Sameeksha Medewar | 30 Jan, 2025

50+ Git Interview Questions and Answers for 2025

Git is one of the most commonly used tools for managing and sharing source code. An open-source software, Git has become popular due to its crucial role in achieving DevOps. In this article, you’ll find Git interview questions and answers useful for beginners, intermediates, and advanced professionals. 

Brew a cup of coffee and grab a friend to practice these interview questions on Git! By the end, you’ll be a pro at using these Git questions for interviews, development, and more excel in your career. 

50 Top Git Interview Questions And Answers

Are you a Git veteran or a new programmer to the game? We’ve categorized these Git interview questions and answers based on difficulty:

Basic Interview Questions on Git

1. What is Git?

Git is an open-source, widely-used, distributed version control system. It is capable of handling the development of small to large projects easily. 

Multiple developers can work simultaneously on a single project, and they can track code changes made and reflected. Additionally, if something goes wrong, you can simply revert changes to the previous version with little difficulty.

2. What Are Git’s Features?

The following are some of Git’s features:

  • Interpretation: From a performance perspective, Git is considered a reliable platform compared to other version control systems. It smoothens the process of changing and optimizing code and merging branches. Git uses algorithms for creating real source codes. 
  • Security: Git maintains source code integrity by keeping the file relationship secured cryptographically using the SHA1 algorithm. This algorithm protects the code and changes the history whenever there is damage. 
  • Flexibility: Git offers support for different types of non-linear workflow developments, and can handle both small and large projects. Git supports tagging and branching operations flexibility.
  • Wide acceptance: Git is widely accepted by every developer due to its user-friendliness and immense features such as security, flexibility, performance, and others. 
  • Branching Model: Git has a different branching model compared to other VCS. The Git model allows for multiple independent, local branches to allow friction-less context switching (switch back and forth to the new commit, code, and back), role-based code (a branch that always goes to production, another to testing, etc.) and disposable experimentation (deleting experiments without losing code).
  • Staging Area: Git has an intermediate stage called "index" or "staging area" where you can format and alter the commits before actually completing the commit.
  • Distributed: Git is distributed in nature, meaning the repository or the complete code base is mirrored onto the developer's system so that the specific developer can work on it only.
  • Open-Source: Git, being open-source, allows developers from all over the world to contribute to the software and make it more functional by adding more advanced features and additional plugins. Due to this, the Linux kernel is software with about 15 million lines of code.

3. What are the advantages of using Git? 

The following is the list of advantages you’ll experience using Git:

  • Fast: Git is a distributed model where each developer will have their local repository with commit history, making Git a faster option as compared to other version control systems.
  • Secure: Git comes with efficient branching capabilities and merging, maintaining data integrity.
  • Always improving: Due to its availability as open-source, anyone can use it and contribute to its source code to improve its functionality.
  • Time-efficient: Git can perform simple push and pull operations that save time for developers without switching between different requests.
  • Versatile: You can create Git add-ons in any language.
  • Optimized performance: Git considers data like a sequence of snapshots, ensuring good network performance and optimized disk utilization.

4. What are Git’s limitations? 

The following are some major limitations you can come across while using Git:

  • Tedious: To work with Git, you need to be technically strong. Also, it works slower on Windows, with a tedious command line to input.
  • Poor interface: Git has a difficult learning curve with an interface that isn’t user-friendly. The resources it uses may slow down performance as well.
  • Multiple package repositories: Git will check the subtrees; for each project, the central service would need to be set up for multiple package repositories.
  • Multiple branches: You need to create multiple branches for parallel development.
  • Lacking access control and support: Git does not come with built-in access control and support for binary files.
  • Expensive: The process of packing is very expensive, requiring an ample budget. 

5. What’s the difference between SVN and Git?

Here are some key differences between SVN and Git:

  • SVN is more useful for larger files compared to Git.
  • SVN uses centralized version control, which means the central server will have both new files and original files.
  • SVN is slower because developers work on the same central server and thus do not have a flexible workflow. Git is faster as it shares the workload through several local repositories. 
  • SVN has a more complex system because it works with the central repository. But with Git, you can easily induce changes in the files.
  • Git uses local repositories that you can easily merge with the central repository later. While in the case of SVN, the developer must be online during the changes in the central repository.

Here’s a quick list of the different commands in SVN and Git: 


SVN Commands

Git Commands

Create a new repository.

svnadmin create
git init

Copy files into the client workspace.

svn checkout <URL> <target_name>
git clone or git fetch

Send changes to the depot.

svn commit
git commit

Add a new file.

svn import
git add

Compare changes to files.

svn diff
git diff

6. What is a distributed version control system?

A distributed version control system lets you easily track different versions of a file throughout the complete system. It ensures consistency, as all users know what is happening to files at a certain point in time. 

For example, a DVCS uses a repository as an intermediary between workstations and servers. The repository consists of all the revised file versions, and the software system will consistently check with the repository to ensure consistency.

The main purpose of a DVCS is to track changes to individual files or documents. It uses different tracking measures that work differently to allow transparent research into how specific files have changed and when they have changed, known as a "push/pull" process where information is exchanged between servers and other components to keep the file versions consistent.

7. What are the advantages of using a distributed version control system?

Here are some advantages of using a distributed version control system:

  • Fast: All work can be done by different developers on the local repository, requiring no call to the server.
  • Easy branching and merging: Since the codebase resides on the local hard disk, branching and merging will be easier than centralized VCS.
  • Local branching: Developers can create, work on, and merge as many local branches as they want. Once the merging is done, developers can delete the local branches, so they will not be visible to anyone.
  • Snapshots instead of differences: You can have the complete code repository for each performed commit using snapshots. It allows you to revert back any commit without making the changes to the base version.
  • Scalable: A DVC system is highly scalable compared to a centralized VCS, especially for open-source projects allowing millions of developers to contribute.

8. What language is used by Git?

Git works in C language — the main reason behind Git’s fast speed. C reduces the overhead of run times associated with high-level languages.

9. What is a Git repository, and how do you initialize it?

A Git repository is the central location for all Git files. These files can be on the local repository or remote repository. 

To initialize the empty repository to a Git directory, use the init command. Once you run it, you can see a .git folder.

10. What are some commonly used Git commands?

The following are some useful commands for Git:

  • Git config: helps you configure the username and email address.
  • Git add: allows you to add one or more files to the staging area.
  • Git diff: allows you to view the changes made to the file.
  • Git init: allows you to initialize an empty Git repository.
  • Git commit: allows you to commit changes to the head but not to the remote repository.

11. What does a Git clone do?

Git clone is a git command utility that targets the existing repository and creates a clone of it for the target repository. The original repository can be stored on the local filesystem or on remote machine-accessible supported protocols. 

It is a full-fledged Git repository having its own history, managing its own files, and comes with a completely isolated environment from the original repository. The process of cloning creates a remote connection that points back to the original repo. It is beneficial for easy interaction with the central repo. 

Moreover, it will create an automatic connection using Git refs to the remote branch heads stored under refs/remotes/origin. It also initializes the remote.origin.url and remote.origin.fetchconfiguration variables.

git clone ssh:// 

cd my-project 

# Start working on the project

The first command initializes a new Git repository in the my-project folder on your local machine and populates it with the central repository’s contents. Then, you can use cd into the project and start editing files, committing snapshots, and interacting with other repositories. Also, note that the .gitextension is omitted from the cloned repository. This reflects the non-bare status of the local copy.

12. What does a git config do?

With git config, we can query or set configuration options for Git. Primarily, we use git config with the configuration name and invoke it to display the set value at that name. 

git config

In the above example, email is the child property of the user config block. The command will return the email address associated with the locally created commits.

The following are the three config levels:

  • –local- This is the default option, and git config will write to a local level if no configuration option is passed.
  • –global- It is user-specific, i.e., the configuration applies to the user of an operating system. 
  • –system- This configuration level applies across an entire machine, i.e., all the users of the operating system and repositories. 

13. What is head in terms of Git?

Git has both “head” and “HEAD” with different functions. 

The head is a reference pointing to the tip (latest commit) of a branch. To check your repository’s head, go to the path .git/refs/heads/. 

The path will offer one file per branch, displaying the commit ID of that branch’s tip (most recent commit).

While the HEAD is a special ref pointing to the commit you’re currently working on. Top put it simply, head is nothing but a global variable or environmental variable in your repository. Based on the commit you made to your working directory and checked out, the value of head changes. A file called .git/HEAD stores this head.

HEAD usually points to the tip/head of the currently active branch, which is represented in the .git/HEAD file as follows:

> cat .git/HEAD

ref: refs/heads/master

It tells Git about the user’s current working directory in respect to the master branch. If you use the git checkout command, the HEAD will point to the newly checked-out branch’s head. Here, the "head" specifies any commit representing a branch tip.

14. What does the git status command do?

This command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. You can see the staged changes and other information. However, it will not show any information about the committed project history (more on that later). Here’s the command: 

git status

It will list which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked. Status messages include relevant instructions for staging/unstaging files. 

Here’s an output example showing the three main categories of a git status call:

On branch main

# Changes to be committed:

# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)




# Changes not staged for commit:

# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)

# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)




# Untracked files:

# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)



15. What does a git log command do?

The “git log” command shows the committed snapshots. You can use it to see a project history list, filter it, and search for changes. Here’s the comm

This command will display the entire history in the default formatting. If the output exceeds the single screen, you can use the space to scroll down the screen. 

16. What does the git add command do?

You can use the “Git add” command to make a change in the working directory to the staging area. It lets Git know that you’re adding updates to the file in the next commit. However, it does not impact the repository, as no change will be recorded until you hit “git commit.” To check the working directory’s status and staging area, run the git status command. 

“Git add” and “Git commit” together complete the Git workflow. First, edit the files present in the working directory. When you’re ready with the project’s final state and are about to save it, use Git add to stage the changes. Once you’re satisfied with the staged snapshot, commit it to the project history with Git commit. You can also use the git reset command to undo a commit or staged snapshot.

“Git push” is a third command you can use to send committed changes to remote repositories for collaboration. This enables other team members to see the changes. You must call “git add” every time you need to change a file. Below are some options you can use with the “git add” command:

  • Add all changes at once using: git add . command.
  • Add files one by one with: git add <file_name> command.
  • Add a particular folder’s contents with: git add /<folder_name>/ command

Intermediate Git Interview Questions and Answers 

17. Explain conflict in Git.

When two different branches make edits to the same line in the same file, a conflict in Git arises. Another scenario where conflict may occur is when one file is deleted in one branch and another branch edits the same file. These are merge conflicts. 

18. What does a git stash command do?

The git stash command will temporarily shelve changes in your working copy, allowing you to work on something else and then return to the first project.

This command will save your uncommitted changes for later use:

$ git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:

new file: style.css

Changes not staged for commit:

modified: index.html

$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on main: 5002d47 our new homepage
HEAD is now at 5002d47 our new homepage

$ git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean​

Make sure the stash is local to your Git repository. You can even drop the stash no longer required with this command:

$ git stash drop stash@{1}
Dropped stash@{1} (17e2697fd8251df6163117cb3d58c1f62a5e7cdb)​

19. What does a git push command do?

This command uploads local repository content to a remote repository. Pushing is the way to transfer the commits from the local to the remote repo. It works exactly opposite to the git fetch command. To configure remote branches, use the git remote command. Pushing is capable of overwriting the changes, so you must be careful while running this command:

git push <remote> <branch>

Push the specified branch to a remote repository with all of the necessary commits and internal objects. It will create a local branch in the destination repository. To prevent you from overwriting commits, Git won’t let you push when it results in a non-fast-forward merge in the destination repository.

git push <remote> --force

This command will work the same as above, but with “force” it will push the branch even if it results in a non-fast-forward merge. 

git push <remote> --all

The above command will push all the local branches to a specified remote repo.

git push <remote> --tags

While pushing, tags will not be included by default. You must explicitly mention whether you want to push the tags.

20. What does a git pull command do?

This command fetches and downloads content from the remote repo, then immediately updates the local repo to match the content. Merging remote upstream changes into your local repository is a common task. The git pull command works as a combination of two other commands: git fetch and git merge. 

In the first stage of operation, git pull will execute a git fetch scoped to the local branch that HEAD is pointed at. After downloading the content, git pull will enter a merge workflow. It will create a new merge commit and HEAD will point at the new commit.

You can think of git pull as similar to an SVN update. It’s an easy way to synchronize your local repository with upstream changes. 

The following are some commands:

  • git pull <remote>

Fetches the current branch’s specified remote copy and immediately merges it into the local copy. 

  • git pull --no-commit <remote>

Fetches the remote content without creating a new merge commit.

  • git pull --rebase <remote>

Same as the previous, but instead of using git merge to integrate the remote branch with the local one, use git rebase.

  • git pull --verbose

Provides a detailed output during a pull displaying the task’s content.

21. What does git pull origin master do?

The git pull origin master lets you integrate all master branch changes into the local branch.

git pull = git fetch + git merge origin/ master

22. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

The following are the major differences between the git pull and git fetch.

  • Git fetch is safer as it pulls all commits from the remote without changing local files. any changes. Git pull is faster, as it allows you to perform multiple functions. Using git pull will reduce the chances of conflicts in your local repo and pull the updated changes from the remote branch.
  • Git fetch really only downloads new data from a remote repository; however, it doesn't integrate any of this new data into your working files. Fetch provides a fresh view of changes that happened in a remote repository. While the git pull updates your current HEAD branch with the latest changes from the remote server. It means the pull not only downloads new data but also integrates it into your current working copy files.

23. List the commands for deleting a branch.

Sometimes, you need to delete local or remote branches.

  • Deleting a local branch

Before deleting, run the “git branch -a” to list all available branches. Then run “git branch -d <branch name>” for the branch you want to delete. For example:

git branch -a

# *master

# test

# remote/origin/master

# remote/origin/test

git branch -d test

# Deleted branch test (was ########).
  • Deleting a remote branch

Use the “git push” command along with the “--delete” flag with the branch name that you want to delete. Also, remember to add the remote name after the push command. For example:

git branch -a

# *master

# test

# remote/origin/master

# remote/origin/test

git push origin --delete test

# To <URL of your repository>.git

# - [deleted] test

24. What does a git stash apply command do?

With stash apply, you can reapply previously staged changes. Use the “git stash pop:” 

$ git status

On branch main

nothing to commit, working tree clean

$ git stash pop

On branch main

Changes to be committed:

new file: style.css

Changes not staged for commit:

modified: index.html

Dropped refs/stash@{0} (32b3aa1d185dfe6d57b3c3cc3b32cbf3e380cc6a)

The stash pop will remove the changes from your stash and then reapply them to the working copy. You might also use the stash apply command. For example:

$ git stash apply

On branch main

Changes to be committed:

new file: style.css

Changes not staged for commit:

modified: index.html

25. What does a git diff command do?

Diff is a function that takes two inputs then provides the output regarding the changes between both inputs. It is a multi-use command that runs the diff function on Git data sources. The data sources can be commits, branches, files, and others.

Here’s what you can do with a Git diff command:

  • Track non-staged changes: $ git diff
  • Track the changes binary files’ changes:
$:> git diff

Binary files a/script.pdf and b/script.pdf differ

  • Track staged but not committed changes:
$ git diff --staged
  • Track changes after committing a file:
$ git diff HEAD
  • Track changes between two commits:
$ git diff Git Diff Branches:

$ git diff < branch 2>
  • Comparing file changes:
git diff HEAD ./path/to/file

git diff --cached ./path/to/file
  • Compare files from different branches:
git diff main new_branch ./diff_test.txt

26. What is the difference between git diff and git status?

‘Git diff’ is used to check changes between commits, commits and working tree, etc. while ‘git status’ displays the difference between the working directory and the index. 

27. What is git reflog?

Git reflogs help keep track of updates to the branch tips. Git has many commands that will take “ref” as parameters, such as git checkout, git reset, git merge, etc. Reflogs track when Git refs were updated in the local repository. Every reflog entry has a timestamp attached to it., which you can leverage as the qualifier token of Git ref pointer syntax. 

For example:

git reflog


git reflog show HEAD

28. What is a bare repository?

A bare repository is created without a working tree; you must mention the “--bare” flag explicitly to create one:

git init --bare .

Whenever you run the ls command, you will only get the contents of the .git directory, not any working tree.

You can use the bare repository as the remote repository shared among several people. You can’t make any commits in a bare repository, or track changes made in projects by a bare repository. Central repositories use bare repositories because Git doesn’t allow you to push to a non-bare repository, as the working tree will become inconsistent.

29. How do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?

You can revert it in one of two ways: 

  • Remove or fix the bad file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository. Then commit it to the remote repository using this command: 
git commit –m "commit message"
  • Create a new commit that undoes all the changes made in the bad commit. Then use the following command:
git revert <commit id>


git revert 56de0938f

30. What is SubGit?

SubGit is a tool that allows SVN to Git migration. TMate developed this tool to convert the SVN repo to git, so you can work on both systems simultaneously. It will automatically sync the SVN with Git. This tool lets you create the SVN||Git mirror. To use it, you must install it on your Git server. It will detect all the settings of your remote SVN repository, including SVN revisions, branches, and tags, and converts them into Git commits. It also preserves history and merged data.

The Git & Github Bootcamp

31. What are some different branching strategies?

Here are some commonly used git branching strategies:

  • GitFlow: This strategy is an advanced method for most projects. It supports parallel development where developers can work separately from the master branch on features where a feature branch is created from the master branch. When changes are complete, the developer merges these changes back to the master branch for release.
  • GitHub Flow: This is a simple alternative for gitflow, suitable for small projects and teams as they do not have to handle multiple versions. With this strategy, you do not have release branches. You start off with the main branch. Then, developers create branches — feature branches that stem directly from the master — to isolate their work and merge it back into main. The feature branch is then deleted.
  • GitLab Flow: This strategy combines feature-driven development and feature branching with issue tracking. It works well when you want to maintain multiple environments and seperate your staging environment from the production environment. When the deployment is ready, you can merge back into the production branch and release it.
  • Trunk-based development: This strategy requires no branches; instead, developers integrate their changes into a shared trunk at least once a day. This shared trunk is then ready for release anytime and suitable when you have to make smaller changes. The main advantages here are that you can make smaller changes frequently while limiting long-lasting branches and avoiding merge conflicts, as all developers work on the same branch.

32. What are the advantages of forking workflow?

  • Easy integration: The developer’s contribution can be integrated without even pushing to a single centralized repo, resulting in clean project history. 
  • Easy to Push Repositories: It allows developers to push their server-side repos, but only the project maintainer has access to push it to the official repo.

33. What does a git clean command do?

Git clean command works similar to git reset and git checkout. Both reset and checkout commands operate on files previously added to the Git tracking index, but the git clean command operates on untracked files. Untracked files are files created within your repo's working directory but have not yet been added to the repository's tracking index using the git add command.

You can use the command with different options:

  • To see the dry run, run ‘git clean -n’. 
  • The command ‘git clean -f’ forces the deletion of an untracked file. 
  • To remove untracked directories, run ‘git clean -f -d’.
  • Run the command ‘git clean -f -x’ to remove untracked .gitignore files.
  • Perform interactive git clean to add the -i switch. 

34. How do you recover a deleted branch?

To recover a deleted branch, find the commit that was the head of your deleted branch by running the following command: 

git reflog

You can then recreate the branch by running this command: 

git checkout -b <branch-name> <sha1-of-commit>

You will not be able to recover deleted branches in git's garbage collector. Always have a repository backup, especially when working in a small team / proprietary project.

Git Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Engineers 

Keep reading for more advanced Git interview questions and answers for DevOps engineers. 

35. How can you enter a merge in the conflicted stage?

Here’s how you can resolve merge conflicts:

  • Open the merge conflicts and make the necessary changes.
  • Use the “git add” command to stage the new merged content.
  • Create a new commit using the git commit command. This will create a new merge commit to finalize the merge.

You can use the following commands to resolve the conflicts:

git log –merge

Git diff

git checkout

git reset –mixed

git merge –abort

git reset

36. How do you check files that have changes in a particular commit?

You can use the following command to check which files are changed:

git diff-tree -r {hash}

The above command will display the list of all modified files modified in that commit. If you specify the -r flag, it will list individual files. The output displays some extra information, so you can use the two flags to suppress that information.

git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r {hash}

Here –no-commit-id suppresses the commit hashes from being displayed in the output, and –name-only will mention the file names without their paths.

37. How do you create an additional commit or amend it in case of broken commits?

You might consider creating an additional commit rather than amending it because: 

  • If you amend, you will destroy the commit’s previously saved state. Sometimes this changes the commit content, resulting in lost information. 
  • The amend options could have severe repercussions, as the small changes can continue to grow over time.

38. How can you remove a file from the git index without removing it from the local file system?

Use the “git rm” command to remove the file from the index and the local working tree.

The “git reset” command will remove the file from the staged version and then add the file to the .gitignore file. 

git reset <file_name> #: remove file from index

echo filename >> .gitingore #: add file to .gitignore to avoid mistaken repetition

39. How do you revert an already-pushed bad commit?

You can use one of two approaches: 

  • Fix the bad file changes and create a new commit. Then, push them to the remote repository. For this approach, use the “git commit -m “<message>” command.
  • Create new commits that revert changes in the bad commit. For this approach, run the “git revert <name of bad commit> command.

40. What is the git cherry-pick command?

This command introduces certain commits from one branch into another branch within the repository. 

Git Commands Interview Questions

41. How do you find a commit that broke something after a merge operation?

Use the git-bisect command based on the binary search and run the following commands:

  • git bisect start #: initiates bisecting session
  • git bisect bad #: marks current revision as bad
  • git bisect good revision #: marks last known commit as good revision

Once you run the above commands, git will check out a revision labeled as halfway between “good” and “bad” versions. You can run this step again by marking the commit as “good” or “bad” and the process continues until the commit with a bug is found.

42. What are git reset --mixed and git merge --abort commands?

  • git reset --mixed: used to undo working directory and git index changes 
  • git merge --abort: used to stop the merge process and return back to the state before the merging occurred.

43. How do you squash the last N commits into a single commit?

Squash refers to combining two or more commits into one. Use the following command to write a new commit message from the beginning:

git reset -soft HEAD~N &&git commit

To edit a new commit message, add the existing commit message and then extract the message to pass them to git commit, using the below command. 

git reset -soft HEAD~N &&git commit -edit -m“$(git log -format=%B -reverse .HEAD@{N})”

44. How do you discover if a branch has already been merged or not?

Use this command to determine whether the branch has been merged: 

  • git branch --merged - Returns the list of branches that have been merged into the current branch.
  • git branch --no-merged - Returns the list of branches that have not been merged.

45. How do you install Git on Windows?

Here’s what you need to do if you want to install Git on Windows:

  • Download the Git Windows installer.
  • Complete the installation process.
  • Open the command prompt.
  • Run the following command to configure your git username and email.
$ git config --global "Emma Paris" $ git config --global ""

46. How do you install Git on Linux 9/Debian/Ubuntu?

Here’s how to install Git on Linux: 

  • Install Git using apt-get from your shell, and run the following command”
$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install git
  • Run the following command to verify the installed git version:
$ git --version

git version 2.9.2
  • Run these commands to configure the git username and email .
$ git config --global "Emma Paris"

$ git config --global ""

47. How do you install Git on Fedora?

Here’s how to install Git on Fedora: 

  • Use dnf from your shell:
$ sudo dnf install git


$ sudo yum install git
  • Now, verify the installed version of Git, with the following command.
$ git --version

git version 2.9.2
  • Run the following commands to configure the username and email for your git user:
$ git config --global "Emma Paris"

$ git config --global "

48. How do you install Git on Mac using Mac Installer?

If you’re working with a Mac, here’s what you need to do: 

  • Download the git installer for Mac.
  • Complete the installation process.
  • After installation, go to the terminal to verify the installation version. 
  • Run the following command:
$ git --version

git version 2.9.2
  • Run the following commands to configure the git username and email:
$ git config --global "Emma Paris"

$ git config --global "eparis@atlassian

49. How do you integrate Git with Jenkins?

If you want to integrate Git with Jenkins, follow these steps: 

  • Click “Manage Jenkins” on the Jenkins dashboard.

  • Select the GIT plugin -> install without restart.
  • Wait for the installation process to finish.
  • After installation, you‘ll see the Git plugin available on the Jenkins dashboard.


50. What do “hooks” consist of in Git?

This directory consists of shell scripts that are activated if you run corresponding Git commands. 

51. What is the difference between Git and GitHub? 

Git is a version control system that lets you keep track of changes made to the source code. On the other hand, GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that hosts Git repositories, making it easier for you to access your repositories through the internet. 

Bonus Tips

The following are some bonus tips to ace Git interviews: 

  1. Make sure to go through each and every Git concept so you’re best prepared for an interview. 
  2. Go through all the questions in this list, as it contains many frequently asked questions. 
  3. Work with Git to have some practical knowledge. 
  4. Watch youtube videos or refer to any other sources on the internet to have a basic understanding of Git. 


With so much scope and the ever-growing demand, Git has evolved into an inseparable part of a developer’s life. People are using Git more, as it’s fast becoming a common way to improve DevOps processes. Moreover, Git is a freely available, distributed version control system that has helped many developers worldwide collaborate on projects and find more efficiencies. 

If you’re planning to apply to Git jobs, use these Git interview questions to prepare and practice with a friend! You’ll feel more confident in the interview and prepared to demonstrate your knowledge. 

Ready to take your career to the next level? Pair your studies with DevOps interview questions as well.

Study Top DevOps Interview Questions Here

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are Git Interview Questions?

Git interview questions are a set of questions you can expect in Git interviews. These questions will help you to crack any interview and open many job opportunities. 

2. What Are the 2 Basic Jobs of Git?

Here are two of Git’s main functions: 

  • Monitor and inspect setup and configuration data on the basis of per-site, per-user, and per-repository. 
  • Allow team members to track changes in the source code and revert to the previous version if needed.

3. What Is the Most Important Element in Git?

The Git workflow consists of four important components:

  • Working Directory
  • Staging Area
  • Local Repository
  • Remote Repository

By Sameeksha Medewar

Sameeksha is a freelance content writer for more than half and a year. She has a hunger to explore and learn new things. She possesses a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

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