Benjamin Semah | 05 May, 2023

16 Best Data Structures and Algorithms Books to Read in 2024


Whether you’re a student, have an interview coming up, or you’re intellectually curious, data structures and algorithms books are a fantastic way to learn this useful area of computer science. 

In general, data structures and algorithms allow software engineers to store and process data in a more efficient manner. This is essential when processing data at scale, as the right algorithm or data structure can generate significant memory and time savings (yes, we’re talking Big-O!). 

Data structures and algorithms have also become a crucial part of the interviewing stages for most tech companies, especially FAANG. As a potential candidate for these coveted roles, the right books can help you prepare and excel in this process.

In this article, we’ll cover the 16 best data structures and algorithms books you must read in 2024 to learn these essential programming skills. So if you’re ready to find the best book for data structures and algorithms, let’s dive in!


Featured Data Structures and Algorithms Books [Editor’s Picks]

Title: Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structure and Algorithms Puzzles


Author: Narasimha Karumanchi


Publisher: CareerMonk Publications


Pages: 426

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Title: Introduction to Algorithms


Authors: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein


Publisher: The MIT Press


Pages: 1292

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Title: Grokking Algorithms: An Illustrated Guide for Programmers and Other Curious People


Author: Aditya Bhargava


Publisher: Manning


Pages: 256

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16 Best Data Structures and Algorithms Books in 2024




Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy

Learn by solving common algorithm challenges.


Introduction to Algorithms

Comprehensive guide to algorithms.


Grokking Algorithms

Learn data structures and algorithms with illustrations.


Introduction to Algorithms

Introductory textbook for CS students.


The Algorithm Design Manual

Learn the implementation of common algorithms.


Algorithms in a Nutshell

Explains DSA with code in C, C++, Python, and Java.


Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

Great choice for Java developers.


Advanced Data Structures

Suitable for advanced learners.


Problem-Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python

Great choice for Python developers.


Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World

Historical overview of algorithms.


Algorithms Unlocked

Learn how computers use algorithms


Data Structures and Algorithms in C++

Best DSA book for C++ developers.


Algorithms for Interviews

Suitable for interview preparations.



DSA book with a companion website.


Algorithm Design

Learn principles and trade-offs of algorithm design.


Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Emphasis on the creative aspect of algorithm design.


1. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy

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Author: Narasimha Karumanchi

Publisher: CareerMonk Publications

Pages: 426

Why we chose this book

This algorithms and data structures book covers the fundamentals of data structures, and it also teaches readers how to write their own algorithmic solutions.

Some of the topics covered include algorithm design techniques, string algorithms, hashing, priority queues, heaps, and more. The code examples for this book are written in C language, which is fairly standard for algorithmic teaching.


  • Examples are written in C programming language
  • Requires familiarity with basic Math
  • Good material for interview prep

2. Introduction to Algorithms

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Authors: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein

Publisher: The MIT Press

Pages: 1292

Why we chose this book

At more than 1,200 pages, this is one of the most comprehensive books about algorithms that covers the theory and practice of creating algorithms. Topics include heapsort, quicksort, graph algorithms, NP-completeness, and string matching.

To keep things easy to understand, examples are written in pseudocode, which is ideal as algorithms, by their nature, are instructions to be written in your language of choice.


  • Ideal textbook for Computer Science (CS) students
  • Includes many exercises with solutions
  • Not ideal for complete beginners
  • Accompanied by online lectures from MIT

3. Grokking Algorithms

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Author: Aditya Bhargava

Publisher: Manning

Pages: 256

Why we chose this book

As one of the best books for algorithms, this uses everyday life situations to explain common algorithm problems. You will learn Dijkstra’s algorithms, k-nearest neighbors, breadth-first search, and more.

with 400+ images, it’s a great choice for visual learners. It’s also really easy to read and relatively short compared to most books on Algorithms, meaning it’s arguably the best algorithm book for beginners.


  • Examples are accompanied by illustrations
  • Great choice for beginners
  • Python-based code samples
  • Suitable for non-programmers

4. Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach

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Author: Udi Manber

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Pages: 478

Why we chose this book

This comprehensive textbook covers a wide range of topics like search algorithms, sorting, and graph algorithms, making it one of the best algorithms books.

It also explains Big-O notation, algebraic and numeric algorithms, reductions, and parallel algorithms. You’ll also cover the creative aspect of algorithm design.


  • Exercises after each chapter
  • Great resource for CS students
  • Well-organized and easy-to-follow

5. The Algorithm Design Manual

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Author: Steven S. Skiena

Publisher: Springer

Pages: 748

Why we chose this book

This is one of the best algorithm books out there. Made up of two parts, the first teaches you how to design and analyze algorithms, while the second contains an implementation of common algorithm problems.

With this book, you’ll cover binary search, weighted graph algorithms, transitive closure and reduction, range search, and more. This book also examines modern algorithms like computational geometry, multithreaded algorithms, and graph theory.


  • Great reference material for CS students
  • Examples of real-life implementation
  • Ideal for intermediate and advanced learners
  • Code samples in C/C++

6. Algorithms in a Nutshell

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Authors: George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, Stanley Selkow

Publisher: O’Reilly Media

Pages: 390

Why we chose this book

This algorithms book takes readers on a journey through the development of algorithms like sequential search, binary search, and hashes. It also covers some advanced topics like the Jarvis March and RSA algorithm.

Uniquely, code samples in this book are provided in various programming languages, including Java, C, C++, and Python. You also get all of the implementation details for each of these languages.


  • Features many helpful diagrams
  • Includes various languages, including pseudocode for examples
  • Ideal for beginners and CS students

7. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

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Author: Robert Lafore

Publisher: Sams Publishing

Pages: 800

Why we chose this book

This book offers clear explanations and numerous code examples in Java, hence the name! If you’re already learning to program with Java and you’re looking for the best data structures book that also covers algorithms, this might be the one for you.

You’ll cover fundamental topics like arrays and strings and sorting algorithms like heap sort and merge sort. This book also examines useful data structures like hash tables, 2-3-4 trees, and more.


  • Assumes knowledge of Java 
  • Includes lots of diagrams
  • Quizzes and experiments after each chapter
  • Amazon Best Seller in “Data Structure and Algorithms”

8. Advanced Data Structures

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Author: Peter Brass

Publisher: Columbia University Press

Pages: 474 

Why we chose this book

This data structures book presents in-depth explanations of advanced data structures, including search trees, heaps, hash tables, union-find structures, and dynamization.

The author assumes familiarity with basic data structure concepts, so readers will find this book more helpful if they already have a basic understanding of data structures. If you feel this matches up with your skill level, this might be the best book on data structures.


  • Code samples in C
  • 500+ references
  • Suitable for advanced learners

9. Problem-Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python

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Authors: Bradley N. Miller, David L. Ranum

Publisher: Franklin, Beedle & Associates

Pages: 438

Why we chose this book

This Python book may be the best book on algorithms and data structures for Python users. It’s also a great way to learn the importance of these essential components of computer science, as it uses beginner-friendly explanations and exercises.

One of the best parts about this book is that the authors take the time to clearly explain some of the most important algorithms, like binary search, merge sort, and others. 

You’ll also learn about essential data structures like stacks and queues, linked lists, and trees, including various associated methods' time and space complexity.


  • Great choice for beginners
  • Algorithm implementations in Python
  • Includes exercises to test your knowledge

10. Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World

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Author: Christopher Steiner

Publisher: Portfolio

Pages: 256

Why we chose this book

This unique book is less technical than the others in our list, as it aims to demystify algorithms. It also provides a historical overview of how algorithms have become part and parcel of modern society.

If you’re curious about technology and the history of how algorithms play a key role in our interaction with technology, this is a solid choice.


  • Ideal for beginners
  • Suitable for non-programmers
  • Commentary on the future of algorithms

11. Algorithms Unlocked

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Author: Thomas H. Cormen

Publisher: The MIT Press

Pages: 240

Why we chose this book

This is a great book to learn the basics of algorithms, including how they work in the modern world.

As a relatively short read, this book strikes a balance between theory and technical details. It also covers the foundation of cryptography, data compression, and shortest path algorithms like Dijkstra’s algorithm and the Bellman-Ford algorithm.


  • Great for beginners and non-programmers
  • Lessons on data compression
  • Sections on cryptography

12. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++

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Author: Adam Drozdek

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Pages: 784

Why we chose this book

This might be the best book for data structures and algorithms for beginner and intermediate C++ programmers who want to improve their understanding of these essential programming skills.

Expect to learn string-matching algorithms like the Boyer-Moore and Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithms, along with popular sorting algorithms like shell sort, radix sort, and more. You’ll also learn about important data structures like trees, linked lists, stacks, and queues.


  • Lots of C++ code examples
  • Variety of case studies
  • Theoretical and practical quiz questions

13. Algorithms for Interviews

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Author: Adnan Aziz, Amit Prakash

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Pages: 222

Why we chose this book

This book is specially crafted to help software engineers prepare for interviews by helping you brush up on their algorithm knowledge.

It covers important topics like binary search, graph search, and more, alongside sorting algorithms like least distance sorting. You’ll also cover advanced topics like meta-algorithms, intractability, and parallel computing.


  • 174 algorithm design problems with solutions
  • Interviewing techniques and tips
  • Sections on system design

14. Algorithms

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Authors: Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Pages: 976

Why we chose this book

If you’re looking for the best book for algorithms, this is one of the most popular for computer science students.

Like any good algorithms book, it covers mergesort, quicksort, and other sorting algorithms, alongside graph processing and searching algorithms. There are also sections on reductions, suffix arrays, intractability, and data compression


  • Has a companion website
  • Code examples in Java
  • Includes many exercises (with answers)

15. Algorithm Design

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Authors: Jon Kleinberg, Éva Tardos

Publisher: Pearson

Pages: 864

Why we chose this book

This is often recommended as a textbook for college students as it provides a solid foundation on the principles and trade-offs of algorithm design and analysis.

Expect to learn the basics of algorithm analysis and advanced topics like greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, randomized algorithms, and more. 


  • Case studies to illustrate key concepts
  • Exercises to test your knowledge
  • Section on the theory of NP-completeness

16. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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Author: Anany Levitin

Publisher: Pearson

Pages: 600

Why we chose this book

This textbook takes a puzzle-solving approach to teaching algorithms, which is a fantastic way to conceptually understand how algorithms work.

It’s also relatively comprehensive, as it covers topics like algorithm efficiency, limitations of algorithm power, and the trade-offs between space and time complexity. You’ll also dive into decrease-and-conquer, divide-and-conquer, and transform-and-conquer techniques for solving algorithmic problems. 


  • Puzzle-solving approach to teaching algorithms
  • Clear explanations and examples
  • Exercises with detailed solutions


Data structures and algorithms are the cornerstones of computer science, and as a programmer, it’s important to have a solid understanding of these concepts. Knowing which data structure or algorithm best suits common problems can help you create better code with more efficient solutions.

This article has covered the 16 best data structures and algorithms books you need to read in 2024 to learn about this essential discipline. We’ve also taken care to include books for beginners, advanced learners, and even non-programmers, so there’s definitely something for you on our list.

Want to improve your programming skills? Check out:

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Should I Study Data Structure and Algorithms?

Learning data structures and algorithms is essential if you want to pursue a career involving programming, as it will help you write code that is efficient and optimized. This area has also become a key component of technical interviews for most tech companies, so it’s a great way to be prepared for these scenarios.

2. How Do I Study Data Structure and Algorithms?

The best way is to start with a book for beginners, which will help you get up to speed with the basics. Most of the books we’ve listed in this article are beginner-friendly, so any of these will be a great start.


By Benjamin Semah

Benjamin is a software developer and technical writer for He is adept at working with the JavaScript MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), as well as with TypeScript, Ruby, and Rails. As a self-taught developer, he loves learning about new technologies and sharing what he learns through writing. His writings have been featured on platforms like freeCodeCamp and Scrimba.

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Barry White

Aditya Bhargava's book have got its second edition, please update the cover photo.

9 months ago

Robert Johns

Thanks for mentioning this. The 2nd edition is due to be released March 2024, we'll check it out when it's available and make the updates then.

9 months ago

Robert Johns

Thanks for mentioning this. The 2nd edition is due to be released March 2024, we'll check it out when it's available and make the updates then.

9 months ago