Learn Linux System Administration from the best Linux System Administration tutorials/courses online.

Linux System Administration Tutorials and Courses

10 Tutorials

Learn Linux system administration from the best online Linux system administration tutorials submitted & voted by the programming community. Shell and Bash tutorials are included here.

Linux System Administration Articles

Linux Training

4.5k+ views linux-training.be
2 Visit
Free Resources

Linux Survival

4.9k+ views linuxsurvival.com
2 Visit

Linux in Action

4.7k+ views manning.com
1 Visit
Paid Book Beginner

Linux Command Line Basics | Udacity

4.9k+ views udacity.com
1 Visit
Free Beginner

Learning the Shell

3.6k+ views linuxcommand.org
1 Visit

The Art of Command Line

3.2k+ views github.com
1 Visit
+1 Visit
Paid Video

Linux Fundamentals

3.6k+ views funtoo.org
1 Visit

Practical Unix by Stanford

3.6k+ views openclassroom.stanford.edu
1 Visit
Free Video

Learn Linux, 101: A roadmap for LPIC-1

2.6k+ views developer.ibm.com
+1 Visit
Free Linux
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