Sameeksha Medewar | 11 Aug, 2023

50 Top Golang Interview Questions and Answers for 2024


Golang is an open-source programming language created by Google. Because of this language's concurrency, security, and user-friendliness, it has become incredibly well-known. It’s a relatively new programming language, and the developers have designed it as they were frustrated using the existing programming languages

This language was designed to be simple and efficient, with a faster compilation time to speed up application development. Many tech giants like Google, Uber, and Apple love Golang for its faster development time, ease of learning, improved runtime, garbage collection, and many more. 

As companies leverage Golang, the demand for programmers with Golang knowledge continues to grow. Bottom line? Learning Golang would open up a lot of career opportunities. 

If you are planning to pursue your career as a Golang developer, you’ll need to prepare for your interview properly. That’s why we curated this extensive list of Golang interview questions! 

We’ll cover up to 50 Go language interview questions for beginners and experienced developers. A Golang programming job is within reach. So keep reading to inch closer to your career goals and ace that Golang interview! 

Golang Interview Questions for Beginner and Experienced Developers 

You might notice job ads ranging from entry-level to senior. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with both basic and advanced interview questions on Golang. 

Basic Go Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Golang?

Golang is an open-source, general-purpose programming language developed by Google. It’s a popular language for its top-notch concurrency, security, and user-friendliness. Golang blends Python's speed with C++'s excellent performance and robust security features. 

Golang’s main benefits include its quick development speed, high security, and high modularity. Developers have used it to create infrastructure software like Docker, Kubernetes, web servers, proxies, storage engines, message brokers, and more. 

2. Why should you learn Golang? What are the benefits of Golang over other programming languages?

Go provides the best way to handle server-side interaction. Node is quick, but because it only uses one thread, it can't handle demanding jobs like Golang.

Here are some more Golang advantages: 

  • Quick compilation and operation
  • No requirement to work with many subsets of languages for a single project
  • Improved documentation and code readability
  • Easier versioning process
  • Easier dependency maintenance

3. Why is Golang reliable?

Golang is reliable because it’s type-safe, making it harder to crash the program. Additionally, it’s impossible to misinterpret any type on Golang. 

4. What are Golang packages?

A Golang package is a folder-like file organization that includes all Go content. In a code repository, packages are typically directories but Go code-containing folders. External packages can access exported structs, functions, and variables but not unexported entities.

A package may include zero or more structs, functions, or variables. In fact, a package can just be included to execute its own unit function.

A Go package is pretty similar to a single Java class, except it can be spread across multiple files in Go. Additionally, each executable Go project or module includes a package named main with a function that serves as the executable build's entry point. 

5. Does Golang take ‘cases’ into account?

Go is one of the only languages that truly incorporates the case of identifiers into its fundamental syntax and is case-sensitive. An object's type, method, etc., is "exported" (visible to other packages) if its name begins with an uppercase letter but not if it begins with a lowercase letter.

6. What are pointers in Golang?

Pointers are a memory-efficient method of passing around objects. When giving objects to functions or assigning them to variables, Go typically copies the objects it sends to functions.

7. What does the Golang goroutine mean?

A goroutine is the name for any continuously running activity in the go programming language. It’s a unique function or method that runs concurrently and independently with any present goroutines.

Recommended Go Lang Course

8. Describe the workspace in Go.

A Go code must retain a workspace. The root of a workspace's hierarchy has three directories:

  • “Src:” Go source files are arranged into packages
  • “Pkg:” includes package items 
  • “Bin:” includes executing instructions

9. What are string literals?

A string literal is a constant representation created by joining a group of characters.

The two types are:

  • Raw string literals: Character sequences enclosed in back quotes ('). A string literal value is a string made up of characters not broken up by quotes.
  • Translated string literals: Enclosed in double quotations ("). The value of the literal is the text enclosed in double-quotes, which may or may not have newlines.

10. What does the GOPATH environment variable mean?

The GOPATH environment variable determines the workspace's location. When writing Go code, you only need to set this one environment variable.

11. What is a string in GoLang?

A Golang string is a sequence of characters with various lengths, where each character is encoded as one or more bytes using the UTF-8 encoding. Strings are an immutable chain of any number of bytes, including those with a value of 0. You can also view them as a read-only slice of bytes, and their bytes can be represented in Unicode text using the UTF-8 encoding. 

In many languages, like Java and Python, strings are immutable. For non-composite "data" types like numbers and strings, immutability is advantageous since it ensures other programs' side effects won’t alter a variable's contents. 

Additionally, strings and numbers are permitted as keys in maps in the Go programming language, and the contents of the string determine the equality of strings. 

12. What is a Go variable's static type declaration?

Static type declarations help compilers continue their function under the notion that there’s one variable, even if it lacks variable information. The variable declaration is only significant at the compilation time; the compiler needs an actual variable declaration when the program is linked.

13. Why was the Go language developed?

Go was developed as a result of unhappiness with other systems' programming languages’ speed. 

Golang aims to be:

  • Dynamically typed and interpreted 
  • Effectively and securely, statically typed
  • Prepared with networked and multicore computing support
  • Quick at compiling

14. What are Go Interfaces?

Go interfaces have a predetermined set of method signatures. These methods are implemented in a special type with the ability to take values. We can’t make an instance of the interfaces since they are abstract. However, we can construct a variable of type interface and then assign that variable to a concrete value with the interface’s methods.

You can implement dynamic binding or polymorphism using interfaces. A set of methods is defined in an interface class. These properties must be included in the concrete class that implements this interface.

When constructing a large system or library, interfaces bring value. References to interfaces rather than classes reduce future modifications because the user of an interface reference need not be concerned with changes to the underlying concrete implementation.

15. How are channels used in Golang, and what are Go channels?

A go channel allows goroutines to exchange and transfer data values. One channel allows the same type of data to be transferred. The channel's data flow is bidirectional, so goroutines can transmit and receive data over the same channel.

16. What are variadic functions in Go?

A variadic function accepts various numbers of arguments. Golang allows a variable number of parameters of the same type as those listed in the function signature.

17. What is the constant variable in Go?

A constant variable is assigned a certain value, without the ability to be reassigned another value. 

18. What are the different types of operators available in Go?

Golang supports the following operators:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Bitwise operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Sign operators
  • Boolean 
  • Comparison
  • Increment & decrement 
  • Logical operators 
  • Relational operators

Intermediate Go Interview Questions and Answers

19. Differentiate between const and read-only keywords.


  • These variables are evaluated at compile time
  • They are only for value types


  • These variables are evaluated at runtime
  • They can hold reference type variables

20. What is garbage collection in Go?

Garbage collection recycles storage dynamically assigned to a program to be used by other objects. The term typically refers to automated regeneration for routine storage by the waste collector rather than explicit code (written by a programmer) to release specific memory blocks. 

When the amount of free RAM falls below a predetermined level or after a predetermined number of allocations, automatic garbage collection is often initiated. The term "garbage collection" refers to the removal of items that the software no longer requires to make room in memory for other dynamic objects.

21. What is heap memory?

We store objects and variables created dynamically in heap memory. When we no longer need an item, we frequently erase the memory it used up on the heap.

22. What are the data types in Go?

Here are Go’s available data types:

  • Numbers, strings, and booleans
  • Reference type slices, pointers, maps, channels, and functions
  • Interface type
  • Aggregate type structures and arrays

23. Declare multiple variables in a single line in Go. 

You can declare multiple variables in a single line in Go:

var x, y, z = 1, 2, 3

24. Write a program to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string.

package main
 import (
var nonAlphanumericRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]+`)
func clearString(str string) string {
    return nonAlphanumericRegex.ReplaceAllString(str, "")
func main() {
    str := "abcd$123*"



25. What are slices in Go?

Slices are a crucial Go data type that gives sequences a more potent interface than arrays. Unlike arrays, slices are only typed based on their contained elements (not the number of elements). Use the built-in "make" keyword to generate an empty slice with a length that is not zero.

26. Write a simple text on the console in Go.

package main
import "fmt"
func main()
fmt.println("Hello World")

27. What is a structure in Go?

A structure is a user-defined data type that allows you to hold different types of elements. We refer to each element of a structure as a member. All structure members are always public.

type person struct {
    name string
    age  int
    height int

28. What are timers and tickers in Go?

Timers stand for a single future event. They schedule one-time future actions. Tickers schedule recurring actions at regular intervals.

29. What is Regex?

Regex is the abbreviation for a regular expression. It provides instructions on how to format a pattern for text searches. 

"abc?" would be compatible with "abcd," "abce," "abcf," or any other four-letter combination starting with "abc." 

For our use cases, we can employ more rules, specifically those that deal with character groups, string position, etc. The REGEX syntax is practically the same for all computer languages.

30. What is the goto statement in Golang?

In Golang, the goto statement serves as a jump statement. Goto is accustomed to giving program control to a predetermined label. It can be used to repeat some part of program code for a particular condition or even skip some part of code and jump on required statements.

31. What are design patterns?

Design patterns are reusable pieces of code you can repeatedly use to solve common software problems. Your projects will produce more modular, scalable, and optimized software if you employ design patterns. Design patterns help you expand your apps and collaborate with a team. The Factory Method, Singleton, Facade, and Decorator are common design patterns examples.

32. What is the switch statement?

Using a switch statement, you can compare a variable’s value to a range of potential values. Each switch case determines whether the variable is turned on, and each value is referred to as a case. Control is transferred from the switch statement to a statement in its body.

33. Does Go support automatic type conversion?

No, automatic type conversion doesn’t exist in Go. Instead, a variable of one type must be designated as another through explicit type conversion.

34. What is the scope of a variable?

The scope of a variable is where you can access that particular variable. Every variable in the Go programming language is statically scoped, meaning it’s decided what it will be used for during compilation.

35. Explain the distinction between methods and functions in Golang.

The main distinction between Go functions and Go methods is that Golang methods have receiver arguments. With the receiver argument's participation, the procedure can acquire the receiver's attributes.

Advanced Golang Interview Questions for Experienced Developers 

36. What are Golang's built-in supports?

The following are Golang’s built-in supports: 

  • Web server: http/net 
  • Container: heap/container list/ container
  • Cryptography: crypto md5/ crypto
  • Database: sql/database
  • Compression: gzip/compress

37. Why do we use the break statement in Golang?

The break statement terminates the for loop or switch statement, immediately transferring control to the statement that comes next.

38. Why do we use the continue statement in Golang? 

We can use the continue statement to rerun the iteration inside a loop. The statement skips the rest part of the loop and executes it from the next iteration.

39. How do you conduct testing in Golang?

Golang’s package testing supports automated testing. The "go test" command automates the function execution of any form. That command should be used in conjunction with this tool.

40. Can we compare two structures in Go?

Yes, we can compare two structures in Go using a simple ‘==’ operator.

41. What is a select statement in Golang?

A switch statement and a select statement are very similar in Go. However, the case statement indicates any progress on the channel in the select statement.

42. Who developed Golang?

Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created Golang and released it on November 10, 2009.

43. Does Golang support inheritance?

One of the key ideas in object-oriented programming is inheritance, which refers to passing on the properties of the superclass to the base class. As Golang doesn’t support classes, inheritance occurs through struct embedding. Since we cannot directly extend structs, we must use the idea of composition to create new objects using the struct.

44. Do exceptions exist in Go?

No, exceptions don’t exist in Go. Error reporting in Golang is simple and doesn't require overloading the return value for simple error management. In Go, error values denote an abnormal condition.

45. Do optional parameters exist for Go?

Go doesn’t support optional parameters or method overloading.

46. What is a rune in Golang?

A rune is a built-in type alias for int32 (not a string). It is a Unicode CodePoint representation. A rune can represent any code point, regardless of how many positions it appears. 

47. What are closures for functions?

Function closures are anonymous functions in Golang. 

48. How does CGo look in Golang?

cGo produces Go and C files that you can combine into a distinct Go package from a Go source file with special features. C refers to a "pseudo-package," a distinct name established by cGo as a reference to C's namespace.

49. What are ‘lvalue’ and ‘rvalue’ in Go?

‘lvalue’ expressions represent memory locations. You can find them either on an assignment operator’s right or left side.

‘rvalue’ describes a data value kept in memory at a certain address. There is no way to value it. Thus, the term "rvalues" is always shown to the right of the assignment operator.

50. Is Golang quick?

Golang is a fast programming language thanks to its concurrency model and simple syntax. Golang compilation is also quick, and connects all required libraries into a single binary file to reduce the need for servers.

Bonus Tips

These Go interview questions are a fabulous way to prepare for your upcoming interview. Here are some more helpful tips to supplement your studies:

  • Create a detailed study plan to master all the Golang concepts.
  • Practice implementing Golang concepts on your own. 
  • Practice Golang interview questions with a friend. 
  • Work on improving your thinking process for solving a specific problem. 
  • Prepare for both technical and behavioral Golang interview questions. 


Golang was created to accelerate the software development process and enhance code quality. No wonder it’s such a sought-after proficiency in today’s market — it even commands competitive salaries. 

Download our Golang interview questions PDF so you can practice offline.

Interested in preparing for other programming interviews? 

Check Out 100+ Java Interview Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who Created Golang?

Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson developed Golang at Google. The language was released on November 10, 2009.

2. Why is Go Often Called a Post-OOP Language?

Golang is a post-OOP programming language that takes structure cues from the Algol/Pascal/Modula language family (packages, types, functions). Nevertheless, object-oriented principles are still helpful in Go for providing a clean and intelligible program structure.

3. Can I Use Golang in Coding Interviews?

Golang is supported by most code-sharing tools that businesses use nowadays for interviews. Leetcode and other rival coding websites offer support for Go as well. Most employers would let you code in the language of your choice, unless you’re applying for senior-level or mid-senior-level employment that requires proficiency in a particular language. 

Use Go if it's the language you feel most at ease writing.

4. Is Golang Object-Oriented?

Golang is not functional or object-oriented either. These programming paradigms do not conflict with one another. Golang is a procedural and imperative language that is analogous to C.

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By Sameeksha Medewar

Sameeksha is a freelance content writer for more than half and a year. She has a hunger to explore and learn new things. She possesses a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

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