Maya Maceka | 01 Jun, 2023

How to Mine Bitcoin at Home in 2024 [Ultimate Guide]

Key points:

  • Mining Bitcoin at home involves solving complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and secure the network, all while earning newly minted bitcoins. 
  • You can mine Bitcoin at home by using a PC, with specialized hardware and software, through the cloud, by joining a pool or by using your smartphone. 
  • The profitability of Bitcoin mining involves factors such as electricity costs, mining hardware costs, and the current state of the market.
  • It’s important to consider the risks involved with Bitcoin mining, whether that’s the changing regulatory environment or hacking. 

The world of cryptocurrencies continues to dazzle and enthrall, with Bitcoin sitting at the helm as the undisputed leader of the pack. 

Did you know that there are over 19.3 million Bitcoins in circulation today? And with a finite supply of 21 million coins, the race to mine the remaining 1.7 million is more intense than ever. 

In this article, we'll demystify the complex world of Bitcoin mining and provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to get started right in your living room. From debunking common misconceptions to sharing expert tips and tricks, we've got you covered. 

Along the way, you may want to look at some of the best crypto books and Bitcoin tutorials to help deepen your understanding and enhance your mining skills. 

So, grab your pickaxe, and let's embark on an exciting journey to unlock the hidden treasures of Bitcoin mining. Your adventure starts now!

What Is Bitcoin Mining?

So, what is Bitcoin mining? In a nutshell, this is a process for validating and adding new transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain, the decentralized public ledger that underpins the entire Bitcoin network.

Miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles that are based on the cryptographic hash function. By solving these puzzles, miners help maintain the integrity of the network and are rewarded with newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees.

The Bitcoin Mining Process

The Bitcoin mining process involves the following steps:

  1. Gathering Transactions: Miners collect unconfirmed transactions from the Bitcoin network and assemble them into a candidate block.
  2. Creating a Block Header: Miners create a block header, which includes metadata like the previous block's hash, a timestamp, and a nonce (a random number).
  3. Proof of Work (PoW): Miners compete to find a 64-digit hexadecimal number, known as the "target hash," which is less than or equal to the current target set by the network. This is achieved by varying the nonce in the block header and hashing it until the desired target hash is found.
  4. Block Validation: Once a miner finds the target hash, the block is broadcasted to the network for validation. If the block is valid, it is added to the blockchain, and the miner is rewarded with newly minted bitcoins and transaction fees.
  5. Difficulty Adjustment: The Bitcoin network adjusts the mining difficulty every 2,016 blocks (approximately every two weeks) to maintain a consistent block time of 10 minutes on average.

How Long Does It Take to Mine One Bitcoin?

In 2024, with the Bitcoin mining difficulty and competition increasing, it takes a substantial amount of computational power to mine one Bitcoin.

The exact time it takes depends on the miner's hardware and the overall network hash rate. It could take years for a single miner to mine 1 bitcoin using an ASIC but a large mining pool could complete the task in 2-5 days. 

Target Hashes and Bitcoin Mining

The target hash plays a crucial role in the Bitcoin mining process. Miners must find a hash that is less than or equal to the current target hash set by the network, which serves as a measure of mining difficulty.

As the network's combined computational power increases, the target hash is adjusted lower to maintain the average block time at 10 minutes. This relationship between the target hash and mining difficulty ensures the long-term stability and security of the Bitcoin network.

Different Ways to Mine Bitcoin at Home

So, can you mine Bitcoin at home? Yes! There are several ways to mine Bitcoin, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s take a look at a comparison of the most common home crypto mining methods for BTC.



Processing Power 

Energy Consumption



CPU Mining

Uses the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer.

Low (10s-100s H/s)


Free - already included in computer

Very Low (not recommended due to limited processing power and high competition)

GPU Mining

Uses graphics processing units (GPUs) like those from gaming computers.

Moderate (10s-100s MH/s)


Moderate to High ($300-$1,200 per GPU)

Moderate to Low (due to high initial investment and increased competition)

ASIC Mining

Uses application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), which are designed specifically for mining cryptocurrencies.

High (10s-100s TH/s)


High ($500-$10,000 per ASIC)

Moderate to High (depending on electricity cost and mining difficulty)

Cloud Mining

Rent mining power from a remote data center, where a third party hosts and maintains the mining hardware.



Moderate to Low (often subscription-based, ranging from $50-$5,000 per contract)

Variable (depends on contract terms, but may be lower due to fees and the need to trust a third-party provider)

Pool Mining

Join a group of miners who share processing power and split block rewards based on work contributions per miner.



Low (a fee is taken from the earnings)

Variable (higher chances of receiving rewards compared to solo mining, but split among pool members)

Mobile Mining

Mining using smartphones and mobile devices.

Low (1s-10s KH/s)


Low ($0.01-$0.05 per device per hour)

Variable (higher chances of receiving rewards compared to solo mining, but split among pool members)

How to Mine Bitcoin on a PC

Great, so how to mine BTC on a PC? Well, this involves setting up the necessary hardware, software, and support systems to optimize your mining process.

Here's a step-by-step guide to mining Bitcoin on a PC:

Mining Hardware

Mining hardware plays a critical role in determining the efficiency and profitability of Bitcoin mining. Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are the gold standard in the mining world, as they are specifically designed for cryptocurrency mining and provide unparalleled processing power.

ASICs are different from regular computer components like CPUs or GPUs, as they are dedicated devices built for a single purpose: mining cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. These specialized devices offer higher hash rates and energy efficiency compared to general-purpose hardware.

ASIC Miner

Hash Rate

BTC Mined per Day

Electricity Used per KWh

Noise Level


Bitmain Antminer S19j

90 TH/s

0.00062 BTC


75 dB

Check Price

MicroBT Whatsminer M30S++

112 TH/s

0.00077 BTC


75 dB

Check Price

Canaan AvalonMiner 1246

90 TH/s

0.00062 BTC


75 dB

Check Price

Bitmain Antminer T19

84 TH/s

0.00058 BTC


75 dB

Check Price

Innosilicon T3+ 57T

57 TH/s

0.00039 BTC


82 dB

Check Price

Mining Software

Next, you'll need to choose mining software compatible with your hardware. Some popular mining software options include CGMiner and EasyMiner. These applications will help you manage your mining rig, optimize settings, and communicate with the mining pool.

Joining a Mining Pool

Mining Bitcoin independently can be a daunting task due to the high mining difficulty and competition.

To increase your chances of receiving rewards, join a reliable mining pool. A mining pool is a group of miners who share their processing power and split the block rewards based on the amount of work contributed by each miner.

Examples of reputable mining pools include Braiins Pool, F2Pool, and ViaBTC. Always research the pool's fees, payout system, and reputation before joining.

Setting Up a Bitcoin Wallet

You’ll need one of the best crypto wallets to securely store any Bitcoin that you mine. There are various types of crypto wallets available, including hardware wallets, desktop wallets, and mobile wallets.

Some examples of Bitcoin wallets include Electrum, Blue Wallet, or a Ledger Hardware Wallet. Choose a wallet that suits your needs and ensure you keep your private keys safe.

Getting Started with Bitcoin Mining on a PC:

  1. Buy an ASIC: Purchase a high-quality ASIC recommended for Bitcoin mining, like the Antminer S19pro, or any of the other models we’ve listed above.
  2. Install Bitcoin Mining Software: Download and install mining software compatible with your chosen ASIC.
  3. Configure Mining Software: Set up your mining software by entering your mining pool's details, your Bitcoin wallet address, and other relevant settings.
  4. Join a Mining Pool: Sign up and join a reliable mining pool to increase your chances of receiving mining rewards.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor your mining progress and optimize your mining rig settings to maximize efficiency and profitability.

Best Practices & Tips

  • Ensure adequate cooling for your home Bitcoin mining setup to prevent overheating and hardware damage.
  • Monitor electricity costs, as they can significantly impact your mining profitability.
  • Regularly update your mining software to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Consider using a mining profitability calculator to estimate your earnings and decide if mining is a viable option for you.

By following these steps, you can set up a robust Bitcoin mining system on your PC.

Remember that mining profitability depends on factors like hardware efficiency, electricity costs, and mining difficulty, so always stay informed about the latest developments in the industry and adjust your strategies accordingly.

How to Mine Bitcoin on the Cloud

Cloud mining allows you to mine Bitcoin at home without investing in and maintaining your own mining hardware. Instead, you rent mining power from a remote data center where a third party hosts and maintains the mining equipment.

Getting Started with Cloud Mining:

  1. Choose a Cloud Mining Provider: Research and select a reputable cloud mining provider, such as StormGain, Binance, or Hashing24.
  2. Select a Mining Contract: Choose a mining contract based on factors like contract duration, mining power, and cost.
  3. Set Up a Bitcoin Wallet: Create a Bitcoin wallet to receive your mining rewards.
  4. Monitor Your Earnings: Track your mining progress and earnings through the provider's dashboard.

Comparing Cloud Mining to PC Mining:

  • Cloud mining eliminates the need for purchasing, setting up, and maintaining mining hardware, making it more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Profitability is highly dependent on the provider's fees, contract terms, and the fluctuating Bitcoin market.
  • You have limited control over mining operations, as the provider manages the hardware and settings.
  • Trusting a third-party provider carries inherent risks, so it's crucial to choose a reputable company.

How to Mine Bitcoin on a Smartphone

Mining Bitcoin on a smartphone is generally not recommended due to its limitations and potential device damage. However, for those who want to give it a try, there are a few apps available on the market.

Getting Started with Smartphone Mining:

  1. Mining Apps: Download a smartphone mining app, such as Mobile Miner, CryptoTab, or BitDeer. Keep in mind that these apps often mine altcoins, not Bitcoin, due to the lower mining difficulty.
  2. Mobile Wallet: Set up a mobile crypto wallet to store your mining rewards, such as Trust Wallet or Coinomi.

Comparing Smartphone Mining to PC Mining:

  • Smartphones offer significantly lower processing power compared to PCs, resulting in minimal rewards.
  • Mobile mining can lead to overheating and potential damage to your smartphone, as well as rapid battery depletion.
  • Mining may void your device's warranty or cause performance issues.
  • Smartphone mining is not a viable option for serious miners and is better suited for educational or experimental purposes.

Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable in 2024?

Determining whether Bitcoin mining is a profitable venture depends on various factors, including hardware efficiency, electricity costs, mining difficulty, and the market value of Bitcoin.

Mining rewards are calculated based on the processing power contributed to solving the complex mathematical problems involved in verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain.

Over time, mining rewards have decreased due to Bitcoin's built-in mechanism called "halving," which reduces the block reward by 50% approximately every four years.

The most recent halving occurred in May 2020, reducing the reward from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC per block. The next halving is expected in 2024.

To estimate the potential profitability of your mining operation, you can use a Bitcoin mining calculator. This tool allows you to input your mining hardware's hash rate, power consumption, and electricity costs to calculate your expected returns.

Risks of Bitcoin Mining

While Bitcoin mining can be profitable, it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved. Some of the major risks include:

  • Crypto Market Volatility: The price of Bitcoin can be highly volatile, meaning the value of your mining rewards may fluctuate dramatically, affecting your overall profitability.
  • Increasing Mining Difficulty: As more miners join the network and more powerful hardware is developed, the mining difficulty increases, making it harder to mine Bitcoin and earn rewards.
  • Hackers and Security Threats: Mining equipment and digital assets can be targeted by hackers, putting your earnings and investment at risk.

How to Minimize the Risk of Hacking

Protecting your mining operation and digital assets from hackers is crucial. Here are some actionable tips to help minimize the risk of hacking:

  • Use Strong Passwords: Create unique, strong passwords for your mining equipment, wallets, and mining pool accounts. Change them periodically and avoid using the same password across multiple platforms.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Whenever possible, enable 2FA on your accounts to add an extra layer of security.
  • Keep Your Software Updated: Regularly update your mining software, operating system, and any other relevant applications to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Your Wallet: Use a hardware wallet or another secure form of wallet to store your digital assets. Avoid using online wallets, which may be more susceptible to hacks.
  • Secure Your Network: Protect your home or office network with strong encryption and a robust firewall. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks when accessing your mining equipment or wallets.
  • Be Cautious of Phishing Attacks: Be vigilant when clicking on links or opening attachments in emails, especially if they appear to be related to your mining activities. Verify the sender's legitimacy before taking any action.

By understanding the risks involved in Bitcoin mining and taking appropriate precautions, you can minimize the potential for loss and maximize your chances of a successful and profitable mining operation.

Navigating the legal landscape is crucial for cryptocurrency miners, as laws and regulations vary by jurisdiction. Here are some key regulatory and legal aspects you should be aware of before starting your mining operation:

  • Licensing and Registration: Some countries require cryptocurrency mining operations to be licensed and registered. Ensure you research local regulations and comply with any applicable laws.
  • Tax Implications: Cryptocurrency mining is often considered a taxable event. Consult with a tax professional or research local tax laws to ensure you report and pay taxes accordingly. You might even consider some of the best cryptocurrency tax software.
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Regulations: Certain jurisdictions have AML and KYC regulations for cryptocurrency-related activities. Miners may need to perform identity verification and maintain records of their mining activities to comply.
  • Bans and Restrictions: Countries like China have banned or restricted cryptocurrency mining due to concerns about energy consumption, environmental impact, or financial stability. Be aware of any bans or restrictions in your jurisdiction.
  • Privacy and Data Protection: Miners may be subject to privacy and data protection regulations, especially if processing personal data. Be familiar with data protection laws in your jurisdiction and handle personal data securely and compliantly.

Always prioritize legal compliance and responsible mining practices to ensure the long-term success of your venture. Stay informed about regulatory developments and adapt your mining operation accordingly.

Essential Bitcoin Mining Statistics You Need To Know

Bitcoin mining has evolved significantly since its inception, with changes in mining difficulty, hardware, and rewards shaping the mining landscape.

The Bitcoin Mining Difficulty

Bitcoin mining difficulty is currently at an all-time high. Mining difficulty adjusts approximately every two weeks to maintain a consistent block time of 10 minutes. Over time, mining difficulty has increased as more miners join the network, requiring more advanced hardware to stay competitive.

Screenshot from YCharts

The Number of Bitcoins in Circulation

As of May 2024, there are approximately 19.36 million Bitcoins in circulation. The total supply of Bitcoin is capped at 21 million, and as more coins are mined, the rate of new Bitcoins entering circulation decreases due to the built-in halving events, which occur approximately every four years.

The Ever-Changing Bitcoin Mining Landscape

The Bitcoin mining landscape has undergone significant changes since its inception. Early miners could mine Bitcoin at home using CPUs, but the rise of specialized ASICs has made mining on consumer-grade hardware largely unprofitable.

Additionally, the mining industry has become more centralized, with large mining farms and pools dominating the market.

  • Energy Consumption: Bitcoin mining has been criticized for its energy consumption, estimated at 96.21 terawatt-hours per year. This has spurred interest in renewable energy sources and more energy-efficient mining practices.
  • Geographical Shift: Following China's crackdown on cryptocurrency mining, there has been a geographical shift in mining operations. Countries like the United States, Canada, and Kazakhstan have seen an influx of mining activities.
  • Mining Pools: Mining pools have become increasingly popular, allowing miners to combine their resources and share rewards. The top five mining pools currently control over 60% of the total network hash rate.

Alternative Cryptocurrencies to Mine

While Bitcoin remains the most well-known and valuable cryptocurrency, there are numerous alternative cryptocurrencies (often referred to as altcoins) that can also be mined.

Some of these altcoins may be more profitable or accessible to mine, depending on factors like mining difficulty, market value, and your available resources. 


Litecoin (LTC)

Monero (XMR)

Dogecoin (DOGE)


A P2P cryptocurrency for fast transaction processing times and low fees. Often seen as “silver” to Bitcoin’s “gold”. 

A privacy-focused cryptocurrency that aims to provide completely anonymous transactions.

A popular and widely-used cryptocurrency known for its active community and light-hearted spirit. Created as a parody of Bitcoin and beloved by Elon Musk.

Mining Algorithm




Block Time

~2.5 minutes

~2 minutes

~1 minute

Mining Hardware


CPU (GPU possible but less efficient)


Market Cap

Check here

Check here

Check here

Just like with Bitcoin mining, profitability depends on factors like hardware efficiency, electricity costs, and mining difficulty. Be sure to use a mining calculator for your chosen cryptocurrency to estimate your potential earnings and make an informed decision.


In this article, we've delved into the world of Bitcoin mining with a special emphasis on how to mine for Bitcoin at home. If you’re new to Bitcoin mining, you should now be familiar with the mining process, the various Bitcoin mining methods, and the potential profitability of this venture. 

Bitcoin mining has come a long way since its inception and will likely continue to evolve as technology advances and the regulatory landscape shifts. That said, it's crucial to carefully consider the potential rewards, risks, and costs associated with Bitcoin mining at home.

To help you figure out how to mine crypto at home, we’ve also discussed regulatory and legal considerations, essential Bitcoin mining statistics, and we've even discussed a few alternative cryptocurrencies to mine.

By staying informed and making data-driven decisions, you'll be better equipped to navigate the world of cryptocurrency mining and seize the opportunities it presents. Happy mining!

New to the world of crypto? Check out our:

Ultimate Guide to Crypto in 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Do Bitcoins Need to Be Mined?

The purpose of mining Bitcoin is to verify transactions on the blockchain, create new Bitcoins, and maintain the network's integrity. Miners are rewarded with newly generated Bitcoins and transaction fees for their contribution to the network.

2. How Does Mining Confirm Transactions?

Mining validates transactions by solving complex mathematical problems that confirm the legitimacy of a transaction. This process requires high computing power, but it ensures the security of transactions on the blockchain.

3. Why Does Mining Use So Much Electricity? 

Bitcoin mining uses a lot of electricity because it requires a significant amount of computing power to solve complex mathematical problems. As more miners join the network and the mining difficulty increases, the energy consumption of Bitcoin mining also increases.

Bitcoin mining is generally legal in most countries, but it may be restricted or prohibited in some countries. It is important to research the laws and regulations in your country before engaging in Bitcoin mining.

5. Does Crypto Mining Damage Your GPU/Computer? 

Crypto mining can put a strain on your computer or GPU due to the high computational demands of the process. However, with proper cooling and hardware, the impact on your computer should be minimal.

6. How Much Money Can You Make Mining Bitcoin?

The amount of money you can earn from mining Bitcoin depends on factors such as mining difficulty, electricity costs, and the price of Bitcoin. You can estimate your potential earnings using a Bitcoin mining calculator.

7. Can You Mine Bitcoin On Your Phone?

Although technically possible, mining Bitcoin on a phone is not recommended due to the low processing power of mobile devices. The energy consumption and potential damage to the device far outweigh the potential rewards.

8. How Do You Join a Bitcoin Mining Pool?

To join a Bitcoin mining pool, you need to choose a pool that fits your needs, create an account, and configure your mining software to connect to the pool.

9. What Is a Good Hash Rate for Bitcoin Mining?

A good hash rate for Bitcoin mining depends on your mining hardware and the current mining difficulty. You can estimate your potential hash rate and earnings using a Bitcoin mining calculator.

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By Maya Maceka

Maya Maceka is a writer from Canada who is passionate about technology and innovation. She is a specialist in DeFi, including blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs. "Blockchain is going to change the way our world works — it's the future of content."

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