Learn SQL from the best SQL tutorials/courses online.

SQL Tutorials and Courses

10 Tutorials

Learn SQL online from the best SQL tutorials and courses recommended by the programming community.

SQL Articles

SQL in Motion

4.6k+ views manning.com
3 Visit
Paid Video Beginner

Introduction to Oracle SQL Course

4.4k+ views databasestar.com
2 Visit
Free Beginner

Learn SQL the Hard Way

8.2k+ views learncodethehardway.org
2 Visit
Paid Book

Spark Code Hub SQL Tutorial

6.4k+ views sparkcodehub.com
1 Visit
Free Book Beginner SQL New

Complete SQL and Databases Bootcamp

4.4k+ views academy.zerotomastery.io
1 Visit
Paid Video Beginner SQL

CMU's Intro to Database Systems

4.1k+ views youtube.com
1 Visit
Free Video Beginner

Mastery With SQL

5.2k+ views masterywithsql.com
1 Visit
Beginner Paid Video

PL/SQL Tutorial | Oracle Tutorial

4.6k+ views oracletutorial.com
1 Visit
Free Beginner PL/SQL

Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial for Beginners

4k+ views guru99.com
1 Visit
Free Beginner PL/SQL

Introduction to SQL

3.5k+ views launchschool.com
1 Visit
Free Book Beginner
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