UI Designer Roadmap

You will learn how to get started in the world of designing beautiful apps and websites people love to visit.

  • Interest in art and design in general is always helpful
  • Understanding of the digital world - Apps and websites

What you'll learn


This roadmap aims to give a good starting point if you are willing to be a digital design also referred to as a UI Designer. UI Designers are tasked with designing beautiful and functional interfaces that will help users do certain tasks while providing them a smooth and delightful experience. We will cover topics from design basics to wireframing and creating fully functional interfaces.

How to follow this roadmap?

1. Design Fundamentals

To be a good UI designer you don’t have to be well-versed in all the graphic design principles, but there are some design fundamentals that are applied a lot in UI design and are an absolute must to master. The Hackr community collected hundreds of tutorials in this area. Here are a few to get you started.

A virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking

6k+ views dschool.stanford.edu
13 Visit
Free Video Beginner

2. Wireframing

In order to get started with wireframing, you need to understand the structure of the design at a high level. This applies to apps and websites. Represent the structure in the simplest way possible. In our experience, you can get started with paper, whiteboards, or tablets instead of expensive cloud-based wireframing tools. Here are a few tutorials to help you get started. Just remember, wireframing is more about ideation and research and less about presentation.

Wireframing for Beginners

4.9k+ views uxmastery.com
2 Visit
Free Video Beginner

3. Design Tools

Our designers shared several of their favorite resources for learning design tools. The industry standard remains with Adobe, so we recommend the Adobe Experience Design and the ever-popular Adobe Creative Suite as potential starting points. Professional designers also regularly rely on Sketch, so take a look into it to get started.

4. UI Design Basics

Once you have a good grasp of the basic design principles and feel comfortable with your favorite tools, you're ready to get started with the basics of UI. Our community prefers YouTube as a starter in this area, and we found several additional resources as well. Our research shows beginners learn best from engaging sessions and projects, so try out a few to find the right fit for your learning style.

Introduction to UI Design

4.3k+ views coursera.pxf.io
+1 Visit
Paid Video Beginner

5. Additional Design Resources

The designers at Hackr use a range of additional tools and resources in their daily lives. While some of the courses and tutorials mentioned earlier cover these topics, you'll want to familiarize yourself with user feedback, design testing, and quality assurance before applying for jobs in the field. Here are a few additional design resources our team found helpful.