This online program will teach you to leverage edge computing & use the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO to develop of high-performance apps. Learn online, with Udacity.
Why is the testing of connected devices so important? This webinar describes connected devices testing, its ever-growing need, and its importance for employers - and your career.
In this video, you will learn how to set up Wokwi for IoT simulation in VS Code with PlatformIO. We will discuss the limitations of Wokwi in the browser and ...
The Internet of Things, revised and updated edition (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) [Greengard, Samuel] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Internet of Things, revised and updated edition (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Practical IoT Hacking: The Definitive Guide to Attacking the Internet of Things: 9781718500907: Chantzis, Fotios, Stais, Ioannis, Calderon, Paulino, Deirmentzoglou, Evangelos, Woods, Beau: Books