Sameeksha Medewar | 09 Jun, 2022

Download R Markdown Cheat Sheet PDF for Quick References

Some companies require easy and efficient ways to accommodate text and code in a single document. Ener R markdown — a file format that helps you organize text using bullets, links, fonts, and more in the R programming language. Although the starting text is plain, you can render them into HTML, PDFs, Word, etc.

Due to increasing popularity and high dependency on such documents, more R Markdown jobs are popping up. But you'll need to understand the format before you apply. While practicing, you might have to look up common R Markdown commands — wouldn’t an R markdown language cheat sheet be handy?

To help you, we have curated this R markdown cheat sheet, including workflows, R markdown syntax installation, formatting, and much more. You’ll be able to create a document or representation from scratch and convert the default R markdown document into other valuable guides.

Click here to download our free R Markdown Cheat Sheet PDF.

What is R Markdown?

Before we dive into our markdown syntax cheatsheet, let’s establish a foundation with R markdown basics. R Markdown is an open-source tool that helps the teams create reproducible reports in R. You can keep all your code, results, plots, and text in one file.

R Markdown is useful for those interested in the results from your analysis, but not your code. R Markdown is generally used for data analysis and data science, where you want to interact with others and communicate the results to decision-makers.

R Markdown allows you to export your work to several formats, such as PDF, Microsoft Word, a slideshow, or an HTML document for use on a website. Here, we used the RStudio integrated environment in this markdown language cheat sheet to create R Markdown. Let’s get started.

Download R Markdown Cheat Sheet PDF

Installing R Markdown

R markdown is an open-source tool that’s easy to install and use. All you need is to hit the following command from your terminal:


Once you install the R Markdown, open a new R Markdown file using RStudio. For that, go to File > New File > R Markdown. You can see that all the R Markdown file names have a file extension “.Rmd”.

R Markdown Workflow

  • Open a new .Rmd file at File ▶ New File ▶ R Markdown. Use the wizard that opens to prepopulate the file with a template.
  • Write document by editing template.
  • Knit document to create a report; use a knit button or render() to knit.
  • Preview Output in IDE window.
  • Publish (optional) to a web server.
  • Examine the build log in the R Markdown console.
  • Use the output file saved alongside .Rmd

Default Output Format

After opening a new R Markdown file in RStudio, you’ll get a pop-up window to select a format:

Select a format pop-up window

You will see an option to add a title, author, and default output format. Once you choose the right options, click OK. Then, you’ll get a new window that explains more about the R Markdown files.

One available default output format is HTML, which helps you easily view the created file in a web browser. For this cheat sheet, we are using the default HTML setting — a faster alternative to a PDF or other format. When nearing completion, you can change the output to your preferred format and make final changes.

The title you specify for your document in the pop-up above is not the file name. Navigate to File > Save As.. to name, and save, the document.

R Markdown Document Format

After selecting your document’s output format, you’ll see an R Markdown document in your RStudio pane. Unlike an R script which is blank, the .Rmd document comes with some formatting.

R markdown screenshot displaying YAML header, code chunk, body text, and other fields.

An R Markdown document has the following critical sections.

  • Header: Bounded by the (---) dashes, where the user mentions all details like title, name, date, and document type. If you already filled out details in the previous window, they’ll be automatically populated in the document.
  • Body text: Starts with the “##”. This section will render as text, but a PDF will be created along with the formatting being applied by the user.
  • Code chunk: Bounded by “```” specifying the code that will run within the document to create a PDF.
  • Code to Generate a Plot: Not included because the parameter echo=FALSE is specified. This is a chunk option.

Now the document is ready to generate the output. But for that, you need to knit the code and text to see preview formatting specifications. To knit your document, hit the “knit” button in your RStudio. This will generate the HTML document. You can also use this shortcut to knit the document:

Command + shift + K for Mac or Ctrl + Shift + K on Linux and Windows.

Knit document function image

On the right pane above, you can preview your document in HTML format. The default “.Rmd” file comes with the guidance on formatting R Markdown documents.

Here, we’ll save this document as RMarkdown_Guide.Rmd. The title “R Markdown Guide” is in the YAML header.

But, if you’re working in R Markdown without RStudio, you can use the function rmarkdown::render() to compile your document. Just provide your document’s name in quotes as the function argument:


Section Headers

An R Markdown file is a plain-text file written in Markdown, a formatting syntax. If you look closely at the default “.Rmd” file, you will see two sections in the document, R Markdown and Including Plots. These are second-level headers. Now, we will create a new second-level header named Text Formatting Basics by entering:

## Text Formatting Basics.

Now, follow this with a third-level header, called Headers:

## Text Formatting Basics

### Headers

Now, we’ll create syntax requirements for first, second, and third-level headers to show the header generating code:

# First Level Header

## Second Level Header

### Third Level Header

Separate each line of code with a blank line at the output. And always have at least one blank line in-between adjacent and different format elements, such as section headers and body text. Once you make the changes, you will see the following output in your document.

Text formatting basics and headers You can see how different the second and third-level headers look when rendered, as well as the syntax for creating headers with #, ## or ###. If you don’t want the headers to render as headers in your final output, you must wrap the code in backticks:

`# First Level Header`

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Now, we’ll create a new third-level header called Bulleted and Numbered Lists.

Type the following into your code:

* List element 1

* List element 2

* List element 3  

* List item 3a  

* List item 3b

To create unordered list items, use characters like *,-, and +.

1. Numbered list 1
1. Numbered list 2
1. Numbered list 3.

The numbers are auto-increment, so we have to enter 1. This makes adding and deleting items easy, since you don’t have to renumber. You can also combine the ordered and unordered lists. Hit the tab twice to indent the unordered bullets:

1. Numbered list 1

1. Numbered list 2  

* Item 1  

* Item 2

In the below example, you can see the side-by-side formatting view:

Bulleted list and formatting view

Text Formatting

Let’s create a new third-level header called text formatting:

* Make text italic like *this* or _this_.

* Make text bold like **this** or __this__.

* Use `backticks` for code.
* Wrap a character to subscript in tildes (`~`). For example, `H~2~O` renders as H~2~O.
* Wrap a character to superscript in carets (`^`), like this: `R^2^` renders as R^2^.

You will get the below output after rendering the code:

text formatting output

With R Markdown, you can simply link your text with different types of websites and images. Use the following code to link.

Direct inline links: <>.

Phrase links: RStudio's [R Markdown page](

![R Markdown image](

After rendering, you’ll get this output in HTML:

HTML rendering of links

Code Chunks

To add new code to your R document, use the code chunks section. There are several ways to add a new code, such as.

  • Command + Option + I on a Mac, or Ctrl + Alt + I on Linux and Windows.
  • “Insert” drop-down Icon in the toolbar and select R.

Use the shortcuts below to save time:

  • cache - cache results for future knits (default = FALSE)
  • cache.path- directory to save cached results in (default = "cache/")
  • child - file(s)to knit and then include (default = NULL)
  • collapse - collapse all output into single block (default = FALSE)
  • comment - prefix for each line of results (default = '##')
  • dependson - chunk dependencies for caching (default = NULL)
  • echo - Display code in output document (default = TRUE)
  • engine - code language used in chunk (default = 'R')
  • error - Display error messages in doc (TRUE) or stop render when errors occur (FALSE) (default = FALSE)
  • eval - Run code in chunk (default = TRUE)
  • message - display code messages in document (default = TRUE)
  • results (default = 'markup') 'asis' - passthrough results 'hide' - do not display results 'hold' - put all results below all code
  • tidy - tidy code for display (default = FALSE)
  • warning - display code warnings in document (default = TRUE)
  • fig.align- 'lef', 'right', or 'center' (default = 'default')
  • fig.cap - figure caption as character string (default = NULL)
  • fig.height, fig.width - Dimensions of plots in inches highlight - highlight source code (default = TRUE)
  • include - Include chunk in doc afer running (default = TRUE)


You can easily add parameters to your documents to reuse with different inputs (e.g., data, values, etc.). For example, you can create and set parameters in the header as sub-values of params:

--- params:

n: 100 d:

!r Sys.Date()

  • Calling parameters

Call parameter values in code as params$. For example- Today’s date is `r params$d`

  • Set parameters

Set values with Knit with parameters or the params argument of render():

render("doc.Rmd", params = list(n = 1, d = as.Date("2015-01-01"))


You can use the rmarkdown::render() to render/knit at the command line. Here are some args you can use:

  • input - fileto render output_format
  • output_options: List of render options (as in YAML)
  • output_file output_dir
  • params: list of params to use
  • envir: environment to evaluate code chunks in
  • Encoding of input file

Interactive Documents

Turn your report into an interactive document with these steps:

  • Add runtime: shiny to the YAML header.
--- title: "Line graph" output: html_document runtime: shiny ---
  • Call Shiny input functions to embed input objects.
--- title: "Line graph" output: html_document runtime: shiny --- Choose a time series: ```{r echo = FALSE} selectInput("data", "", c("co2", "lh")) ``` See a plot: ```{r echo = FALSE} renderPlot({ d <- get(input$data) plot(d) }) ```
  • Call Shiny render functions to embed reactive output.
  • Render with rmarkdown::run or click Run Document in RStudio IDE

Line graph image

How to Run a Code

With R Markdown, you will get different options for running a new code. Go to the toolbar. Under the “Run” option, you’ll see your options:

Run options in toolbar

Remember to restart your R session before running any new code by hitting the Command + Shift + F10 on a Mac, or Control + Shift + F10 on Linux and Windows. Here are some other useful shortcuts:

  • Run all chunks above the current chunk: Command + Option + P on a Mac, or Ctrl + Alt + P on Linux and Windows.
  • Run the current chunk: Command + Option + C or Command + Shift + Enter on a Mac. On Linux and Windows, use Ctrl + Alt + C or Ctrl + Shift + Enter
  • Run the next chunk: Command + Option + N on a Mac, or Ctrl + Alt + N on Linux and Windows.
  • Run all chunks: Command + Option + R or Command + A + Enter on a Mac. On Linux and Windows, use Ctrl + Alt + R or Ctrl + A + Enter to run all chunks.
> install.packages("Dataquest")

Control Behavior with Code Chunk Options

You have complete freedom to control your code chunks, including their evaluation and presentation. You can use these options for creating presentations and valuable reports from scratch. You can include code, plots, tables, and even images. For example, you can mention a plot specifying the final results without including the code.

  • echo = FALSE: you can use this option, if you do not want to show your code in the output, but run code and generate all outputs, plots, warnings and messages.
  • eval = FALSE: you can use this option to display the code, but do not evaluate it.
  • = "hide": this option is used to hide the plots.
  • include = FALSE: this option will allow the code to run, but suppress all output. It is useful for setup code.
  • message = FALSE: this option will prevent the packages from printing messages whenever they load. This will also suppress the messages generated by functions.
  • results = "hide": this option will hide the printed output.
  • warning = FALSE: this option will prevent the packages and functions from displaying warnings.

Inline Code

You can use inline code to embed the R code directly into the R Markdown document. This is ideal for including specific information about data in the text.

For example:

Use the inline code with r, then add the specific code for evaluation within the backticks. Here, we summarize the number of rows and columns in the cars dataset built-in to R.

## Inline Code

The `cars` dataset contains `r nrow(cars)` rows and `r ncol(cars)` columns.

side-by-side view of R Markdown and HTML output for inline code

Suppose you want to make a small change to the dataset or change the number of rows and columns. In that case, rerun the code for an accurate result — a much easier solution than going through several documents to check where to update the results and manually altering the results.

Bottom line? R Markdown saves time, improves quality, and ensures report accuracy.

As code length increases, so does complexity. To navigate lengthy code, name the code chunks carefully and purposely. For example:

{r my_boring_chunk_name}.

Once you name the chunks, they will be available on the navigator included at the bottom of the R Markdown window pane. You can use them to identify plots easily using the name. You can also use the code in other sections of your document with ease, as this navigator allows you to jump to another section of your document quickly.

R Markdown guide navigator

Table Formatting

In R Markdown, you will see the table as they’re displayed in the console by default. To improve aesthetics and make changes to the table, use the function knitr::kable():

knitr::kable(head(cars), caption = "The First Few Rows of the Cars Dataset")

Here’s the output after rendering:

rendered output for text formatting in R Markdown

Output Format Options

All the formatting options are generally specified in the YAML headers. A single R Markdown document is capable of supporting different output formats. As mentioned, the HTML format is faster to render compared to PDF. For previewing your document in HTML but will eventually output your document as a PDF, you need to comment out the PDF specifications until they are needed:

--- title: "R Markdown Guide"

author: "Dataquest"

date: "7/8/2020"

output: html_document

# output: pdf_document

# output: ioslides_presentation ---


R Markdown has an R Markdown package that comes with the support for several presentation types. Some other useful R packages include revealjs, which expands R Markdown capabilities. Here are some presentation formats built-into R Markdown:

  • html_document html
  • pdf_document pdf (requires Tex )
  • word_document Microsof Word (.docx)
  • odt_document OpenDocument Text
  • rtf_document Rich Text Format
  • md_document Markdown
  • github_document Github compatible markdown
  • ioslides_presentation ioslides HTML slides
  • slidy_presentation slidy HTML slides
  • beamer_presentation Beamer pdf slides (requires Tex)

Now, let’s convert the R Markdown document into an ioslides presentation (HTML). This is useful for delivering remote presentations with screen sharing, with output: ioslides_presentation.

--- title: "R Markdown Guide"

author: "Dataquest"

date: "7/8/2020"

# output: html_document

# output: pdf_document

output: ioslides_presentation


We have “commented-out” the HTML and PDF format options so they will not be considered when compiling the document.

Whenever we knit, the R Markdown Guide and HTML presentation appears with every second-level header to mark the beginning of a new slide. This works well except for our section “Text Formatting Basics” which has a few third-level header sections.

Text formatting basics with headers, bullets, and numbered lists example

To avoid the manual line breaks, you need to insert *** as needed before each third-level header:

## Text Formatting Basics

### Headers`# First Level Header``## Second Level Header``### Third Level Header`***

### Bulleted or Numbered Lists

* List element 1

* List element 2

* List element 3  

* List element 3a  

* List element 3b

Here’s the generated output: Avoiding manual breaks output

Adding a Table of Contents

A table of contents is important in all web developing, for easy navigation. All you have to do is add one line of code in your YAML header, toc: true:



  toc: true

Make sure to add the : after html_document!

How to Create a Reusable Template

  1. Create a new package with a inst/rmarkdown/templates directory.
  2. In the directory, place a folder that contains: template.yaml (see below) skeleton.Rmd ( template contents) any supporting files .
  3. Install the package .
  4. Access template in wizard at File ▶ New File ▶ R Markdown template.yaml.

Reproducible Reports with RStudio Cloud

You can apply everything on a cloud-based version of RStudio Desktop called RStudio Cloud. RStudio Cloud allows you to generate reports and presentations in R Markdown without installing the software. All you need is a web browser.

Work in RStudio Cloud is organized into projects similar to the desktop version, but RStudio Cloud requires you to specify the R version for each project.

The Cloud allows you to share projects securely with colleagues, and ensures the working environment is fully reproducible every time someone accesses a project.

As you can see, the RStudio Cloud layout is similar to RStudio Desktop.

R Studio Cloud layout

When you open a new R Markdown document in RStudio Cloud for the first time, the program provides a prompt asking to install the required packages:

Prompt in R Studio cloud asking to install packages

Install the required package — then, you’ll be ready to create and knit R Markdown documents.

Package Development

Below are simple steps to create a new package.

  • Install two packages to create new packages.
> install.packages("roxygen2")
> install.packages("devtools")
  • Open File in RStudio and select New Project.

package development

  • Select a new directory as desired, and specify R Package:

specify R Package

  • Name your package:

name your package

  • Go to your Files tab in RStudio, and you should see several files populated like this:

Serveral files

  • We’ll put our package’s R functions under the R folder. Click on Description and fill it out accordingly, and save it.

r functions

  • Title: Your package title
  • Description: A brief description
  • Param: Parameters for that function; arguments
  • Return: Values returned
  • Examples: Examples of how to use the function
  • Export: Desired function

Now, go to Build Tools:

Build tools page Click the checkmark for Generate documentation with Roxygen. You probably want to rename your function now from hello.R to something relevant. Now, build your package by clicking Build – Clean and Rebuild. Search for your package, and it should appear:

Package display

Version Control

We have two options for version control. Either create the project based on an existing folder, or from scratch based on a new empty folder.

1. Existing Work

Choose Existing Directory from the wizard:

Existing directory option in the Wizard

Browse to the main folder containing your data and enable version control. Go to the Tools menu -> Version Control -> Project Set:

Version control option in the drop-down menu

This will open a new window. Change the “None” setting by choosing Git from the drop-down menu:

None to Git option in the drop-down menu

Click OK. Answer Yes to the next two pop-ups to restart RStudio and enable git on your project.

2. New Work

Create a new RStudio Project from the upper-right corner of the RStudio IDE window, choosing New Project. Choose New Directory:

Create project window with "new directory" option selected

Choose Empty Project:

New project window with "empty project" selected

Name your folder, then browse for its location on your drive. Finally, check “Create a git repository” before clicking “Create Project.”

Directory name and create a project fields under "New Project"

3. Using Git

After enabling the git, you should see a “Git” tab on your interface next to the “Environment” and “History” tabs.

Git tab

The .gitignore file is automatically generated by RStudio. It lists all file formats we do not want to track, here specifically the temporary files from R and RStudio. You can edit this document to add any file you don’t want Git to track.


To specify which files you want to track (aka staging), check the boxes in front of the file names. This is the equivalent of the git add command:

Staging window



Now, you can do your first commit. Take a snapshot of your current work status for tracked files by clicking on the Commit button (above your file names). This is the equivalent of the git commit command. A new window should pop up:

Commit window


After committing your changes, pull the latest repository version from GitHub by clicking on the pull button. If you come across any conflicts from multiple user adjustments, don’t worry. Git will walk you through the necessary steps to fix the conflicts (see 3-git-advanced for more info). This is the equivalent of the git pull command.


Once you have finished the pull process, you can click on the push button to upload your changes to GitHub and share your work with others. This is the equivalent of the git push command.

Visual Editor

Visual editor image

Sharing Projects

Go to File > New Project.

RStudio saves the call history, workspace, and working directory associated with a project. It reloads each one when you reopen a project.

Share project item in drop-down menu

Running Remote Jobs

You can Run R on remote clusters (Kubernetes/Slurm) via the Job Launcher. Job launcher

Keyboard Shortcuts

Description Windows & Linux Mac
Move cursor to Console Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2
Clear console Ctrl+L Ctrl+L
Move cursor to beginning of line Home Cmd+Left
Move cursor to end of line End Cmd+Right
Navigate command history Up/Down Up/Down
Popup command history Ctrl+Up Cmd+Up
Interrupt currently executing command Esc Esc
Change working directory Ctrl+Shift+H Ctrl+Shift+H
Description Windows & Linux Mac
Go to File/Function Ctrl+. [period] Ctrl+. [period]
Move cursor to Source Editor Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
Toggle document outline Ctrl+Shift+O Cmd+Shift+O
Toggle Visual Editor Ctrl+Shift+F4 Cmd+Shift+F4
New document (except on Chrome/Windows) Ctrl+Shift+N Cmd+Shift+N
New document (Chrome only) Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Cmd+Shift+Alt+N
Open document Ctrl+O Cmd+O
Save active document Ctrl+S Cmd+S
Save all documents Ctrl+Alt+S Cmd+Option+S
Close active document (except on Chrome) Ctrl+W Cmd+W
Close active document (Chrome only) Ctrl+Alt+W Cmd+Option+W
Close all open documents Ctrl+Shift+W Cmd+Shift+W
Close other documents Ctrl+Shift+Alt+W Cmd+Option+Shift+W
Preview HTML (Markdown and HTML) Ctrl+Shift+K Cmd+Shift+K
Knit Document (knitr) Ctrl+Shift+K Cmd+Shift+K
Compile Notebook Ctrl+Shift+K Cmd+Shift+K
Compile PDF (TeX and Sweave) Ctrl+Shift+K Cmd+Shift+K
Insert chunk (Sweave and Knitr) Ctrl+Alt+I Cmd+Option+I
Insert code section Ctrl+Shift+R Cmd+Shift+R
Run current line/selection Ctrl+Enter Cmd+Return
Run current line/selection (retain cursor position) Alt+Enter Option+Return
Re-run previous region Ctrl+Alt+P Cmd+Alt+P
Run current document Ctrl+Alt+R Cmd+Option+R
Run from document beginning to current line Ctrl+Alt+B Cmd+Option+B
Run from current line to document end Ctrl+Alt+E Cmd+Option+E
Run the current function definition Ctrl+Alt+F Cmd+Option+F
Run the current code section Ctrl+Alt+T Cmd+Option+T
Run previous Sweave/Rmd code Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Cmd+Shift+Option+P
Run the current Sweave/Rmd chunk Ctrl+Alt+C Cmd+Option+C
Run the next Sweave/Rmd chunk Ctrl+Alt+N Cmd+Option+N
Source a file Ctrl+Alt+G Ctrl+Option+G
Source the current document Ctrl+Shift+S Cmd+Shift+S
Source the current document (with echo) Ctrl+Shift+Enter Cmd+Shift+Return
Send current line/selection to terminal Ctrl+Alt+Enter Cmd+Option+Return
Fold Selected Alt+L Cmd+Option+L
Unfold Selected Shift+Alt+L Cmd+Shift+Option+L
Fold All Alt+O Cmd+Option+O
Unfold All Shift+Alt+O Cmd+Shift+Option+O
Go to line Shift+Alt+G Cmd+Shift+Option+G
Jump to Shift+Alt+J Cmd+Shift+Option+J
Expand selection Ctrl+Shift+Up Ctrl+Option+Shift+Up
Shrink selection Ctrl+Shift+Down Ctrl+Option+Shift+Down
Next section Ctrl+PgDn Cmd+PgDn
Previous section Ctrl+PgUp Cmd+PgUp
Split into lines Ctrl+Alt+A Ctrl+Option+A
Edit lines from start Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+Option+A
Switch to tab Ctrl+Shift+. [period] Ctrl+Shift+. [period]
Previous tab Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+F11
Previous tab (desktop) Ctrl+Shift+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Next tab Ctrl+F12 Ctrl+F12
Next tab (desktop) Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+Tab
First tab Ctrl+Shift+F11 Ctrl+Shift+F11
Last tab Ctrl+Shift+F12 Ctrl+Shift+F12
Navigate back Ctrl+F9 Cmd+F9
Navigate forward Ctrl+F10 Cmd+F10
Extract function from selection Ctrl+Alt+X Cmd+Option+X
Extract variable from selection Ctrl+Alt+V Cmd+Option+V
Reindent lines Ctrl+I Cmd+I
Comment/uncomment current line/selection Ctrl+Shift+C Cmd+Shift+C
Reflow Comment Ctrl+Shift+/ Cmd+Shift+/
Reformat Selection Ctrl+Shift+A Cmd+Shift+A
Show Diagnostics Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D Cmd+Shift+Option+D
Transpose Letters No shortcut Ctrl+T
Move Lines Up/Down Alt+Up/Down Option+Up/Down
Copy Lines Up/Down Shift+Alt+Up/Down Cmd+Option+Up/Down
Jump to Matching Brace/Paren Ctrl+P Ctrl+P
Expand to Matching Brace/Paren Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E Ctrl+Shift+E
Add Cursor Above Current Cursor Ctrl+Alt+Up Ctrl+Option+Up
Add Cursor Below Current Cursor Ctrl+Alt+Down Ctrl+Option+Down
Move Active Cursor Up Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up Ctrl+Option+Shift+Up
Move Active Cursor Down Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down Ctrl+Option+Shift+Down
Find and Replace Ctrl+F Cmd+F
Find Next Win: F3, Linux: Ctrl+G Cmd+G
Find Previous Win: Shift+F3, Linux: Ctrl+Shift+G Cmd+Shift+G
Use Selection for Find Ctrl+F3 Cmd+E
Replace and Find Ctrl+Shift+J Cmd+Shift+J
Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F Cmd+Shift+F
Check Spelling F7 F7
Rename Symbol in Scope Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M Cmd+Option+Shift+M
Insert Roxygen Skeleton Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R Cmd+Option+Shift+R

Editing (Console and Source)

Description Windows & Linux Mac
Undo Ctrl+Z Cmd+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Cmd+Shift+Z
Cut Ctrl+X Cmd+X
Copy Ctrl+C Cmd+C
Paste Ctrl+V Cmd+V
Select All Ctrl+A Cmd+A
Jump to Word Ctrl+Left/Right Option+Left/Right
Jump to Start/End Ctrl+Home/End or Ctrl+Up/Down Cmd+Home/End or Cmd+Up/Down
Delete Line Ctrl+D Cmd+D
Select Shift+[Arrow] Shift+[Arrow]
Select Word Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Option+Shift+Left/Right
Select to Line Start Alt+Shift+Left Cmd+Shift+Left
Select to Line End Alt+Shift+Right Cmd+Shift+Right
Select Page Up/Down Shift+PageUp/PageDown Shift+PageUp/Down
Select to Start/End Ctrl+Shift+Home/End or Shift+Alt+Up/Down Cmd+Shift+Up/Down
Delete Word Left Ctrl+Backspace Option+Backspace or Ctrl+Option+Backspace
Delete Word Right No shortcut Option+Delete
Delete to Line End No shortcut Ctrl+K
Delete to Line Start No shortcut Option+Backspace
Indent Tab (at beginning of line) Tab (at beginning of line)
Outdent Shift+Tab Shift+Tab
Yank line up to cursor Ctrl+U Ctrl+U
Yank line after cursor Ctrl+K Ctrl+K
Insert currently yanked text Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Y
Insert assignment operator Alt+- Option+-
Insert pipe operator Ctrl+Shift+M Cmd+Shift+M
Show help for function at cursor F1 F1
Show source code for function at cursor F2 F2
Find usages for symbol at cursor (C++) Ctrl+Alt+U Cmd+Option+U

Completions (Console and Source)

Description Windows & Linux Mac
Attempt completion Tab or Ctrl+Space Tab or Cmd+Space
Navigate candidates Up/Down Up/Down
Accept selected candidate Enter, Tab, or Right Enter, Tab, or Right
Dismiss completion popup Esc Esc


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Move focus to Source Editor Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1
Zoom Source Editor Ctrl+Shift+1 Ctrl+Shift+1
Add Source Column Ctrl+F7 Cmd+F7
Move focus to Console Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2
Zoom Console Ctrl+Shift+2 Ctrl+Shift+2
Move focus to Help Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3
Zoom Help Ctrl+Shift+3 Ctrl+Shift+3
Move focus to Terminal Alt+Shift+M Shift+Option+M
Show History Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4
Zoom History Ctrl+Shift+4 Ctrl+Shift+4
Show Files Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5
Zoom Files Ctrl+Shift+5 Ctrl+Shift+5
Show Plots Ctrl+6 Ctrl+6
Zoom Plots Ctrl+Shift+6 Ctrl+Shift+6
Show Packages Ctrl+7 Ctrl+7
Zoom Packages Ctrl+Shift+7 Ctrl+Shift+7
Show Environment Ctrl+8 Ctrl+8
Zoom Environment Ctrl+Shift+8 Ctrl+Shift+8
Show Viewer Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9
Zoom Viewer Ctrl+Shift+9 Ctrl+Shift+9
Show Git/SVN Ctrl+F1 Cmd+F1
Zoom Git/SVN Ctrl+Shift+F1 Ctrl+Shift+F1
Show Build Ctrl+F2 Cmd+F2
Zoom Build Ctrl+Shift+F2 Ctrl+Shift+F2
Show Connections Ctrl+F5 No shortcut
Zoom Connections Ctrl+Shift+F5 Ctrl+Shift+F5
Show Find in Files Results Ctrl+F6 Cmd+F6
Zoom Tutorial Ctrl+Shift+F6 Ctrl+Shift+F6
Sync Editor & PDF Preview Ctrl+F8 Cmd+F8
Global Options No shortcut Cmd+, [comma] (Chrome, Desktop), Option+Cmd+, [comma] (Safari, Firefox)
Project Options No shortcut Shift+Cmd+, [comma]


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Build and Reload Ctrl+Shift+B Cmd+Shift+B
Load All (devtools) Ctrl+Shift+L Cmd+Shift+L
Test Package (Desktop) Ctrl+Shift+T Cmd+Shift+T
Test Package (Web) Ctrl+Alt+F7 Cmd+Option+F7
Check Package Ctrl+Shift+E Cmd+Shift+E
Document Package Ctrl+Shift+D Cmd+Shift+D


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Toggle Breakpoint Shift+F9 Shift+F9
Execute Next Line F10 F10
Step Into Function Shift+F4 Shift+F4
Finish Function/Loop Shift+F7 Shift+F7
Continue Shift+F5 Shift+F5
Stop Debugging Shift+F8 Shift+F8


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Previous plot Ctrl+Alt+F11 Cmd+Option+F11
Next plot Ctrl+Alt+F12 Cmd+Option+F12


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Diff active source document Ctrl+Alt+D Ctrl+Option+D
Commit changes Ctrl+Alt+M Ctrl+Option+M
Scroll diff view Ctrl+Up/Down Ctrl+Up/Down
Stage/Unstage (Git) Spacebar Spacebar
Stage/Unstage and move to next (Git) Enter Return


Description Windows & Linux Mac
Quit Session (desktop only) Ctrl+Q Cmd+Q
Restart R Session Ctrl+Shift+F10 Cmd+Shift+F10


Description Windows & Linux Mac
New Terminal Alt+Shift+R Shift+Option+R
Move Focus to Terminal Alt+Shift+M Shift+Option+M
Previous Terminal Alt+Shift+F11 Shift+Option+F11
Next Terminal Alt+Shift+F12 Shift+Option+F12


An R Markdown (.Rmd) file is a record of your research. It contains the code that a scientist needs to reproduce your work along with important details to help readers understand the document. Was this R Markdown cheat sheet helpful? Let us know in the comments. And if you’re interested in learning more about the R Programming language, explore the top R Tutorials today.

Better Your R Markdown Reporting With This Course!

reporting for R markdown

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By Sameeksha Medewar

Sameeksha is a freelance content writer for more than half and a year. She has a hunger to explore and learn new things. She possesses a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

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