Robert Johns | 30 Jan, 2025
Chriselle Sy | Co-author
Fact checked by Jim Markus

Want To Learn Arduino? Get Building With These Arduino Projects!

In this article, I cover the 30 best Arduino projects you need to build in 2024, including a range of cool Arduino project ideas for beginners and more advanced users.

One of the best ways to learn all about Arduino is to get hands-on with project-based learning.

But what can you do with Arduino projects in 2024? Honestly, I think the possibilities are nearly limitless! It all comes down to imagination!

Whether you’re intrigued by automation systems, robotics, or interactive art installations, Arduino projects enable all this and much, much more.

They’re also an excellent way to hone your electronics skills if you’re actively looking for jobs in IoT.

So, if you’re driven by a desire to innovate, have a passion for technology, or enjoy creating, let’s dive into some fun Arduino projects!

What Is Arduino?

If you’re new to Arduino, you’re probably wondering, what exactly is Arduino?

Great question! Let me cover the basics before we dive into some easy Arduino projects!

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform consisting of easy-to-use hardware and software.

You'll often hear about Arduino and Raspberry Pi when it comes to microelectronics in 2024, but that's a discussion for another day.

An Arduino board is a programmable microcontroller that includes various inputs and outputs (I/O), like serial communication, digital inputs and outputs, and analog inputs.

This is very cool indeed and a far cry from the basic breadboards I used to learn about electronics during my undergraduate studies.

Arduino boards are typically used in a free and open-source development environment. Combining these allows you to write, upload, and execute code that controls your device, invention, or project.

One of the coolest ways to use Arduino is to get creative, whether you want to build a simple LED light device or are interested in IoT (Internet of Things) or robotics.

And if you’re just starting out, there’s a huge and active Arduino community that offers support, shares their own projects, and more. 

Of course, if you’re brand new to the world of Arduino and you’re not sure where to start, we’d definitely recommend complementing your projects with an Arduino course.

What Skills Do You Need For Arduino Projects?

Let's set the record straight: you don’t need to be an expert to start working on Arduino projects! In fact, I genuinely think that Arduino projects can be great for all skill levels.

That said, you should probably have some basic skills before you get started, or at least be willing to learn them!

For example, Arduino projects usually involve C++ coding if you're building from scratch, so consider a C++ course if this sounds like fun, but you're not familiar with the language.

Let's take a look at the basics I think you should have to follow along with our Arduino projects:

  • Basic programming knowledge: Even if you’re following along with someone else’s code, basic programming knowledge is useful for figuring out any issues that may come up.
  • C or C++ skills: Arduino is based on C++, so it's really helpful to have C++ skills to create your own projects from scratch.
  • Basic electronics knowledge: Arduino projects involve working with various electrical components, so it’s essential to understand the basics of current, voltage, and resistance.
  • Ability to read schematics: Arduino projects often come with schematics that make them easy to replicate, so you’ll need to be able to read these to work with these kits or projects.

I should point out that it’s also really easy for complete beginners to pick up easy Arduino projects and learn these skills along the way.

But if you are feeling uncertain, I also think it helps to pick up an Arduino book for some extra help if you're brand new to the area.

I know from experience that it's always nice to have some reference materials on hand!

Best Arduino Projects for Beginners in 2024

To get things started, I'll start with ten Arduino starter projects that are generally on the simpler side.

This means they require less time to put together, and they're also a great way to get a taste of what you can do with Arduino!

1. PC Info Panels

Arduino LCD Info panel for PC (LCD Smartie)

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Project Creator: mircemk


  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 1 x (16x2) LCD display
  • 1 x 220R resistor
  • 1 x 10k Trimmer pot

Main Feature: Controls a 16x2 LCD display to show information about the system

Why We Chose This Project

First up on our list is one of the best beginner Arduino projects for newbies. I really like this as a gentle introduction, as you’ll use an Arduino Nano to interface between an LCD display and your computer’s USB port.

Once the electrical components are assembled, you can use open-source software called LCD Smartie to show different kinds of information on your LCD screen, including system stats like network utilization, CPU load, disk space, and more.

I also like that you can use your info panel to download RSS feeds or run other applications. Very cool!

2. Vintage Screensaver

Vintage Screensaver

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Project Creator: stevegallery


Main Feature: This project is a program with 9 screensaver options inspired by old screensavers from the 90s

Why We Chose This Project

This might be appealing to me because of the nostalgia, but if you're new to Arduino, simple projects like this vintage screensaver are a great way to start!

Inspired by 90s screensavers, you can get a healthy dose of 90s retro styling with the TVOUT and a Yourduino.

I also like that there are nine screensavers to choose from, making it a fun way to create an interesting decorative piece and even reuse an old CRT display.

Although you might need to dig around for a CRT display, as they're not very common anymore!

3. ArduSniffer

Gas Detector

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Project Creator: StijnID


  • Hot glue gun
  • A sharp knife
  • A metal ruler
  • Drawing tools
  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 1 x USB Cable
  • 1 x USB Power plug
  • 1 x Gas Sensor
  • 1 x LED Display
  • 1 x Material for the exterior
  • 1 x Software provided on

Main Feature: This USB-powered project is a gas detector that displays the amount of gas detected on its LED display

Why We Chose This Project

I really like this one, as it's a genuinely useful project! With the ArduSniffer, you can create a USB-powered gas detector with an LED display.

Sure, it does have more components than the first two projects on our list, but I want to gradually introduce you to more challenging projects as we work down the list.

That said, I think this is a great way to level up your skills. Plus, it's pretty affordable and offers detailed instructions.

4. Bluetooth Controlled RC Car

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Project Creator: Saman Fernando


  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
  • 1 x Pimoroni Maker Essentials - Micro-motors & Grippy Wheels
  • 1 x SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
  • 1 x 1000mAh Li-ion battery
  • 1 x Generic LED

Main Feature: A Bluetooth remote-controlled car that you can control with an app on your smartphone

Why We Chose This Project

If you like remote-controlled cars (we’ve all had one at some point, right?!), you'll love this project, as it uses Bluetooth, an app on your phone, and an Arduino. 

I like that the instructions are pretty basic, as it makes it easy for you to put the car together and make it work.

But if you want to get creative, you can use a 3D printer (or printing service) to design a body for the car!

5. Stroboscope (Zoetrope)

Stroboscope (Zoetrope)

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Project Creator: elabz


  • Arduino
  • Arduino development shield, with or without breadboard
  • A broken CD/DVD drive to salvage a spindle motor from
  • Old CDs
  • 1 x 1W High-Intensity LED with a 10mm round body (transparent)
  • 2 x Push buttons
  • 1 x 3mm LED
  • 1 x 10K potentiometer
  • 1 x 510Ω resistor
  • 1 x 1N4004 rectifier diode or similar
  • 2 x 2-pin jumper headers
  • Optional 
    • 1 x 5-pin connector
    • 2 x 0.10 µF capacitors
    • 2 x 8-pin and 2 x 6-pin stacking headers (if your Arduino development shield doesn’t have them)

Main Feature: This project uses a CD and a brushless motor with an Arduino to create a spinning Zoetrope.

Why We Chose This Project

A zoetrope, sometimes called a stroboscope, is a pre-film mechanical device that gives the illusion of animation or motion. I love this project, and it's great if you’re a cinema fan! 

To build this Arduino project, you can reuse a defunct Xbox 360 CD drive with a spindle motor to recreate this cool gadget.

You get all the instructions and source code you need in the instructable, making this a great way to create a short animation (or the illusion of one).

6. Portable Temp/Humidity Sensor with an LCD Display

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Project Creator: ThothLoki


  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x DHT11 4-pin temp and humidity sensor
  • 1 x (16x2) Adafruit RGB Backlight LCD
  • 1 x USB-A to B Cable
  • 1 x Resistor (10k ohm)
  • 1 x Power Bank
  • 1 x SparkFun 12mm Pushbutton switch
  • 1 x Generic breadboard
  • 1 x Jumper wires

Main Feature: Power Bank powered temperature and humidity sensor with an LCD display

Why We Chose This Project

I think this portable temperature and humidity sensor is a fun beginner Arduino project, as it's easy to understand really relatable.

This particular project uses an Arduino UNO R3, but you can use any 5V Arduino board you choose, and you can even purchase new parts or salvage some from your old projects.

The code, which was made using the Adafruit DHT library, is included in the instructions, and you can power your sensor using a power bank to display data in real time.

7. Simple Programmable Robotic Arm

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Project Creator: Ryan Chan


  • Arduino IDE
  • 1 x Generic breadboard
  • 1 x Arduino UNO (or any other Arduino board, as long as it’s 5V)
  • 1 x Jumper wires
  • 3 x 12mm SparkFun Pushbutton switch
  • 3 x Generic rotary potentiometer 
  • 5 x Generic LED
  • 5 x 221 ohm Resistor
  • 2 x 10k ohm Resistor
  • 3 x Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)*
  • Optional

Main Feature: A simple yet programmable robotic servo arm

Why We Chose This Project

Do you like robots? If the answer is yes, read on!

This is one of the best Arduino robot projects for beginners, as you'll create a simple and programmable servo arm using Arduino UNO and the Arduino IDE.

The robot arm itself uses buttons and potentiometers to record and play five programmed positions. 

I like that this can be powered by your computer’s USB port, but you can also use an external power supply if you ensure the servo can handle it.

It's easy to make the bot arm from readily available materials, and the code and circuit schematics are included.

8. Nano Piano

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Project Creator: Christian Madlansacay


  • Arduino IDE
  • 1 x Arduino Nano Every
  • 1 x Passive Buzzer
  • 4 x 1k ohm Resistor
  • 4 x 12mm SparkFun Pushbutton switch
  • 1 x 5V 3A Wall Power Supply
  • Optional
    • 1 x SparkFun Solderable Mini Breadboard
    • 1 x Generic Breadboard

Main Feature: A small and simple Arduino-based piano

Why We Chose This Project

Do you fancy yourself as Beethoven or Bach? Just kidding, but if you like music, this is a cool Arduino project.

It is a beginner-friendly project with all the schematics and code you need to build a miniature piano with four keys using the Arduino Nano Every.

I also like that you can tailor the Nano Piano to your style by choosing your base (perf or protoboard) and deciding whether you want to create a housing with 3D printing!

9. Coin Sorter

 Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino

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Project Creator: Debasis Parida


  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x Infrared sensor
  • 1 x Breadboard
  • 1 x I2C Module for 16x2 (1602) Alphanumeric LCD
  • 1 x 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD
  • 1 x Connecting Wires

Main Feature: This project is an Arduino-based coin sorter that uses infrared sensors

Why We Chose This Project

Do you have pockets full of change you don't know what to do with? Maybe, maybe not! I mean, who uses real money anymore, right?!

That said, if you’ve ever wanted to sort your coins, this simple Arduino project might be one to try.

All you need is an Arduino UNO, a 16x2 display, and an infrared (IR) sensor to detect the differences between each coin, sending them through the appropriate hole.

I need to point out that it’s super important to follow the instructions as accurately as possible. This includes marking and cutting the sorting holes precisely and ensuring the slopes are appropriately angled.

You can even create a simple prototype from cardboard or 3D print a body for the sorter.

10. Blind Spot Monitoring System

Blindspot Monitoring System

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Project Creator: Om Kamath


  • Arduino IDE
  • 1 x Arduino Uno
  • 1 x RGB LED Strip (≤1 meter)
  • 1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Optional: breadboard

Main Feature: Active ambient lighting inside a car that will blink whenever a vehicle is detected in the blind spot(s)

Why We Chose This Project

Rounding out our list of projects for beginners, this is a really interesting Arduino project if you're intrigued by real-world microelectronics applications.

In fact, this project even takes its inspiration from the 2021 Mercedes Benz S-Class, which used ambient lighting to blink when a vehicle is detected in the blind spot. We've probably all seen these features in modern cars now, but it was revolutionary at the time.

In this case, we’ll be using an Arduino Uno and an RGB LED light strip to mimic the same thing. You can also set it to blink different colors depending on the position of the other vehicle relative to yours.

While there are many Arduino LED Projects to choose from, I really like this one as it's incredibly beginner-friendly and relatable.

Cool Arduino Projects for Intermediate Users

Do you feel ready to take it to the next level? Let’s take a look at some intermediate-level projects!

11. Emotive Plant Pot

Emotive Plant Pot

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Project Creator: mylva


  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 1 x Treedix 4pcs USB Type-C Breakout
  • 1 x Songhe 5MM LDR Photosensitive Sensor Module
  • 1 x HiLetgo 0.96" SSD1306 I2C IIC SPI Serial 128X64 OLED
  • 1 x Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor
  • Magnets (5mm x 2.6mm)
  • Superglue
  • 24 AWG wire for wiring and soldering (generic)
  • Optional: Titebond 1413 III Ultimate Wood Glue

Main Feature: An adorable plant pot that shows “emotions” with faces on the LCD display

Why We Chose This Project

Ready for some more fun Arduino project ideas? Great, how do you feel about making an Emotive Plant Pot?

Now, let me take a second to say that this is not going to be Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy (I know!), but it's actually a 3D-printed plant pot with an LCD display that you can use to show cute faces.

You can even 3D print the components yourself with the included files. Just use the detailed instructions and schematics, and away you go!

12. Touch Interface Controlled Robotic Arm

Touch Interface Controlled Robotic Arm

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Project Creator: Maurizio Miscio


  • 1 x Square aluminum tube (25mm x 25mm x 1.5mm)
  • Power supply to run 5 x 2.5A motors (they won’t all be running at the same time)
  • 1 x Any Arduino board (the creator used an UNO)
  • 1 x SG90 Servo Motor (version with metal gears recommended)
  • 1 x HC05 Bluetooth module
  • 5 x MG996R Servo Motors
  • 1 x Wooden platform to help with stability
  • 1 x Junction box
  • Touch interface capable of supporting Android (or an old/cheap Android phone)

Main Feature: A more complex robotic arm with a graphic touch interface for control

Why We Chose This Project

We're back to robotics! If this is something you like, definitely check out this touch interface robotic arm.

All you need is an Arduino and any older Android phone to get started. I think this is also a cool way to get more mileage from older tech! 

Now, as you'd expect, this project is a little more complex, but the schematics and code are provided, and there’s even an assembly guide with a clear video to demonstrate the steps.

You can also 3D print the components yourself or use a 3D printing service with the provided files.

Note that creator Maurizio Miscio states you can contact him for the graphical interface app’s code.

13. Hidden Smart Bookshelf

Hidden Smart Bookshelf

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Project Creator: EngineeringDads


  • 1 x Shelving Unit
  • A piece of plywood or plyboard for the shelf door
  • A thinner piece of wood for the door
  • Hidden hinges
  • Screws and bolts (sizes determined by your shelving unit)
  • Printed book spines and thin pieces of wood cut to size for the faux books
  • Electrical components outlined in this YouTube video
  • Optional: Plastic box to hold electrical components

Main Feature: A Google Home-integrated hidden bookshelf

Why We Chose This Project

This one just sounds cool, so I had to include it! The idea here is to create a Hidden Smart Home Bookshelf that you can use to conceal items within a cabinet or shelf that’s meant to look like a full bookshelf.

The creator has even included a very detailed video to cover the building and assembly process.

If you want to access the Arduino source code, head over to the creator’s GitHub, and you can either follow along exactly or make your own improvements.

I also think that if you have extra space, you could scale this up into a concealed closet or door!

14. Neopixel Cake

Epic Neopixel Birthday Cake

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Project Creator: Natasha of Element14 Presents


  • 1 x Arduino Nano 33 IoT
  • 1 x 22AWG White Solid hookup Wire
  • 1 x 170 Pin Breadboard
  • 2 x Flexible 8x32 NeoPixel RGB LED Matrix
  • 1 x Neopixel LED Strip
  • A cake!

Main Feature: Cake-embedded flexible LED matrixes for making really cool light effects — on cake!

Why We Chose This Project

I think this is one of those super cool Arduino project ideas that you can use to make a splash at a party or special event.

Yep, you can make a uniquely memorable cake that uses flexible LED matrices and an Arduino.

The matrices themselves are embedded into the cake, then covered with fondant icing to allow light diffusion and a much better effect. Watch out Cake Boss!

I also found that you can even program cool light effects or text into the LED matrix so it can display whatever you want.

Just follow the detailed video demo and make sure you have a cake ready!

15. Automatic Humidifier

Automatic Humidifier

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Project Creator: chenwei19940207


  • 1 x 4-pin DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
  • 1 x 1k ohm Resistor
  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x Rotary Potentiometer
  • 1 x LED
  • 5 x 10k ohm Resistor
  • 1 x Standard 16x2 LCD
  • 1 x Generic Breadboard
  • 1 x Humidifier
  • 1 x Generic Jumper Wires
  • 1 x 330 ohm Resistor

Main Feature: A project that automatically turns a humidifier on when the detected humidity in the environment is below a set level.

Why We Chose This Project

If you live somewhere hot and dry, you probably know all too well how important it is to have a humidifier.

Well, you can build your own now! I love this project to create an automatic humidifier, and it's straight from the Arduino Project Hub.

This project revolves around using a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor to detect environmental humidity, and this can trigger the humidifier whenever the detected humidity is below a set level.

16. CNC Drawing Machine

CNC Drawing Machine

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Project Creator: Surajit Majumdar


  • 2 x Old DVD writer
  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 2 x IC Base
  • 2 x L293D Motor Driver IC
  • 1 x Micro Servo Motor
  • Male And Female Header Pin
  • 1 x PCB Board
  • 1 x Barrel Socket
  • 1 x 3mm Acrylic Sheet
  • Soldering Iron
  • Super Glue
  • Mini Hand Saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Ruler
  • Marker Pen

Main Feature: An Arduino CNC plotter that can write or draw anything, made from recycled DVD writers

Why We Chose This Project

This is another flashback for me to my undergraduate studies and the class I took in electronics and manufacturing.

The idea here with this Arduino project is to create a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) plotter out of an Arduino Nano board and two old DVD writers.

This is definitely another slightly old-school project, but I love the way it can be used to create 2D or 3D images on plain or smooth surfaces with an Arduino and a printing mechanism. 

17. 32-Band Audio Spectrum Visualizer Analyzer

32-Band Audio Spectrum Visualizer Analyzer

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Project Creator: Shajeeb


  • 1 x LED Matrix Display (32x8)
  • 2 x 100k ohm Resistor
  • 2 x 100 nF Capacitor
  • 1 x Arduino Nano R3
  • 1 x 12mm Push Button Switch
  • 1 x 10k ohm Resistor
  • 3 x 4.75k ohm Resistor
  • Soldering iron

Main Feature: A 32-band audio visualizer

Why We Chose This Project

This is another project for music lovers, as it's a cool Arduino project to create a 32-band audio or music frequency visualizer (also called an analyzer).

I found that this audio visualizer mixes signals from the left and right channels to ensure no beats are missed, and it also has five display modes that you can switch with the push of a button.

It's also cool that the audio feed can be taken from a line out or the headphone port of an amplifier or sound system!

18. Mind Control Drone

Mind Control Drone

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Project Creator: WesleyCMD


  • 1 x Micro Racing Drone
  • 12 x Generic Jumper Wires
  • 1 x Mindwave Neurosky
  • 1 x Generic Breadboard
  • 1 x Arduino MKR1000
  • 4 x 221 ohm Resistor
  • 4 x 100 µF Capacitor

Main Feature: Create a drone you can control by making it lift off with your mind

Why We Chose This Project

Now we’re not promising that this project will make you into the next Charles Xavier, but with a Mindwave Neurosky sensor and an Arduino, you can have a slice of this futuristic idea by building a mind control drone.

Let me make it super clear! This project doesn’t allow you to fly a drone with your mind, per se.

But you can control the drone’s liftoff and landing with your mind, which is pretty cool!

I think this is an awesome project for learning how to hack a PCB and control it digitally.

It’s also worth mentioning that the creator warns that you may mess up your drone and its controller when building this project, so be careful!

19. IoT Pet Feeder

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Project Creator:


  • Shop all from, or:
  • 1 x Arduino UNO
  • 1 x Generic PIR Motion Sensor
  • 1 x Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01
  • 1 x Speaker: 0.25W, 8 ohms
  • 1 x SparkFun Servo (Micro Size with Metal Gears)

Main Feature: An app-controlled smart pet food dispenser for your beloved animals

Why We Chose This Project

If you’re looking for Arduino IoT Projects, this is a great choice, as you can build a smart food dispenser that can be controlled from your phone. 

I like these kinds of projects, as they're practical and great for enthusiasts who also want to pursue a career in electronics.

All you'll need to create it is an Arduino UNO, a servo, a PIR motion sensor, and a small speaker.

You can even adapt this project and turn it into an automatic bird or squirrel feeder for your backyard!

Feel free to set your smart pet feeder up any way you’d like, but the default instructions are designed to set the feeder to beep at a set interval. Then, when your pet investigates the sound, a PIR motion sensor triggers the servo to dispense food. 

If you’re a fan of Back to the Future, think of this as your own way to feed your very own Einstein!

20. Smart Dustbin

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Project Creator: Nevon Projects


Main Feature: A full kit including everything you need to put together a smart dustbin that sends IoT notifications

Why We Chose This Project

Rounding out our intermediate project list, this is a full project kit that you can use to create a hands-free, self-operating dustbin that's controlled with claps or foot taps. 

This is pretty cool and a great way to add some electronic magic to your ordinary household items. You’ll just need an audio sensor to detect your claps or taps.

The dustbin can also send IoT notifications to let users know when the bin is full, thanks to an ultrasonic sensor that detects garbage levels. 

The Best Arduino Projects for Advanced Users

If you feel like your Arduino skills are at the expert level, or if you’re feeling adventurous, these advanced projects might be the right ones for you. Let’s take a look!

21. Star Tracker (Low Cost)

OG star tracker

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Project Creator: OndraGejdos


Main Feature: An affordable star tracker that’s quite user-friendly

Why We Chose This Project

If you like looking into space, this is a great Arduino project, as it uses an equatorial mount to take pictures of the sky at night.

If you’re not 100% sure what that means, no problem!

An equatorial mount is a telescope mount that allows telescopes or cameras to follow the earth’s rotation, ensuring any long exposures come out clearly. 

I also found that this project creator claimed the Star Tracker is easier than putting together Ikea furniture and just about as affordable. What an endorsement!

Despite being an advanced project, the Star Tracker is relatively user-friendly, with all the requirements listed in the GitHub repo.

Be sure to share your photos with us after you build this project!

22. The Gaggiuino Coffee Machine

The Gaggiuino Coffee Machine

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Project Creator: Zer0-bit


Main Feature: A project to improve a highly capable Gaggia coffee machine while keeping its appearance and button functionalities as close to the original as possible

Why We Chose This Project

Do you like coffee? I have a strong suspicion that the answer is yes!

In that case, this is one of the best Arduino projects for you! But you don’t need to be an engineering student to give it an espresso shot (get it?). 

This project uses an Arduino or an STM32 Blackpill to create a “smart coffee” experience, where the end product is an aftermarket mod of many coffeemakers.

There’s even an active community around this mod, which you can find on their Discord server, along with videos from project users.

23. Automated Bean Sprouter

Automated Bean Sprouter

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Project Creator: nico_pretorius


  • A 3D Printer to make all the required components (or use a 3D printing service)
  • Arduino Uno REV3
  • Breadboard
  • Water Pump
  • 5V Digital LCD Module Board (16x2 Characters)
  • 5V Relay Module
  • Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  • Water Pipe
  • Jumper Wires

Main Feature: Automatically waters bean sprouts for you on an hourly basis

Why We Chose This Project

If you like the idea of self-sustainability and growing your own foods, you might be intrigued by this project! What's more, if you love bean sprouts, you have to try it!

The idea here is to build your own automated bean sprouter by using stacked trays, a rotating motor, and a watering system to keep your sprouts hydrated while helping air circulate and keep mold growth at bay. 

This is another super practical project that you can actually use in your daily life, which I really like.

The project page includes all the necessary information, including the component list, schematics, and code.

As an advanced project, it’s not the easiest, but you’ll never need to buy sprouts again!

24. UV Meter and Breathalyzer Keychain

UV Meter & Breathalyzer Keychain - 3D Printed - IoT Blynk

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Project Creator: funelab


  • 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
  • Arduino Uno or FTDI
  • 1 x 128x64 OLED graphic display (0.96”, monochrome)
  • 1 x TP4056 Lithium battery charger 1A
  • 1 x DC-DC 0.9V-5V to 5V step-up module
  • 1 x ESP8266 ESP-1 Wifi module
  • 1 x UVM30A - UV sensor module
  • 1 x Grove Alcohol Sensor
  • 1 x PCB sheet 2"x2"
  • 1 x RGB Leds
  • 3 x 200mA Li-Ion Battery
  • 3 x 2-pin button
  • Electrical wire

Main Feature: An IoT breathalyzer and UV meter keychain

Why We Chose This Project

This is a really interesting Arduino project that uses a UV sensor to create your own alcohol breathalyzer in the form of a keychain.

All you need to create this handy keychain is an Arduino Pro Mini 328 and an Arduino UNO (or FTDI). The keychain itself is powered by three 200mAh Li-ion batteries that you can recharge via the USB charging port.

To finish things off, you will use an OLED screen to display everything you need.

Detailed instructions are provided with this project, including 3D files so you can print the spherical casing yourself (or get it printed by a 3D printing service). 

25. Path Memorizing Robot

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Project Creator: The Electronic Guy


  • 1 x Arduino Uno
  • 1 x IR Receiver
  • 1 x IR Remote
  • 2 x Geared DC Motors
  • 1 x 9V Power Supply
  • 1 x Motor Driver Module
  • 6 x 1.5V AA Batteries
  • Robot chassis
  • Robot wheels
  • Breadboard
  • Wires

Main Feature: This robot car memorizes and repeats its action or path

Why We Chose This Project

I like this project, as it's a classic for electronics students and anyone interested in self-driving cars.

You'll just need to use an Arduino Uno to control a little robotic car designed to navigate through a predefined path before returning to its starting point.

Before you create this path-memorizing robot, you’ll need to build a regular remote-controlled car using an IR receiver and remote.

But this is super easy if you follow the instructions and use all the provided code and schematics.

26. Arduino 3D Wire Bending Machine

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Project Creator: How To Mechatronics


  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 1 x Stepper Motor – NEMA 23
  • 1 x Stepper Motor – NEMA 17
  • DRV8825 Stepper Driver
  • 12V 2A Adapter
  • Power Jack
  • Micro Limit Switch

Main Feature: This is a cool little project that allows you to bend your wires, creating 3D designs automatically

Why We Chose This Project

I think this is a cool project if you like to be creative with industrial materials.

The idea here is to create an Arduino-based wire-bending machine that you can use to bend wires into all sorts of 3D designs.

You'll use an Arduino to control the motor and wire feeder movements, while a 3D-printed jig allows the machine to bend the wire into your desired shapes.

I also like that you can bend wire of varying shapes and diameters and adjust the radius and bending angle. 

This project itself involves mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering all in one, making it a fantastic choice for engineering students or professionals.

27. Camera Slider

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Key Information

Project Creator: Mr Innovative


  • 1 x Arduino Nano
  • 2 x Nema 17 Stepper Motor
  • 1 x Rotary Encoder 
  • 2 x A4988 Stepper Driver
  • 1 x 0.96" OLED Display
  • 2 x Aluminum Profile 500mm 20x20
  • 1 Meter Timing Belt 
  • 1 x Timing Pulley
  • 1 x DSLR Mount
  • 1 x Dummy Pulley
  • Hardware and Wood


For more information, see this video.

Main Feature: This DIY camera slider is a fantastic way to get cinematic video shots without spending tons of money

Why We Chose This Project

Here, we have another cool Arduino project for photography enthusiasts.

In fact, if you've ever wanted to create cinematic shots with your camera, you might have considered a camera slider. Well, this is the project for you!

The plan here is to create a motorized slider for your camera that will allow you to achieve smooth movements and get cinematic shots.

You’ll need aluminum, a timing belt, and stepper motors, along with an Arduino to move the camera. You also need a rotary encoder that allows you to move the slider back and forth.

You can use practically any camera you want in this rig, as long as it can attach to the DSLR mount!

28. Self-Parking Car with Ultrasonic Sensor

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Key Information

Project Creator: Nevon Projects


Main Feature: An Arduino-powered car that parks itself in vacant spots

Why We Chose This Project

Maybe you fancy yourself as the next competitor to Elon Musk’s Tesla?

Or maybe you just think self-parking cars sound cool?

Either way, I think this is a really fun build that allows you to create an advanced self-parking car via path-finding algorithms.

All you need to dois order the full kit, and you’ll be ready to get building!

29. LED Cube

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Key Information

Project Creator: Tapendra Mandal


  • 512 x Blue LED 5mm, or Blue Diffused LED 3mm
  • 74HC595 
  • Tinted Copper Wire
  • Prototyping board
  • BD241 Transistor


To learn more about the full components list, watch this video.

Main Feature: A cube made of 512 LED lights that users can program cool lighting effects and patterns into

Why We Chose This Project

We're getting close to the end of our list, and I thought it would be fun to include something cool to look at!

With this LED Cube project, you can build a complex LED cube with 512 LED lights, and this can be programmed to show cool lighting patterns and all sorts of effects.

I also really appreciate that the creator documents the building process in a YouTube video, making it easy for you to follow along. 

Schematics and code are all provided, so all you need to do is gather the components, and you’re ready to build!

30. Magnet Plant Levitation System

Arduino Air Bonsai Levitation

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Key Information

Project Creator: funelab


  • Tools
  • 1 x LM324N
  • 4 x Levitation Coil
  • 2 x SS495a Hall Sensor
  • 1 x 12V 2A DC adapter
  • 1 x DC Power Jack
  • 8 x Ring Magnet D15*4MM
  • 4 x Ring Magnet D15*3MM
  • 1 x L298N Module
  • 1 x Arduino Pro Mini
  • 1 x 14-Pins Socket
  • 2 x Magnet D35*5MM
  • 2 x 5.6K Ohm Resistor
  • 2 x 47K Ohm Resistor
  • 2 x 180K Ohm Resistor
  • 2 x 10K Ohm Potentiometer
  • 1 x A5-size Acrylic Sheet
  • 1 x Wooden Pot
  • 1 x PCB Breadboard
  • 8 x 3MM Screw
  • Wire
  • Your mini plant of choice such as a succulent, mini bonsai, etc.

Main Feature: A plant pot that allows you to levitate your mini plant using electromagnetic fields

Why We Chose This Project

Here we are, the final Arduino project on my list!

And what a way to wrap things up, but with a super cool Arduino project that suspends a plant in mid-air by using the power of electromagnetic fields.

It honestly feels like science fiction, but nope, this really works! Just follow the tutorial, as it offers a detailed guide, including the STL files for the 3D-printed components.

I know the list of components required for this project is long, but I really think the end result is totally worth it to build a plant levitator!

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, the 30 best Arduino projects in 2024, including a range of Arduino projects for beginners, improvers, and seasoned pros. 

To help you build your skills, each of the Arduino projects I’ve covered was designed to be more challenging as you make your way through the list. 

The idea here is to help you level up your Arduino skills in a natural way while also building fun Arduino projects to build your interest.

So whether you’re starting out in microelectronics or keen to pursue a career in embedded systems, each of the Arduino projects I’ve shared is ideal for doing just that!

Whichever Arduino project you choose to build, I hope you have fun, and I wish you the best of luck!

Want to get more involved with building Arduino projects but don't know C++? Check out

Udemy's Beginning C++ Programming Course For Beginners


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Can Be Made With An Arduino?

An Arduino can be used to create a wide range of DIY electronics projects, from simple home automation systems to complex robotics. I've included 30 different examples of Arduino projects to show a range of use cases for building with an Arduino.

2. Where Is Arduino Used In Real Life?

Arduinos are used in a range of real-life applications, such as home automation, environmental monitoring, medical devices, and educational tools. They're also commonly used for IoT devices in industrial applications.


1. Adobe Creative Cloud. Discover Zoetrope Animation [Internet]. Adobe; [date unknown; cited 2024 Jan 15]. Available from:

By Robert Johns

Technical Editor for | 15+ Years in Python, Java, SQL, C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, .NET, MATLAB, HTML & CSS, and more... 10+ Years in Networking, Cloud, APIs, Linux | 5+ Years in Data Science | 2x PhDs in Structural & Blast Engineering

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Manish Bhattacharya

what about the circuit diagrams?

2 years ago