong: Excellent password! Highly secure."
# Display password analysis
print("\n🔎 Password Analysis:")
print(f"🔹 {lower_count} lowercase letters")
print(f"🔹 {upper_count} uppercase letters")
print(f"🔹 {num_count} digits")
print(f"🔹 {special_count} special characters")
print(f"🔹 {wspace_count} whitespace characters")
print(f"🔹 Entropy Score: {entropy:.2f} bits")
print(f"🔹 Remarks: {remarks}\n")
def check_another_password():
"""Asks the user if they want to check another password."""
while True:
choice = input("🔄 Do you want to check another password? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
if choice == 'y':
return True
elif choice == 'n':
print("👋 Exiting... Stay secure!")
return False
print("⚠️ Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("===== 🔑 Welcome to Password Strength Checker 🔑 =====")
while check_another_password():
Wrapping Up
Congratulations! You’ve built a fully functional Password Strength Checker in Python.
What You Learned:
- Password entropy calculation
- Validating password length and diversity
- Secure password input using getpass
- Continuous password checks with a loop
Next Steps:
- Add a password breach check using HaveIBeenPwned API.
- Suggest stronger passphrase alternatives if a password is weak.
- Build a GUI version using Tkinter or PyQt.
The best way to learn is by building projects, so keep coding!