Data Science Roadmap

You will learn how to extract, manage, reorganize, and transform data in order to gain meaningful insights and identify correlations.

Prerequisites: High school level mathematics.

What you'll learn

  • Intro to programming using Python
  • Essential Mathematics: Linear algebra, statistics, and probability
  • Machine Learning
  • Data analysis and visualisation using Python
  • Computer Vision and NLP


Data in all forms is one of the most important resources in the modern world. All tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Netflix rely heavily on data provided by their users free of cost to enhance their product. It’s crucial for any medium to large size organization to figure out patterns and behaviours of usage to derive business insights and take meaningful decisions. It’s a fairly complex and challenging task which demands expertise in multiple domains. In return, it offers well respected jobs with generous compensation which makes Data Science a very lucrative career.

How to follow this roadmap?

1. Python

The community chose the following python courses as overall favorites. You only need to choose one of the courses to start with, and you can review the curriculum for each before you get started.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python - MIT

11.6k+ views
86 Visit
Free Video Beginner

Complete Python Bootcamp

107.7k+ views
1358 Visit
Paid Video Beginner Python 3 Promoted Popular

Python Tutorial for Beginners | Full Python Programming Course

48.2k+ views
1109 Visit
Free Video Beginner Python 3 Popular

Python for Everybody Specialization

16.2k+ views
741 Visit
Video Beginner Paid

Python with Dr. Johns

10.3k+ views
7 Visit
Paid Video Resources Beginner

2. Essential Mathematics

The Math for Machine learning course gives you a foundation for the data science roadmap. We also recommend a few other tutorials to brush up on your skills. Those already comfortable with math for data science can skip this section.

Essential Math for Machine Learning: Python Edition

4.5k+ views
1 Visit
Free Beginner Math for Machine Learning

Mathematics For Computer Science - MIT

6.9k+ views
12 Visit
Free Beginner Video

Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

5.7k+ views
5 Visit
Paid Video Advanced

3. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is not a requirement for Data Science, rather it can be seen as a supplement to it. Without Machine Learning, it becomes tedious to deal with the huge amount of data being generated.

Machine Learning (Stanford University)

18.2k+ views
123 Visit

Intro to Machine Learning with PyTorch

4.9k+ views
15 Visit
Paid Video Beginner PyTorch Promoted Popular

4. Data Analysis and Visualization

The Python Data Science Handbook tutorial will teach you the nuts and bolts of data science, that is, data manipulation and visualization. It covers NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and a fair bit of machine learning. The other course is an MIT Sloan online program, designed to teach managers how to create value through data.

Python Data Science Handbook

7.2k+ views
14 Visit
Free Book
Paid Beginner Video Data Analysis Data Science Statistics for Data Science

5. Computer Vision and NLP

Even though you have amassed a good bit of knowledge at this point, you can keep going and learn about even more applications of data science. CV and NLP are two such high-tech applications. Here are a few courses and tutorials to get you started.

OpenCV Tutorials (official docs)

8.4k+ views
9 Visit
Free Beginner