Abhimanyu Krishnan | 29 Dec, 2022

5 Best Dogecoin Wallets to Store DOGE in 2024

By this point, everyone has heard of cryptocurrencies — at least bitcoin and Ethereum. Some of you might have even heard of Dogecoin, the popular “meme coin” that has a Shiba Inu as a mascot. It has seen many ups and downs in the market, and the fact that prominent individuals like Elon Musk have supported it has just made it more of a household name.

In order to hold DOGE, you’ll need a cryptocurrency wallet. Specifically, you’ll need a crypto wallet that supports Dogecoin. 

Here, we list the best Dogecoin wallets in 2024. You’ll also learn a little about the various kidneys of wallets and how to securely store your DOGE.

To start off, we’ve provided a quick list of the best Dogecoin wallets available right now. 

Top Dogecoin Wallets Summary

  1. Ledger hardware wallets
  2. Trezor hardware wallets
  3. Trust Wallet
  4. Exodus 
  5. Atomic Wallet

What is Dogecoin?

Dogecoin is a meme coin, first and foremost. It has little utility — for example, bitcoin is considered a store of value, and ether is the central currency behind the gold mine that is Decentralized Finance (DeFi) — which is one of the more important blockchain applications. Dogecoin has no purpose like this, it was created as a joke and exists as a joke.

However, that’s not to say that cryptocurrency does not have some purpose in the market — after all, about $17.4 billion exists in the market. Investors have mostly flocked to it for the joke of it, to participate in the hype, and some for the hope of a hefty windfall. 

Regardless of whether it has utility, people still purchase DOGE and want to store it. As with all other cryptocurrencies, you’ll need to keep your DOGE in a cryptocurrency wallet.

What are Dogecoin Wallets?

If you have DOGE or any cryptocurrency for that matter, you’ll want to store it safely. In order to do this, you’ll need a crypto wallet. This is essentially a bank account, though you can create it immediately and won’t have to go through a verification process. These are also often integrated into various services. 

Since Dogecoin is an Ethereum-based token, i.e. an ERC-20 token, DOGE is stored in any Ethereum-compatible wallet. These are some of the most popular wallets on the market, so there’s certainly no shortage when it comes to storing your tokens. 

Dogecoin has also been around for a long time, so it’s supported by major wallets and exchanges. However, one important point to note is that there are different kinds of crypto wallets, and you’ll want to choose the right one based on your particular needs. 

Types of Dogecoin Wallets

While there are many kinds of classifications of crypto wallets, on the whole, they are classified into hardware and software wallets. There are important distinctions between these that you will want to note. Your choice will depend on how you want to use your DOGE.

1. Hardware wallets

Hardware wallets are undoubtedly the most secure way to store your DOGE or any cryptocurrency for that matter. This is because they have physical buttons you need to press in order to authenticate a transaction. Unlike a software wallet, where a bad actor may be able to compromise the wallet and authenticate transactions remotely, a hardware wallet requires access to the actual device. 

Hardware wallets also require knowledge of a pin to start the device. They usually have additional steps, like a password to access desktop software, to make the device even more secure. You have full custody of your funds, which is why it is so secure.

When looking for a hardware wallet, you want to focus on what is easy to use and integrates well with applications. Fortunately, the market’s major hardware wallet manufacturers cater to these needs. If you’re a beginner in the crypto market, all you will likely need are the base hardware wallet models, which should be more than enough for your purposes.


  • The safest way to store assets
  • Good for long-term storage


  • Can be expensive
  • Beginners may find it hard to use
  • Not good for everyday transactions

2. Software wallets

Cryptocurrency software wallets come in many kinds — desktop, exchange, mobile and web. While these are convenient and allow for easy trading of assets, they are not secure as you do not have custody of your funds. That’s not to say there aren’t software wallets that are non-custodial, but for the most part, they aren’t. 

If you are subject to a phishing attempt or some other means of attack, then there is a chance that your wallet could be compromised. If the exchange itself is compromised, then you risk losing funds through no fault of your own.


  • Good for everyday transactions
  • Allows you to manage more currencies
  • Easy for beginners


  • Susceptible to hacks, scams, and phishing attacks
  • It is a custodial wallet so you don’t have full control

How to Securely Store DOGE

Make no mistake, you can’t use or have DOGE without a crypto wallet. However, holding it is one thing and safely storing it is another. As we mentioned, hardware wallets are a lot safer than software wallets.

If you want to store your assets as safely as possible, you’ll want to send your DOGE into a hardware wallet. Besides that, remember to keep your private keys safe and recovery phrases safe. If you lose your private keys, you’ll need the recovery phrase to recover access to your wallet. If you lose your recovery phrase, you’ll lose access for good.

The Best Dogecoin Wallets

The following list of the top dogecoin wallets is split into two sections: hardware wallets and software wallets. You’re free to choose from either, but remember that hardware wallets are more secure than software wallets, though less convenient.

Best Dogecoin Hardware Wallets

1. Ledger

The most popular cryptocurrency hardware wallet by a good margin, Ledger is an extremely well-known hardware wallet manufacturer that offers many different models. The wallets are known to be secure and the Ledger team has a history of acting quickly on vulnerabilities or incidents. 

One of Ledger’s most popular hardware wallets is the Ledger Nano S, a compact and efficient hardware wallet that sells at an affordable price of $59. The Ledger Nano X, the Nano S’ elder sibling, is twice the price at $119 but offers a few extra features. This includes mobile compatibility and a larger screen. 

But in terms of security, both devices are the same. Ledger hardware wallets are popular for their ease of use and sleek design, and the fact that they are compatible with dozens of apps.

See More Here.

2. Trezor

Trezor is the other big name in the crypto hardware wallet market. It’s a direct competitor to Ledger and offers many of the same features. The major difference between the two is that Trezor hardware wallets allow you to hide your identity with CoinJoin — but this is a use case that most won’t consider.

The two major Trezor wallets are the Trezor Model T and Trezor Model One. The Model One is a beginner-friendly hardware wallet that costs $57, while the Model T is the more advanced version that costs $181. The advantages of the Model T are that it supports more coins and has a larger touchscreen.

See More Here.

Best Dogecoin Software Wallets

3. Trust Wallet

One of the most convenient software wallet options for storing DOGE is Trust Wallet. This is a free-to-download wallet that can be used with decentralized applications, and it supports many assets. DOGE is one of them, and if you want to use the token for trading and other purposes, then Trust Wallet is a decent choice. 

Trust Wallet is available as a browser extension and on both Android and iOS. The wallet has been around for a while, so you don’t have to worry about security issues. However, remember that software wallets are inherently less secure than hardware wallets.

See More Here.

4. Exodus

Exodus is a well-known desktop wallet that is free. This software allows you to trade directly through its platform and it supports many currencies. Exodus is also available as a mobile app and browser extension. It also integrates with the Trezor wallet and that makes it easy to move funds between software and hardware wallets if you’ve got one.

Exodus is a good choice if you plan to do a lot of trading/swapping with your DOGE. It also offers features like NFT storage and staking. If you’re a beginner, you can just hold the assets in the wallet and ignore other features (though long-term storage is best done on hardware wallets.)

See More Here.

5. Atomic

The Atomic Wallet is similar to Exodus in that it offers hundreds of cryptocurrencies, and is available on both desktop and mobile devices. You can also earn passive income on 11 cryptocurrencies by just holding the assets in your wallet. It’s quite easy to buy crypto using Atomic and is suitable if you want to make swaps for other tokens with your DOGE.

However, you will not be able to use a hardware wallet with this if you have one. It also charges quite high for credit card purchases, so it may not be wise to use Atomic to buy crypto. On the plus side, this is a wallet that beginners will find very easy to use.

See More Here.

Exchange Wallets 

Exchange wallets may be a bit controversial to consider as the best wallet for Dogecoin, but there’s a good reason. Whether it’s Binance, Crypto.com, or Coinbase. Storing your DOGE on exchanges is by no means the safest method, but it does offer some other benefits. 

Many exchanges come with staking or other passive income benefits when you hold crypto on the platform. It also makes trading and other activities easier, as you don’t have to transfer funds from a hardware wallet or somewhere else.

The downside is that you do not have full control over your funds, with the assets being stored with the exchange. This means if there is a security incident, and these have happened in the past, you could lose your funds. These days, exchanges have more strict security procedures and often reimburse victims, but the risk remains.


Now you know what the best hardware and software cryptocurrency wallets for Dogecoin are. These are some of the best Dogecoin wallets in the market, so once you’ve created the wallet and transferred your Doge, you should be good to go. Don’t forget to follow the best practices to ensure that your funds are safe. 

If you want to learn more about Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies, check out our guides on various aspects of the crypto market, including blockchain and crypto tutorials

If you want to learn how to build your blockchain and the fundamentals, check out our step-by-step guide on blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving, so stay up to date by taking up the best blockchain courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where should I store Dogecoin?

You should store your DOGE in any compatible cryptocurrency wallet. You could either choose a software wallet or a hardware wallet. The latter is more secure and better for long-term storage.

2. Do I need a wallet for Dogecoin?

Yes, you will need a wallet for Dogecoin or any other cryptocurrency. There are different wallets to choose from, so take a look at those we have mentioned above.

3. How to find a Dogecoin wallet address?

To find your own Dogecoin wallet address, your wallet should tell you what it is when you click on a ‘receive’ option. To find any Dogecoin holder’s wallet address, use a blockchain explorer. 

4. How to recover a Dogecoin wallet?

You should be careful not to lose the private keys to your wallet. If you do, you should have a recovery phrase to restore your wallet. Do not list this phrase either.

5. How to check the Dogecoin wallet balance?

Your wallet should tell your DOGE holdings once you have authenticated yourself. Head over to your portfolio or assets tab to see your balance.

6. Do all cryptocurrency wallets support Dogecoin?

Most cryptocurrency wallets support Dogecoin. It’s one of the most popular cryptocurrencies so it is supported on any Ethereum-compatible wallet.

By Abhimanyu Krishnan

With a bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Abhi has experience with several programming languages, including Python, JavaScript and C++. He is also an expert on blockchain technology and its development, having worked in the industry for several years.

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