Android App Developer Roadmap

You will learn how to develop applications for the Android platform.

Some knowledge of object-oriented programming will be helpful, but not required.

What you'll learn


Android is one of the most widely used mobile platforms today with over 2 billion monthly active users and millions of apps on the Play Store. Android accounts for over 85% of the total mobile traffic on websites.

As an Android developer, you will have a chance to cater to this huge audience by creating mobile apps/games. You can work as an indie developer and publish your own apps or work for one of the existing publishers. There is no shortage of opportunities!

How to follow this roadmap?

  1. If you want to take one course that teaches you everything you need to publish your first app, skip to the ‘All In One’ section.

  2. Start with learning Java. Most projects and tutorials you will find on the web will be using Java.

  3. You can choose to learn Kotlin or skip this section. Kotlin is interoperable with Java, so it won’t hurt to experiment with it. Check out ‘Java vs Kotlin’ to see the advantages of Kotlin. Note: Kotlin became the official language for Android in 2017.

  4. Now that you know the language, you can start with Android development. Both tutorials in ‘Android Development’ section require familiarity with Java. Post completion, you can check out some open source apps and try to implement on your own.

  5. If you are using Android Studio as your development environment, you can refer the ‘Android Studio’ section in case you get stuck or want to explore.

  6. ‘Material Design’ section is optional. You can come back to this section once you are comfortable writing apps or skip it entirely.

1. Java Programming Language

Ready to get started? The Android developers at Hackr recommend starting with Java. Our community curated the following resources to help others get started. We found books, YouTube videos, and courses on the subject. Find one that suits your learning style to learn the language.

Head First Java

28.8k+ views amazon
199 Visit
Book Paid

Java Video Tutorial by Derek Banas

31.4k+ views
234 Visit
Free Video

Become a Java Web Developer

10.1k+ views
190 Visit
Paid Video Beginner Java Spring Framework Promoted

Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers

48.8k+ views
219 Visit
Paid Video Java 11 Popular

2. Kotlin Programming Language

Kotlin docs are neatly organized and a useful resource for beginners, but our community recognizes that many learners prefer practical applications as a way to quickly pick up new skills. In that case, check out a BootCamp or course on the subject. The Android developers at Hackr recommend the following resources.

Kotlin Tutorial (official docs)

11.6k+ views
24 Visit
Free Beginner

3. Android Development

More general Android development courses will give you a deeper dive into platform-specific applications. Our community found a bunch of robust tutorials worth checking out. We love to see resources from Stanford, Google, and Android listed here. Check them out to find which will best serve your style of learning.

Android App Development by Stanford

66.2k+ views
525 Visit
Free Video

Android Development for Beginners

16.7k+ views
161 Visit
Free Video Beginner

The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course - Build 23 Apps

13.7k+ views
9 Visit
Paid Video Beginner Exercises/Practice-programs Android O

4. Marketing Your App

If you're familiar with the American classic Field of Dreams, you'll know the expression, "If you build it, they will come." Unfortunately, that's not the case for mobile apps. Build it, then market it. Then, they'll come. Here are a few of our favorite resources on digital marketing to get you started.

Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate

8.1k+ views
+1 Visit
Paid Video Beginner

Social Media Marketing Specialization from Northwestern

8.1k+ views
+1 Visit
Paid Video Beginner