Robert Johns | 11 Feb, 2025
Fact checked by Jim Markus

How to Build Your First GUI with Tkinter & Python

If you’ve ever wanted to create desktop applications with Python, Tkinter is one of the easiest ways to get started. As Python’s standard GUI library, Tkinter makes it simple to design and build interactive graphical interfaces.

In this tutorial, I’ll walk through the basics of Tkinter, creating a simple app with labels, text fields, and buttons, while explaining the foundational concepts you need to know.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have your first functional Tkinter app and a solid understanding of how to expand these skills for more complex projects.

What is Tkinter?

Tkinter is Python’s built-in library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It allows developers to build windows, dialogs, buttons, text fields, and much more. Since it comes pre-installed with Python, there’s no need for extra installation—you can jump right in.

Here are the three key concepts of Tkinter:

1. The Main Window: The primary application window where all widgets are placed.
2. Widgets: Elements such as labels, buttons, and text fields that allow user interaction.
3. Event Loop: A mechanism that keeps the application running and listens for user inputs (e.g., button clicks).

Setting Up Your First Tkinter App

Want to turn some relatively simple code from your Python project into an app like I've shown below? Well, you can, and it's not as hard as you might think.

Turn Python code into a GUI with tkinter

That said, I think the best way to learn how to do this is to dive in and code a basic Tkinter application with me.

So, open your Python editor or IDE and then simply follow the steps below to create a Python project with a graphical user interface.

Step 1: Creating a Python File & Importing Tkinter

First, create a new Python file and name it something like Then, at the top of your file, import Tkinter using the following code:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

We use import tkinter as tk to make the code shorter and more readable. The messagebox module is imported separately to display pop-up dialogs.

Step 2: Creating the Main Window

Next, we need to initialize the main application window, and this is a fairly repeatable step that you'll need for all tkinter apps.

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Basic Tkinter App")

There are a few aspects to unpack here, so let's figure out what each line does:
- tk.Tk(): Creates the main application window.
- title(): Sets the title of the window.
- geometry(): Defines the size of the window in pixels (width x height).
- configure(): Allows customization of the window, such as setting the background color.

Step 3: Adding Widgets

Widgets are the building blocks of your GUI. Let's get our feet wet by adding a label, a text field, and buttons to our app.

Adding a Label

A label is used to display text in the application:

label = tk.Label(
    text="Welcome to Tkinter!",
    font=("Arial", 16, "bold"),

Let’s break down what’s happening here:

  • tk.Label(): Creates a label widget. The root parameter indicates that this label is part of the main application window.
  • text: The text to display in the label.
  • font: Specifies the font type, size, and style (e.g., bold).
  • bg: Sets the background color of the label.
  • fg: Sets the text (foreground) color.
  • pack(): Places the widget in the window. The pady parameter adds vertical padding around the label to create spacing.

Why Do We Pass root?

You might be wondering why we pass the root object as an argument to widgets.

Well, in Tkinter, widgets need to know which window or container they belong to. Passing root ensures that each widget is associated with the main application window. Without this parameter, the widget wouldn’t be displayed in the app.

Adding a Text Field

An entry widget allows users to input text like any standard text field you've encountered:

text_field = tk.Entry(root, font=("Arial", 14), width=25)

Let's break down what we've done here:

  • tk.Entry(): Creates a single-line text input field. The root parameter ensures it’s part of the main application window.
  • font: Specifies the font type and size for the text entered in the field.
  • width: Determines the number of characters visible in the field.
  • pack(): Places the widget in the window and adds vertical padding.

Adding Buttons

Buttons let users trigger actions in the app. We've all used them before, so here’s how to add a submit button:

def submit_action():
    user_input = text_field.get()
    if user_input.strip():
        messagebox.showinfo("Input Received", f"You entered: {user_input}")
        messagebox.showwarning("No Input", "Please enter something!")

submit_button = tk.Button(
    font=("Arial", 12),

Let’s break it down:

  • tk.Button(): Creates a button widget. The root parameter places it in the main application window.
  • text: The label displayed on the button.
  • font: Sets the font type and size.
  • bg: Sets the button’s background color.
  • fg: Sets the button’s text (foreground) color.
  • command: Links the button to the submit_action function. When clicked, this function retrieves text from the entry field using .get(), checks if it’s empty, and shows a corresponding message.
  • pack(): Places the button in the window with vertical padding.

Finally, let’s also add a quit button:

quit_button = tk.Button(
    font=("Arial", 12),

Here’s what each parameter does:

  • text: Specifies the label on the button.
  • command: Links the button to root.quit, which ends the application when clicked.
  • bg and fg: Customizes the button’s background and text colors.
  • pack(): Places the button in the window with vertical padding.

Step 4: Running the App

To run the app, you need to include the following block of code at the end of your script:


This starts Tkinter’s event loop, which keeps the app running and responsive. Then, simply run your Python script to reveal an app window like I've shown below.

Successful creation of a Python GUI with tkinter

Using Object-Oriented Programming with Tkinter

For larger applications, organizing your code with OOP is a best practice. If you're new to Python and unfamiliar with OOP, you may want to come back to this later. Otherwise, here's how to refactor our app using a class:

class BasicApp:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.root.title("Basic Tkinter App")

    def create_widgets(self):
        self.label = tk.Label(
            self.root, text="Welcome to Tkinter!", font=("Arial", 16, "bold"), bg="#f4f4f4", fg="#333"

        self.text_field = tk.Entry(self.root, font=("Arial", 14), width=25)

        self.submit_button = tk.Button(
            font=("Arial", 12),

        self.quit_button = tk.Button(
            font=("Arial", 12),

    def submit_action(self):
        user_input = self.text_field.get()
        if user_input.strip():
            messagebox.showinfo("Input Received", f"You entered: {user_input}")
            messagebox.showwarning("No Input", "Please enter something!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    app = BasicApp(root)

How the OOP Version Works

  • Class Structure: The application is encapsulated in the BasicApp class. This makes the code more modular and easier to manage.
  • Passing root: When creating an instance of BasicApp, the root object (our main window) is passed to the class. This allows all widgets and configurations to refer back to the same window.
  • Initialization (__init__): The __init__ method sets up the application by configuring the main window and calling the create_widgets method.
  • Method Organization: Widget creation and event handling are organized into separate methods within the class. For example, create_widgets defines the layout, while submit_action handles button clicks.

I hope you can see how neat and tidy this approach is, but just in case you need more convincing, here are the key advantages of OOP:

1. Organization: Group related functions and data together.
2. Reusability: Easily extend the class for more features.
3. Readability: Cleaner and more modular code.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! You’ve built your first Tkinter app and learned the foundational concepts of GUI programming in Python. With this knowledge, you can create more complex applications, such as calculators, to-do lists, or even image editors.

Feel free to experiment with the code, add more widgets, or improve the styling. Happy coding!

By Robert Johns

Technical Editor for | 15+ Years in Python, Java, SQL, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, .NET, MATLAB, HTML & CSS, and more... 10+ Years in Networking, Cloud, APIs, Linux | 5+ Years in Data Science | 2x PhDs in Structural & Blast Engineering

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