Full Stack Developer Roadmap

You will learn how to handle both the client and server side of an application and deliver end to end products.

Familiarity with JS, HTML and CSS is preferred, but not required.

What you'll learn


Full stack development is on the rise because it eliminates the need of hiring and managing teams that involve a front end developer, a backend developer, and operations. It is especially popular among small scale companies that want to prototype and test a product without committing a lot of resources to it. Fullstack developers are also sought after in lead roles where knowledge of how the whole product fits together and operates is crucial.

It is no doubt a role that involves a lot of responsibilities. The required skills and expertise can only be amassed over time. However, we believe that this roadmap will help you get started on your journey and motivate you to explore new areas.

How to follow this roadmap?

1. HTML and CSS

HTML and CSS are the basic building blocks of any web application. If you already have some experience with web development, you may skip this section.

2. Modern JavaScript

Within the Hackr community, we discuss dozens of JavaScript tutorials. Community feedback tends to favor courses that focus on real-world projects and applications. So, that's what we recommend for those getting started.

Introduction to JavaScript | FreeCodeCamp

16.7k+ views learn.freecodecamp.org
169 Visit
Free Beginner Exercises/Practice-programs

The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: Build Real Projects

42.6k+ views udemy.com
376 Visit
Paid Video Beginner Exercises/Practice-programs Promoted

3. Webpack and React

Webpack is a module bundler that will manage your JS and CSS files for you. It is not a requirement, so you can jump into React straightaway. However, our experience shows there's a benefit to using a bundler in production applications.

Webpack Official Documentation

5.8k+ views webpack.js.org
8 Visit
Free Beginner

React Crash Course 2018 - React Tutorial with Examples

41.6k+ views youtube.com
213 Visit
Free Video Beginner

Webpack 2: The Complete Developer's Guide

5k+ views udemy.com
3 Visit
Paid Video Webpack 2 Promoted

4. Node.js and Express

Express.js is a framework makes development with Node.js simpler. Some students in our community prefer to learn Node.js first before focusing on Express.js.

Express/Node Introduction

6.1k+ views developer.mozilla.org
2 Visit
Free Beginner

The Complete Node.js Developer Course

40.3k+ views udemy.com
95 Visit
Paid Video Beginner Node.js 9 Promoted

5. MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that integrates really well with Node.js. The community chose a few popular resources for those who want to get started.
Paid Video Beginner Promoted

The Little MongoDB Book

9.8k+ views openmymind.net
18 Visit

6. Version Control

Learning Git at this point is optional, but we highly recommend using it in production as well as development so you can maintain history your code and restore anytime. Here are a few tutorials and resources to help you get started. Our experience shows these are popular with novices.

Git Guru Guide by Atlassian

9.6k+ views atlassian.com
21 Visit

7. AWS

Deploying on AWS is also optional. However, we recommend getting familiar with at least one cloud provider if you want to get into the operations part. Alternatively, you can use PaaS providers such as Heroku. Our community research shows Udacity and Coursera as popular resources. You can also check out the official documentation.

AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native

8.3k+ views coursera.pxf.io
16 Visit
Free Video Beginner

Amazon EC2 - AWS Documentation

10.2k+ views docs.aws.amazon.com
31 Visit
Free EC2