Vijay Singh Khatri | 30 Jan, 2025

Top 40 CSS Interview Questions and Answers in 2025

The use of Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is central to making a website catchy and attractive. CSS has a lot of power, and with web development being popular as ever, there are prospective careers in line if you gain technical expertise in it.

In your journey to find a career in web development, you will of course have to prepare for an interview. We’ve listed the top CSS interview questions and answers here, dividing them into both basic and advanced questions.

Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers

CSS Basic Interview Questions

1. What is CSS?

CSS is a styling language that makes HTML web pages more presentable. It allows you to add color, design, and buttons, among other things, to a website.

2. What are the benefits of using CSS?

There are multiple benefits to using CSS, including:

  • Accessibility
  • Page reformatting
  • Site-wide consistency
  • Bandwidth
  • Separation of the bandwidth of presentation

3. What are the disadvantages of CSS?

The disadvantages of using CSS are:

  • Target-specific texts, styling, and rules are not allowed
  • There are no expressions
  • There is no dynamic behavior to control pseudo-class
  • It is not possible to ascend by selectors
  • Vertical control is limited
  • No column declaration

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4. What is a CSS framework?

CSS frameworks are pre-planned libraries that make for more convenient web page styling which is also compliant with standards.

5. Give a few examples of modules found in the present version of CSS.

Some of the commonly used modules in the current version of CSS include:

  • Box Model
  • Selectors
  • Text effects
  • Backgrounds and Borders
  • Animations
  • 2D/3D Transformations
  • User Interface.
  • Multiple Column Layout

6. What is the difference between CSS2 and CSS3?

  • In CSS2, everything is present in a single document while CSS3 is categorized into multiple sections called modules.
  • Graphics-related features such as Box-shadow or Border-radius, flexbox, etc. can be found which are absent in case of CSS2.
  • Properties such as background-position, background-image, and background-repeat styles can be helpful for using multiple background images in a single webpage.
  • CSS3 versions support many new browsers.
  • CSS3 introduces many new selectors in the form of pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes.

7. Name a few CSS style components.

A few CSS style components include Property, Value, and Selector.

Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS

8. What do you know about CSS opacity?

The technical definition of opacity is the degree to which light is allowed to pass through an object. CSS opacity is the property used to describe the transparency of an element. In other words, it explains how clear the image is.

9. How can the background color of an element be changed?

The background color of an image can be changed using the background-color property.

background-color: coral;

10. How can image repetition of the backup be controlled?

Background-repetition property controls the repetition of images in the background. Use no-repeat if the image is to be displayed once in the background.

body {
background-image: url("/css/images/css.jpg");
background-repeat: repeat;
<p>CSS Background Image:</p>

11. What is the use of the background-position property?

It can be used to define the initial position of a background image. The default position is the top left of the page. The positions that can be set include top, bottom, left, right, and center.

body {
background-image: url('hackr.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: center;
<p>CSS Background Position:</p>

12. Which property controls the image scroll in the background?

Image scroll in the background can be controlled using the background-scroll property.

13. Why should background and color be used as separate properties?

This is done with mainly two purposes:

  1. It makes the style sheets more legible. Background property, which is complex in itself, becomes all the more complex with color.
  2. Color is an in-built property while the background is not one. And this can lead to a lot of confusion.

14. How do you center block elements using CSS1?

In order to center the block-level elements, we need to set the margin-right and margin-left properties to explicit values.

15. What are the ways to integrate CSS as a web page?

There are three methods to integrate CSS in the form of a web page:

  • Embedded: There can be a style element inside the head element inside which we can place the code.
  • Inline: CSS can be applied directly to HTML elements using attributes.
  • Imported or Linked: In the case of linked or imported CSS, the CSS is placed in an external file and a link element is used to link it.

16. What are the external style sheets?

External style sheets are sheets used externally which can be linked to the HTML pages.

17. What are embedded style sheets?

These are the sheets where style sets for the entire HTML document are defined in a single place. For doing this, the style sheet information under the style tags should be embedded into an HTML document.

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using external style sheets?


  • There can be many documents for multiple HTML elements, along with many classes.
  • Multiple documents with various styles can be controlled using different styles.
  • Selector and grouping methods can be used for grouping styles in composite situations.


  • For rendering the document, external style sheets have to be loaded.
  • It is not suitable for small style definitions.
  • For importing documents with style information, an additional download is required.

19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of embedded style sheets?


  • You can create different tag types inside a document.
  • The additional download is not required, unlike external style sheets.
  • In complicated situations, you can use Grouping and Selector methods to apply styles.


  • You cannot control multiple documents.

20. Should You Test the Webpage in Different Browsers?

Yes, you should test a webpage in different browsers because users use a wide variety of browsers and versions. Browsers also update periodically, so you should test it to ensure that nothing breaks.

21. What is Cascading?

Cascading determines what rules to apply to elements by sizing up the importance of various styling rules that may be in conflict with each other.

22. How Do You Select All Elements in a Paragraph?

You can select all elements in a paragraph by using the p[lang] command.

CSS Advanced Interview Questions

23. What is the meaning of the CSS selector?

The selector in CSS is used for the purpose of linking HTML and style sheet elements — just like string in HTML.

24. What are the media types allowed by CSS?

CSS allows different media types, including speech, audio, visual and tactile media, paged or continuous media, bitmap or grid media, and even interactive media.

25. What is the ruleset?

Rulesets can be used to identify selectors attached to one another. It consists of two different parts - selector and declaration.

26. How case-sensitive is CSS?

CSS is not case-sensitive, but the URLs of images and font families are case-sensitive. CSS is case-sensitive only for XML declarations with XHTML DOCTYPE on the page.

27. What is a declaration block?

The declaration block is a catalog of directions comprising the property, followed by a colon, and finally, the value enclosed within braces.

28. What are the different font attributes available?

The various font attributes available include font-variant, font-weight, font-style, font-family, line-height of font size, caption, icon, and font-family.

29. How does importing a file make it easy to insert?

Importing files helps integrate external sheets that can be inserted in multiple sheets. There can be different sheets and styles for different functions.

30. What is the difference between physical and logical tags?

Logical tags are older compared to physical ones and mainly focus on the content. They hardly find any usage in terms of presentation. Logical tags do not find any application in terms of aesthetics, while the physical ones find their application in presentation too.

31. What are pseudo-elements?

Pseudo-elements are used to provide special effects to certain selectors. CSS finds usage in applying styles in the HTML markups. If by any chance, additional styling or markup is not feasible for the document, this feature of pseudo-elements helps by allowing extra markup without hampering the original document.

32. What is Tweening?

Tweening is the process by which intermediate frames between two pictures are created in order to find the appearance of the first image developing into the second.

33. What are CSS counters?

Counters are variables that can be increased by using CSS that inspect and find the number of times of usage of variables.

34. What is the universal selector?

This is a selector which can match the name of any element type, rather than selecting the elements of a specific category.

35. How do you select all the elements of a paragraph?

The elements in a paragraph can be selected using the p[lang] command.

36. How are percentage values decoded in CSS?

Percentage values are decoded in CSS using a percentage symbol.

37. What is RWD?

RWD is the abbreviated form of Responsive Web Design. It is used to display the designed page suitably on any kind of screen size depending on the device under consideration.

38. What is the float property of CSS?

This property is used to position an image to the left or right as required including the text wrapping around it. The property of the elements used before it remains unchanged.

39. What is the difference between visibility: hidden and display:none?

The difference between visibility:hidden and display:none properties is that in the case of the former, the elements are hidden but not deleted. No space is consumed. In case of the latter, the element is hidden and the layout is affected — some space is taken up.

<!DOCTYPE html>
display: none;
<h2>This heading is visible</h2>
<h3>This is a hidden heading</h3>
<p>The hidden heading does not take up space even after hiding it since we have used display: none;.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
h3 {
<h2>This heading is visible</h2>
<h3>This is a hidden heading</h3>
<p>The hidden heading takes up space even after hiding it.</p>

40. What is the difference between the class selector and ID selector?

A class selector takes an overall block while an ID selector takes a single element that differs from others.

Use of CSS class selector

.center {
text-align: center;

Use of CSS ID Selector

text-align: centre;


That concludes the list of CSS interview questions and answers. You may also want to check out the best CSS tutorials for your preparation. Most importantly, don’t forget to actually apply your theoretical knowledge to practical applications. Actual hands-on work is the best way to prepare for any coding interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the questions asked in a CSS interview?

You’ll be asked several different types of CSS questions. The list above will give you a good sense of the types of questions asked.

2. What are the limitations of CSS?

There are in fact limitations to CSS. Some of these are the fact that specific texts, styling, and rules are not allowed, the lack of expressions, and the absence of dynamic behavior to control pseudo-classes.

3. What is CSS used for?

CSS is used to style a web page. While HTML decides the formatting, CSS determines how it looks, i.e., how presentable it is.

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By Vijay Singh Khatri

With 5+ years of experience across various tech stacks such as C, C++, PHP, Python, SQL, Angular, and AWS, Vijay has a bachelor's degree in computer science and a specialty in SEO and helps a lot of ed-tech giants with their organic marketing. Also, he persists in gaining knowledge of content marketing and SEO tools. He has worked with various analytics tools for over eight years.

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