Davinder Pal Singh | 30 Jan, 2025

Top 50 MVC Interview Questions and Answers

Getting ready for a Model, View, and Controller (MVC) interview? You have lots of ground to cover in your prep, including everything from the basics to the more advanced concepts. Plus, you might be asked MVC4 interview questions, as well as ones on MVC5.

Here, we’ve rounded up the top MVC interview questions and answers for your MVC interview. We’ve split the questions into basic MVC net interview questions and advanced MVC 4.0 interview questions.

Grab a notepad or a friend to practice — you’ll be ready for your interview in no time!

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Top 50 MVC Interview Questions and Answers

Basic MVC Questions and Answers

1. What is MVC?

Visual representation of MVC components

MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller. These are the three vital components of representing the shape of the data and the business logic behind it. It helps preserve and update an application’s data. 

First, the model component helps retrieve and store the model state in the database. Next, the view component functions as a user interface, helping display segments and modifying data. Finally, the controller component handles requests made by the user at different intervals.

2. How do the Model, View, and Controller function?

The Model component maintains data. The view component improves the communication process with a user interface and end-user communication. Finally, the controller component responds to user action based on the inputs available from the model and view components.

3. What are the different return types of a controller action method?

A controller action method has the following return types: 

  • JSON Result
  • Redirect Result
  • View Result
  • Javascript Result
  • Content Result

4. What are the advantages of MVC?

MVC has many advantages, including multiple view support, change accommodation, Separation of Concerns, testability, and more control. 

5. Can you explain the advantages of MVC in detail?

  1. MVC’s multiple view support helps display various views of the same data simultaneously, as it is impossible to separate the model from the picture.
  2. MVC offers accommodation, which supports regular changes for the user interface. 
  3. MVC offers a Separation of Concerns, also called SoC, which cleanly separates the business logic, model, or even data.
  4. MVC offers more control, provided through the ASP.NET MVC framework for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript than conventionally used WebForms. You might be asked about this particular advantage through MVC framework interview questions.
  5. MVC increases testability with support for test-driven development and web application.
  6. MVC is lightweight, greatly reducing the bandwidth of the request.

6. What are the roles of Presentation, Abstraction, and Control?

  1. The presentation component supports the visual presentation of the application’s abstraction.
  2. The abstraction component offers functionality to the application’s business domain.
  3. The control component offers consistency between the system’s abstraction and presentation to the user. In addition, it provides communication with the system through other controls.

7. Can we maintain a session in MVC?

Yes, you can maintain a session in MVC in three different ways. These are temp data, view bag, and view data.

8. What is the life cycle of an MVC Application?

The lifecycle of an MVC application includes two execution steps and two main phases. The two execution steps involve understanding the request and, secondly, sending out the most appropriate response based on the type of request. The two main phases include creating the request object and, secondly, sending the response to the browser.

9. Define the Model logic.

Model logic is an essential part of the application that handles the logic for the application data. It helps retrieve data and store them in the database.

10. Define the View logic.

The View logic takes care of the data’s display, aka the user interface. These views are created from the model data and various other methods.

11. Define the Controller logic.

The Controller logic handles the user interaction. It responds to each user action. 

12. What is Spring MVC?

Spring MVC is aJava framework used to create web applications. It follows the MVC design pattern using the basic features of a core spring framework, including dependency injection and inversion of control. 

13. What is DispatcherServlet?

DispatcherServerlet is a class that receives incoming requests and also maps them to the most appropriate resource, including the Models, Views, and Controllers.

14. Define ASP.NET MVC.

ASP.NET MVC is a web application’s framework that helps separate the different components of an MVC application into Model, View, and Controller. It’s testable and lightweight.

15. What is MVC Routing?

Visual representation of MVC routing

MVC Routing uses the URL in the ASP.NET MVC framework by mapping action methods and controllers rather than applying any physical files into the system. Routing engines are made to develop appropriate routes for the movement of information and handle different kinds of requests, which later pass through Routing Engines and Routes, and eventually, reach the Controller.

16. Define filters.

Filters are defined as logic applied before or even after the execution of the action method. This way, it acts as an attribute for the action method. 

17. What are the different kinds of MVC action filters?

MVC has four action filters: authorization, action, result, and exception. 

18. Define Partial View and Razor View. 

Partial View in MVC is the chunk of HTML that can be applied in the current DOM. It’s used to componentize Razor views and create and update them at regular intervals. If a URL returns from the partial view and gets invoked from the address bar, an incomplete page is displayed with a missing title, style sheets, and script.

19. What is the page life cycle of MVC?

The page life cycle of MVC starts with application initialization, followed by routing, instantiate, and execute controller. Finally, it reaches to locate and invoke the controller action, then applies instantiate and render view.

20. What is the use of ViewModel of MVC?

ViewModel can bind a strongly typed view using its plain class with properties. It can also have well-defined validation rules for its various properties using the data annotation.

21. What is the database-first approach using the Entity Framework?

The database-first approach is a substitute for the Code First and Model First approaches to the Entity Data Model. It helps create a model class along with classes, DbContext, and properties so the link can be made between the database and controller.

22. What are different approaches to connect the database with the application?

The different approaches to connect the application and database include Code First, Database First, and Model First.

23. What is scaffolding?

Scaffolding is a code generation framework mostly used for ASP.NET web applications

The visual studio consists of various kinds of pre-installed code generators for MVC, as well as Web API projects.

25. What are the different kinds of scaffold templates and their uses?

Page templates, field page templates, filter templates, and entity page templates are all example scaffold templates. These templates support the building of a functional data-driven website.

26. What is Razor in ASP.NET MVC?

Razor is the new view-engine introduced by MVC3, which acts as pluggable modules and applies different template syntax options. 

27. What is the default route in MVC?

A default route adds a generic route that utilizes the URL convention to break the URL for a given request in three segments.

28. How is the route pattern registered in this case?

The route pattern is registered through a call to the MapRoute extension method of the RouteCollection.

29. What is the difference between GET and POST action types?

The GET action type requests data from particular resources, while the POST action type submits data that needs to be processed to a specific resource.

30. What are the differences between View data and View Bag?

  1. View data can pass the data from a controller to view, while View bag can pass data from the controller to the respective view.
  2. View data is available for current requests only, while View bag is available for all kinds of requests.
  3. View data needs typecasting for complex data, while View bag does not require any kind of typecasting.

31. What are the benefits of the Area in MVC?

  1. It helps organize models, views, and controllers in different functional sets, including customer support, billing, and others. 
  2. It helps integrate with other application areas.
  3. It is suitable for unit testing.

Advanced MVC Interview Questions

Looking for MVC interview questions for 10 years’ experience?You might find more difficult, case-based questions in an advanced interview. We’ll cover both general, c# MVC interview questions, and MVC 5 interview questions.

32. What are the steps to create the request object?

  • Step 1: Filling route.
  • Step 2: Fetching route.
  • Step 3: Creating a request context.
  • Step 4: Creating a controller instance.

33. Define the three logical layers of the MVC Pattern.

The three logical layers of the MVC Pattern are:

  1. Model logic, which is a business layer.
  2. View logic, which is a display layer.
  3. Controller logic, which is an input control.

34. How do we implement validation in the MVC?

We can implement validation in the MVC application with well-defined validators in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

35. What are the different types of validators?

Types of validators include Range, Required, DataType, and StringLength.

36. Are there any circumstances where routing is not required or cannot be implemented?

Yes, routing is not required if a physical file is found that matches the URL pattern. When routing is disabled for a URL pattern, it cannot be implemented. 

37. How can Ajax be implemented?

Ajax can be implemented in MVC using Ajax libraries and Jquery.

38. What was the need to introduce WebAPI technology?

HTTP was earlier used as a protocol for all types of clients. But with time, client variety increased and varied. The use of JavaScript, Windows applications, and even mobile demanded a high consumption of HTTP. As a result, the REST approach was proposed. WebAPI technology applied the REST principles to expose the data over HTTP.

39. What are the main Razor Syntax Rules?

The main Razor Syntax Rules are:

  1. The code statement should end with a semicolon.
  2. The inline expressions consisting of variables and functions should start with @
  3. The Razor code blocks have to be enclosed with @(…)
  4. The variables have to be declared with the var keyword.
  5. The strings have to be enclosed with quotation marks.

40. What is Forms Authentication?

Forms Authentication offers users access to specific services so they can verify their credentials using their username or password.

41. Why do we need Forms Authentication?

We need forms authentication to ensure only authorized personnel are using the specific service based on their position or status in the organization.

42. What is the difference between RenderBody and RenderPage?

The RenderBody supports web forms as a ContentPlaceHolder. It renders child pages or child views on the existing page layout. The Render page is part of the layout page. At one time, there can be multiple instances of RenderPage in the RenderBody. 

43. What are non-action methods?

Non-action methods perform place no action and act as filler. It uses the non-action attribute.

44. Which is preferred: Razor or ASPX?

As stated by Microsoft, Razo is preferred over ASPX because it is lightweight and has a simple syntax.

45. What is Glimpse?

Glimpse reveals performance level, supports debugging, and helps diagnose information. Additionally, it gathers information about the routes, timelines, model binding, etc.

The Action link can help navigate from one view to another using the hyperlink, which creates a simple URL and navigates to the “Home” controller. It also generates the Gotohome action.

47. Which filters can you execute at the end?

At the end, we can apply filters called “Exceptional Filters.”

48. What are the possible constraints to a route?

The first constraint to a route is a regular expression, and the second constraint is an object that implements the IRouteConstraint interface.

49. What are some other benefits of using MVC?

MVC helps generate codes that can be used behind a separate class file so that its usage can be increased further. MVC also supports automatic UI testing.

50. Is it possible to automate manual testing and write a unit test?

Yes, MVC offers an opportunity to automate the manual testing system and apply write unit tests.

Bonus Interview Tips

Step one is studying these MVC interview questions regularly for a few weeks leading to the interview. Here are some bonus tips to get the most out of these questions: 

Practice in the mirror: You might not be aware of your tendency to avoid eye contact or ramble during an interview. Answer questions in the mirror and watch your eye movements and facial expressions. This will help you build awareness and feel more confident. 

Research harder questions: Do any of these answers feel forced or unnatural when you recite them? You might not understand the concepts fully. Conduct more research, take a tutorial, or even consider a course to tackle trickier questions. 

Keep a pen and paper handy: Many coding interviews are conducted via video conferencing or phone. You might benefit from keeping some notes as the interviewer speaks or making quick calculations before you answer a question. 

Know the company: Weave in company details into your answers where possible. Your interviewer will want to know you’re passionate and enthusiastic about their brand and goals. 


That’s it for our asp.net MVC interview questions! Of course, there’s more, but this list covers the most common questions.

Study our list of MVC interview questions and practice with a friend. We’re confident you’ll feel prepared and calm for your big day. But if you want to expand your knowledge even further, you have options.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are MVC Interview Questions?

There are several kinds of .net MVC interview questions, many of which we’ve explained above. MVC interview questions range in topics from view, model, and controller functions to scaffolding, route constraints, and authentication forms. 

Interview questions on MVC can be easy if you prepare well, and that also goes for MVC interview questions and answers for experienced individuals.

2. What is the MVC Life Cycle?

The lifecycle of an MVC application has two execution steps and two main phases. The two execution steps involve understanding the request, then sending out the most appropriate response based on the request type. The two main phases include creating the request object, then sending the response to the browser.

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By Davinder Pal Singh

Davinder Passed his post-graduation with merit, he was the first one to submit his project on time, He is highly skilled in typing and research work. He is having more than 16 years of working experience as a freelance technical writer on creating keyword-rich content for clients in various technology.

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